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Premier Doug Ford's Ontario

Drive Clean for passenger cars is cancelled.

New program to focus on commercial transport vehicles.

This is actually a good announcement as independent studies have shown that there was next to no benefit from the program focused on passenger cars.

Commercial vehicles are the larger polluters by far.

Once in a while, he gets something right.
Ontario won’t set limit on number of private marijuana stores
The sky’s the limit for private pot shops in Ontario, and recreational tokers will be able to fire up wherever it’s legal to puff on cigarettes under new legislation being introduced by Doug Ford’s Progressive Conservative government.

There will be no ceiling on the number of stores allowed to get provincial licences if their applications make the grade, Attorney General Caroline Mulroney and Finance Minister Vic Fedeli said Wednesday.
However, the government reserves the right to set “concentration limits” on the number of individual store licences that larger retailers will be allowed to collect, limiting their market share.

In other changes, licensed marijuana producers will be eligible for licences to sell from their high-security greenhouses, much like craft breweries sell take-home bottles of beer.

Doug Ford says he’ll talk about loosening law on public drinking
Fresh from liberalizing the public use of cannabis, Premier Doug Ford says it may be time to loosen restrictions on drinking alcohol in public.
But, but, but... Mike Harris created Drive Clean in 1999. See link. Does this mean that Doug Ford's mentor, Mike Harris, was in error? Oh, the horrors!!


Or that in 2018 the Drive Clean test had no purpose as the test does not even measure pollution and is based on your car computer system that can be easily manipulated to cheat the test and that a car made in 1999 and 2018 is radically different.

As I said, Ford is an idiot but stuff like this regardless of who is in charge is a long overdue. Some changes such as the liberalization of liquor and pot laws would be a very welcoming change and hopefully, it will convince future progressive provincial leaders to shake off these tendencies to continue to support and expand these outdated laws that frankly treats the people of this province like a bunch of kids.
Looks like Dougie has been having some interesting meetings.

Perhaps if those meddlesome municipal politicians get in his way he'll just eliminate them.

As an aside, one quibble I have with the article is, down near the bottom, it talks of Ford's desire to increase natural gas "development". To many, that implies extraction (which Ontario has virtually no capacity to do). He is talking about expanding distribution. Natural gas availability in rural and northern Ontario is woefully inadequate. Most residents are restricted to oil, propane or electricity for domestic heating. Propane and oil prices are market-driven and reliable high-efficiency oil furnaces have proven elusive, and until such time as electricity rates could even approach those of Quebec or Manitoba (about 1/2), heating with electricity is the most expensive option.
This is surprisingly the best marijuana policy in the entire country. I am impressed.

No nonsense, fair, encourages competition and small scale entrepreneurism - nice.

It IS! They did something right. Wow.

Now we just need the rest of the plants to be "legalised" and then the rest of any chemical compound for personal consumption and we'll have a sane drugs policy in the land.
In our life times! ......maybe.....if someone who can think logically ever attains power.
Didn't say it was bad, raised in Europe, I have enjoyed being able to enjoy a picnic with a glass of wine. Seems like Tory is playing from the same book as Ford, avoiding debates and trying to win with liquor :)

Not really. This is nothing like the buck-a-beer joke. This is actually logical drugs policy, which buck-a-beer is not.

Not at all the same thing. I might vote for Tory for this single thing. Call me simple, but my life's goal is the implementation of logical drugs policy and this is a step in the right direction.
As my Millwall brothers would say: No one likes us, we don't care. :)

First I'm glad to see your still with us, after your latest posting holiday! :) know all to well you are appreciated..........just the toned down version in front of the little ones, LOL
First I'm glad to see your still with us, after your latest posting holiday! :)

Yeah, hi! :)

(and so sorry to the haters) know all to well you are appreciated..........just the toned down version in front of the little ones, LOL

No, some of us aren't appreciated by just about anyone, including fellow supporters. Innebriatti have been banned by management because of the Ottawa "incident" and were left to hang by some fellow supporters who are more interested in kissing arse than standing up for their fellow supporters , for example.

Sort niece and nephew are coming with to matches once they're 4 or 5. I pre-emptively take full responsibility for what they learn there. ;)
Perhaps if those meddlesome municipal politicians get in his way he'll just eliminate them.

As an aside, one quibble I have with the article is, down near the bottom, it talks of Ford's desire to increase natural gas "development". To many, that implies extraction (which Ontario has virtually no capacity to do). He is talking about expanding distribution. Natural gas availability in rural and northern Ontario is woefully inadequate. Most residents are restricted to oil, propane or electricity for domestic heating. Propane and oil prices are market-driven and reliable high-efficiency oil furnaces have proven elusive, and until such time as electricity rates could even approach those of Quebec or Manitoba (about 1/2), heating with electricity is the most expensive option.
When you say northern Ontario, can you be more specific? I lived in Northern Ontario for too many years, and everyone I knew had gas. That was NE Ontario, north of North Bay. However, my family near Haliburton doesn't have access.
