I didn't want to start a new thread for this article, so I'll place it here, as it is about the need for greater federal funding in the post-secondary/research space.
https://www.theglobeandmail.com/can...urge-ottawa-to-increase-scholarships-for-top/ (not currently paywalled)
The article notes a push from Canadian professors to obtain greater funding of scholarships for graduate/doctoral students.
The current regime, for those who receive the scholarship is $17,500 for Masters students or $21,000 or $35,000 for doctoral students.
Post-Docs are currently at 45k
The immediate push to get funding above the poverty line (or something north of 22k using that federal determinant) for those Masters students. Someone will have to explain to me how 23k is above the poverty line..... I question this calculation......but I digress
The argument is straight-forward, that we're beginning to see too many students flowing south for better offers of support in the U.S., sometimes as high as 50k.
Apparently, the numbers above have been frozen for 19 years. Another point of explanation, why are such things not automatically indexed to inflation, saving the need for periodic re-sets?
Simple indexing using the Bank of Canada's Inflation calculator would have put that Masters support number at $25,274 today.
While the Doctoral numbers would be $30,238 and $50,548 respectively.
Post-Docs would be $64,990