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PM Justin Trudeau's Canada

I'm not sure how you ascribe the Huawei 'incident' to Freeland, unless you are trying to tie it to her role as Deputy PM, in which case you might as well send your blame right to the top. Intergovernmental Affairs mandate is internal (federal-provincial/territorial).

One of her previous posts was as the Minister of Foreign Affairs.
I was wrong. Apparently they did need Freeland already.

So much for Trudeau as the feminist leader. He may actually be more sexist than the old boys club. Why? Gets women to do all the hard jobs and take the fall while retaining power and avoiding responsibility.

As to the comment about Freeland being passive, don’t let stereotypical definitions of strength fool us. Freeland is a beast. Like crying during EU trade negotiations? That’s not weakness that’s rock solid negotiating. Freeland is a rock.
I was wrong. Apparently they did need Freeland already.

So much for Trudeau as the feminist leader. He may actually be more sexist than the old boys club. Why? Gets women to do all the hard jobs and take the fall while retaining power and avoiding responsibility.

As to the comment about Freeland being passive, don’t let stereotypical definitions of strength fool us. Freeland is a beast. Like crying during EU trade negotiations? That’s not weakness that’s rock solid negotiating. Freeland is a rock.

Freeland has a career path. She has some very powerful friends within and outside of government.

This is not her last step up the ladder.

She's capable; but that isn't really what this move is about......
Gets women to do all the hard jobs and take the fall while retaining power and avoiding responsibility.
Yep, it's the same glass cliff Kim Campbell was tossed over.
That's if this little boondoggle does not result in an election first.
Yep, we might be shod of Freeland by the end of 2021.
I disagree, she was not great at foreign affairs (or trade). We got roasted on NAFTA, headlined an event needlessly criticizing Trump, and unnecessarily pissed off China by doing Trump’s bidding by seizing and now holding Huawei‘s CFO, whilst leaving the two Michaels to rot in Chinese prisons. The best thing is she doesn’t seem to last long in any portfolio (she’s headed five ministries since 2015), so we can expect Freeland to be bounced from Finance sometime in 2021.

Is this an alternate reality?
I'm not sure how you ascribe the Huawei 'incident' to Freeland...
Then get sure. On December 1, 2018 Meng Wanzhou was seized by the RCMP on Ottawa's orders. Freeland was Minister of Foreign Affairs from 2017–2019.

Treaty on Extradition Between the Government of Canada and the Government of the United States of America
Article 9 - The request for extradition shall be made through the diplomatic channel.

The extradition request came to Freeland, and her office would have approved it and sent it to the RCMP for execution upon Meng's arrival in Vancouver. Of course (one hopes) all final decisions of this magnitude are signed off by the PM, but judging by how seemingly unprepared Trudeau appeared after the arrest I have to wonder if Freeland understood and sufficiently warned the PM of the likely reaction in China and the total lack of gratitude or support Canada would get from the Trump administration. In short, I hope Freeland told Trudeau that we're doing the thankless task of Trump (who at the time was complaining about Canada and hindering our exports to the US) and doing significant damage to Canada's China relationship. The failure here isn't Freeland's alone, it's a Trudeau-Freeland screw-up.

I can tell you what PM Chrétien and his Foreign Affairs Minister John Manley would have done; a call would have been made to China to ensure Meng missed her flight and stayed in China indefinitely. If after the arrest, PM Harper and his Minister John Baird would have employed their more positive or pragmatic relations with the Trump administration to ensure Meng was quickly sent home in exchange for the two kidnapped Michaels. Freeland was not up to the task here, nor was her boss.

Is there any hope that Trudeau and his new Foreign Affairs Minister Champagne can extricate the Michaels and resolve this issue before the end of 2020, two years since Meng was arrested? I have my doubts. Here's what's going to happen instead..... Trump loses in Nov, Biden becomes POTUS in Jan 2021, and begins rebuilding relations to China, quickly agreeing with Beijing's request to drop the extradition request. Meanwhile, Biden kicks Canada by canceling transborder pipelines and pushing Made in America across the board. So Freeland's move to seize Meng and cause all these issues was for nothing.
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In addition to resigning his cabinet position, Morneau is also resigning his seat in Toronto Centre.

That means two by-elections in Toronto: Toronto Centre and York Centre.
In addition to resigning his cabinet position, Morneau is also resigning his seat in Toronto Centre.

That means two by-elections in Toronto: Toronto Centre and York Centre.
Even at the height of CPC popularity in Canada the Liberals could run a mannequin here in Toronto Centre and they’d win hands down. With the CPC and NDP now in shambles, the Libs could run a reincarnated Joseph Goebbels and still handily win the riding. As far as the Liberal party is concerned, my riding is one of the sheepiest of them all.
Even at the height of CPC popularity in Canada the Liberals could run a mannequin here in Toronto Centre and they’d win hands down. With the CPC and NDP now in shambles, the Libs could run a reincarnated Joseph Goebbels and still handily win the riding. As far as the Liberal party is concerned, my riding is one of the sheepiest of them all.
Even a cardboard cutout of John Turner made from old pizza boxes would consistently win Toronto Centre. Turner had the shortest stay in office among any Liberal Canadian prime minister.

Update: This suggestion is in bad taste since he died on September 18, 2020. I recant this suggestion.
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Even at the height of CPC popularity in Canada the Liberals could run a mannequin here in Toronto Centre and they’d win hands down. With the CPC and NDP now in shambles, the Libs could run a reincarnated Joseph Goebbels and still handily win the riding. As far as the Liberal party is concerned, my riding is one of the sheepiest of them all.

That does not mean they are a sure thing. In my riding of Scarborough Southwest the liberals had the riding for decades until Michele SImson went AWOL and Jack went skyrocketing through the polls. It went NDP after almost 40 years.
Of course (one hopes) all final decisions of this magnitude are signed off by the PM, but judging by how seemingly unprepared Trudeau appeared after the arrest I have to wonder if Freeland understood and sufficiently warned the PM of the likely reaction in China and the total lack of gratitude or support Canada would get from the Trump administration.


"The appropriate authorities took the decisions in this case without any political involvement or interference ... we were advised by them with a few days' notice that this was in the works," Prime Minister Justin Trudeau told reporters in Montreal Thursday.

Also, to my understanding; Justice has the final say on any arrest, not Foreign/Global Affairs.

Certainly, its Justice who issues an Authority to Proceed and did in this case.

However, a provisional arrest was made first, before the Authority was issued.

Which is permissible under the Treaty (whether it should be or not).

It looks at though JWR and the PM would both have had to sign off.
An art teacher is running the country with multiple ethical scandals
Now a journalist who has NEVER had ANY schooling in Finance or any ROLE in Finance, EVER is responsible for $300 BLN Tax payer dollars
I like her, but not for this job
And people continue to vote Liberals, to pay more taxes and having a mess of a government that does nothing for them
Even a cardboard cutout of John Turner made from old pizza boxes would consistently win Toronto Centre. Turner had the shortest stay in office among any Liberal Canadian prime minister.
Our last British-born PM. I have to give my countryman a nod, even though he was rubbish.

Interestingly we've never had an immigrant from anywhere else as PM.
