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Premier Doug Ford's Ontario

The various spending reviews/audits are all in the governments hands and have been a few days anyway.

Finance Minister Fedeli will be discussing the results at a speech on Friday.
If Rob Ford wasn't enough of a reason not to vote for Doug then think about the fact that...

Bob Rae was premier between 1990-1995 while Mike Harris was premier from 1995-2002. If we cant trust the NDP because of Bob (28 years ago), why should we trust the PCs who had Mike(23 years ago)?!?!?!?!?
My distrust for the NDP stems from what the progressive movement has evolved to in recent years. The NDP seem eager to double-down on everything I disliked about the Liberals.

If they stuck to representing the working class, then I would have been willing to overlook Rae after 28 years. Hell, I was considering Brown/Elliot/Mulroney 23 years after Harris.

Of course, all options would have been better than Ford. But that isn't saying much. I would rather have no government than Ford government.
My distrust for the NDP stems from what the progressive movement has evolved to in recent years. The NDP seem eager to double-down on everything I disliked about the Liberals.

I think this is a huge reason- that progressiveness has changed in its definition since the 1970-80s, from a largely working class movement to a postmodernist movement of diversity for diversity's sake, one that has been largely coopted by cultural socialists (read Trudeau's statement of Canada as a post-national state).

Herein lies the problem- this has led to a subdivision of the left into a thousand boutique movements, some of which clash against each other, undermining the creation of a unified voice in the process. More critically, this has also led to the gradual splintering of society into constituent tribes (especially with the rise of multiculturalism and its natural cultural divisions)- and has left Classical Liberals (who might be normally sympathetic to leftist positions) and the working class population (who are more concerned about quality of life) marooned in the middle, or drifting towards the right. This is how the right is replenishing itself, despite losing nearly every single cultural battle in the last 50 years.

This has ultimately resulted in a muddled voice that's easily distracted by low-hanging victories that corporate liberalism is willing to throw to the crowd to appease them, while the bigger, harder-to-achieve fruits remain untouched. One microcosm of this effect is the saga of Occupy Wall Street, and how it failed, for anyone willing to read into the evolution and history of that movement.

Interestingly, in Denmark of all places, the Social Democratic party has essentially realigned itself away from Internationalist leftist movement to a more protectionist, assimilationist position.
The Social Democrats formulate opposition to immigration as an integral left-wing position, necessary to protect the party’s traditional working-class voter base from immigrants who would compete for their jobs and send their children into their schools.

Tesfaye defends the ghetto plan, for example, as necessary to defend the welfare state, arguing that people can be asked to pay up to 53 percent in income tax for health, education and a safety net only if they feel part of a common unit with their fellow citizens.

This last statement can also partially explain the rise of an opposition to higher taxes- in that people feel that their sense of community has been eroding, and bunker down into a got-mine-screw-you position.
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The NDP are no longer a party that has the interest of the working class. Both my parents were factory workers. i remember going to NDP events as a kid, the entire factory would show up to support the local candidate. I bet you now a days, most working class folks, in those industries like construction, manufacturing.etc... are now Conservative Doug Ford supporters. As Trump said in a campaign speech. "I love the poorly educated," Yeah they're easier to dupe.
The NDP are no longer a party that has the interest of the working class. Both my parents were factory workers. i remember going to NDP events as a kid, the entire factory would show up to support the local candidate. I bet you now a days, most working class folks, in those industries like construction, manufacturing.etc... are now Conservative Doug Ford supporters. As Trump said in a campaign speech. "I love the poorly educated," Yeah they're easier to dupe.

I'm not sure that's an entirely fair statement.

Recent NDP platforms both federally and provincially have featured variations of universal pharmacare, universal dental care, significantly expanded subsidized childcare, higher minimum wages, more paid vacation and more paid sick days.

That sounds pretty damned sympathetic to those workers who have it toughest.

In both cases (Federal and Provincial) the suggestion was to fund this with corporate tax hikes.

I'm not exactly clear on how they could do more.

Now, if you made the case that they have done a poor communication job, that their language is often aimed at the highly educated with messaging that is cluttered I could certainly get behind that.

I would also agree if you said that some of the 'inclusion' agenda actually alienates certain members of the working class. Which doesn't, in general mean the party or we as a society should shift away from that, however,
it does bring to the fore a discussion about how that agenda is communicated.

The party also needs to be wise to the fact that for the above reasons, it can come across as patronizing or condescending to certain people. That may or may not be fair, but its important to know when trying to craft a plan
that brings you to government so that you can actually deliver on your promises/objectives.
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The NDP are no longer a party that has the interest of the working class. Both my parents were factory workers. i remember going to NDP events as a kid, the entire factory would show up to support the local candidate. I bet you now a days, most working class folks, in those industries like construction, manufacturing.etc... are now Conservative Doug Ford supporters. As Trump said in a campaign speech. "I love the poorly educated," Yeah they're easier to dupe.

Nice touch of attributing quote Trump to Ford . You must be a writer.
The NDP are no longer a party that has the interest of the working class. Both my parents were factory workers. i remember going to NDP events as a kid, the entire factory would show up to support the local candidate. I bet you now a days, most working class folks, in those industries like construction, manufacturing.etc... are now Conservative Doug Ford supporters. As Trump said in a campaign speech. "I love the poorly educated," Yeah they're easier to dupe.

If you look at all the tripe Sun newspapers strewn about construction sites, for just one example, it's not hard to understand the success of the cons.
So I guess it happened, right?



I get this image like during the ending of Infinity Wars with Thanos Looking into the Sunset and Doug Is like "for you Rob, We got the final laugh"

As silly as that sounds, I can somewhat understand that is a reasoning regardless of how flawed that is for why Doug has such a hardon for reducing city council then whatever excuse he uses.
