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Petition for Detronbes' removal


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Jul 10, 2007
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As of now, it's obvious Detronobes is trolling and generally accusing people on this board randomly and without any good basis for it.

This whole thread:

as well as his post against me here in:

He is obviously trying to paint me as a racist as I managed to wound his pride.

Throughout almost all his posts in urbantoronto he has run antagonistic to almost all reasonable concensus.

Edit: I used to defend him at the beginning when others' said he was a troll but now I have see that he is just trolling.
As of now, it's obvious Detronobes is trolling and generally accusing people on this board randomly and without any good basis for it.

This whole thread:

as well as his post against me here in:

He is obviously trying to paint me as a racist as I managed to wound his pride.

Throughout almost all his posts in urbantoronto he has run antagonistic to almost all reasonable concensus.

Edit: I used to defend him at the beginning when others' said he was a troll but now I have see that he is just trolling.

I not a troll and don't appreciate being slandered. I can empathise with your position of getting labelled as it's been done to me several times. I have a very strong opinion on things and that sometimes has me on an opposing position than the other posters. But if this is truly a democracy we can accept differences of opinion, without resorting to name-calling and defamation of character.

I have encountered alot of abuse myself from various posters (I-Z1, bjl) whom were ultimately removed. If I overstepped my bounds with rpgr or anyone else I apologize. The incident he's referring to specifically wasn't directed at him as I was responding to several poster's comments. I used his comment as a gateway into the forum topic, which I had not yet entered and used it as an opinion-piece to cut in. I've since evolved from that statement and wish other posters would do the same.

The reason I came to UT in the first place was to talk about Transportation and Infrastructure issues. When I saw IT Computer's thread on race issues it was only then I decided to take my stance which I admit was radical and offensive at times and I should of have been more considerate of the other poster's feelings. I ensure you so long as the other posters keep their ad hominen attacks upon me to a minimum I will be as friendly and open-minded to everyone as expected. Please don't punish me for an error in judgment which rpgr even admits to be caused by a bruised ego.

Dentrobate 54
Remember the Golden Rule. It is very easy to misinterpret a person's word when you cannot see them and/or hear their tone, so please keep in mind the Golden Rule of Message Board Etiquette: Its not just what you say, its how you say it.
Problems with Another Poster. If you find yourself having a problem with another poster, it is poor form to voice your concerns on the forum. It is much better to contact the moderator or webmaster privately through email or private-message.
Be Respectful, Kind and Honest. Don't issue personal attacks, use profanity, or post threatening, abusive, harassing, or otherwise offensive language or images. Keep your messages appropriate and courteous at all times. Please disagree with other opinions respectfully. If you are unsure if something is unappropriate, ask yourself these questions: Would you say it to the person if she were standing right in front of you? Would you say it to your best friend or loved one? Are you calling someone names? How would you feel and react if faced with the same message from someone else? If it would anger or upset you, you might consider re-framing your thoughts in a less objectionable tone.
If you find yourself having a problem with another poster, it is poor form to voice your concerns on the forum

Then why have a forum for forum issues?

It is much better to contact the moderator or webmaster privately through email or private-message.

Unfortunately, they tend to ignore private messages.

Be Respectful, Kind and Honest. Don't issue personal attacks, use profanity, or post threatening, abusive, harassing, or otherwise offensive language or images.

You've just listed the things we want dentrobate to be banned for....thanks for that.

If it would anger or upset you, you might consider re-framing your thoughts in a less objectionable tone.

and if it doesn't, then flame away! ;)
Hey Dentro, why did you do what you claim others do, and change your're still posting the same hatred...what's your problem, are you really that much of a hypocrite?
Too bad the thread was closed though. On CTV they mentioned the Portuguese drop out rate was higher than the black drop out rate. Could have been interesting to see whether in Dentobate/Undying-land (a fantastical world indeed) would require greater Portuguese curriculum and Portuguese focused schools. Oh well. Let sleeping dogs lie I guess.
Petition to have Steve D removed from UT forever!

Hey Dentro, why did you do what you claim others do, and change your're still posting the same hatred...what's your problem, are you really that much of a hypocrite?

What can I say, I've learned from the master troll. It's seems you've become an expert on how to continuously, under different aliases, manage to infiltrate this forum and without merit verbally assault those who neither commanded nor provoked such hash criticism and borderline cyber-bullyism.

Oh Stevie, if only you had taken by advice and stopped posting slanderous and uncalled for remarks, half-truths and total misconstrusions about me. It's a pity for you that you failed to comprehend that a rebellion against policy-makers who just happened to look a certain way wasn't a racist tirade against the entire white race, least of all the members of this forum. Your short-sightedness has made you internalize an issue that was directed at the very few who seek to control and dictate the lives and well-beings of the vast majority of everyday citizens in this country.

Unlike me though your motives are been purely sinster. You, under multiple aliases (Steve D, bjl and I-Z1) have repeatedly set out to have me banned from this website. By doing so you've left a very long trail of evidence which incriminates you as the troll culprit who's only interested in antagonizing me, making me feel uncomfortable whenever I share an opinion- no matter how innocent or trivial, and orchestrating scenarios where I'm left with no choice but to defend myself, even abrasively.

I wish I hadn't allowed you to get under my skin to this extent but your personal attacks on me seem to know no bounds. You always weasel yourself into a conversation I'm participating in with nothing to offer to the forum topic more than entrapping questions and inferences to cast me in a certain derrogatory light. I'm not the only one whose picked up on your antagonistic games (Admiral Beez, Enviro, investor and theowne have also all called him out on his abusive, explicit, troll-like dialogue).

Thus far I've avoided calling the mods attention to any of this, because I honestly didn't fathom Steve D would go to these lengths to banish me. However since he's taken to this level and jeopardized an almost unblemished, benevolent relationship I've had with UT for almost a year now over innuendo and duplicity on his part; I'm willing to risk losing my membership by exposing the "Real" Steve D to the mods, that he is in fact a cyber-troll whose hellbent on destroying my credibility and likeability on this forum website:

Here's how Steve D as I-ZI performed deceptive actions to bait posters, which inevitably led to the banning of those posters:

As I-Z1 entrapping investor:

As I-Z1 entrapping Desi Doubkle:

And here's transcripts of all the posts he's made in UT, the vast majority of which he's seen attacking other poster's credibility and moral character:

As I-Z1 attacking Dentrobate54:
And so on for pages. The vast majority of his posts are entrappment and slander. The following quote shows one of dozens of times how I-Z1 twists Dentrobate's words to insinuate he's racist: well do you know the Clintons?

Perhaps it's Obama who is selfish....and it seems tobe very clear that you might have a racist chip on your shoulder? Hate much?

As bjl attacking Dentrobate54:

bjl's pattern of destructive antagonism exposed:

LOL, dentrobate's acting like a white man with a chip on his shoulder ;)

dentrobate, a physics major you're not....have you ever been to any kind of science class? Your trolling is laughable, your scientific explanations, hilarious....keep up the entertainment, old man! ;)
quickly followed up by...

No, don't flatter yourself too much, it's:

Call dentrobate on his BS week, and there's a lot of material to cover....a lot! ;)

Oh please, you were called on your idocy, and now you try to slime your way out of it like this? What are you, 12?

As Steve D attacking Dentrobate54:

Another baseless remark in an attempt to destroy Dentrobate's character and credibility in the forum's eyes:

and you seem to get off on posting pictures of torture in a forum about buildings in Toronto....seems like you're a bit of a sicko.

As Steve continuing the hate against Undying42:

This is a pattern of behaviour on the part of Steve D AKA bjl AKA I-Z1, that needs to be put to rest for good. Apparently he's failed to realize not everyone has to share his point-of-view and as a open-minded public forum people should be free to express constructive criticisms on whatever. That he chose to begin this war of words vendetta against me and other free-thinkers has only brought down shame and totaliatrianism to this website.

We can't allow him to destroy anymore lives, tarnish anyone else's reputation and continually demonstrate that he's a troll that has no respect for the authority of the mods by constantly, defiantly rejoining UT only to attack persons he holds responsible for his own undoing. I don't care what happens to me, just that Steve D gets what's coming to him for all the people he's hurt and will go on hurting if he or his alter egos are allowed to stay on Urban Toronto.

As for me, my instance of inappropiate behaviour was provoked as evidenced in the multiple links I've referred to above. Before I-Z1 singled me out, I had minimal issuess with anyoneelse here for several months and hundreds of posts after I first joined. To me that suggests that it was exposure to I-Z1's bad attitude that first changed my demeanour on this forum. Before meeting him I didn't feel like I was living under siege everytime I replied to a thread, not knowing if he'd shadowed me into said thread to discredit and embarass me. I-Z1/bjl/SteveD's conduct and behaviour speaks for itself.

I sincerely thank you for your cooperation and due diligence in resolving this matter, whatever the outcome!
As for me, my instance of inappropiate behaviour was provoked as evidenced in the multiple links I've referred to above. Before I-Z1 singled me out, I had minimal issuess with anyoneelse here for several months and hundreds of posts after I first joined. To me that suggests that it was exposure to I-Z1's bad attitude that first changed my demeanour on this forum. Before meeting him I didn't feel like I was living under siege everytime I replied to a thread, not knowing if he'd shadowed me into said thread to discredit and embarass me. I-Z1/bjl/SteveD's conduct and behaviour speaks for itself.

Actually, from the evidence of responses to his posts in transportation threads et al, Dentrobate didn't need I-Z1 for people to have, uh, "issues" with him.

Look at it this way; my endless metaphors of bad singer-songwriters and fringe political candidates do convey the way he tended to come off--and you can't hide behind the smokescreen of race...
My only solace is that one day,
judgment will come for the wicked,
then we'll see who will burn

Sad that a veiled threat serves as solace.
In the transportation threads, Dentrobate did have the tendency to derail a good discussion and an unfortunate habit of responding to posts without reading them, but he certainly didn't seem to do anything with malice. I think that if he or his successors could take a deep breath, pay attention to what others are saying and understand where they might be saying something useful, think about whether what he's saying could offend some people, and stop trying to impress with language, he could be a valuable contributor to the forum.
To the mods: I would propose a rule that anyone posting on the forum use only one name. Those found deceptively using multiple names should be banned.

Please take note that it was only after this petition thread was opened that I was forced to abandon the Dentrobate name. I have not signed in as Dentrobate54 since I rejoined as Undying42. If and when I feel my position here is safe and unthreatened again, I intend to return to my original forum identity. Undying was only meant to provide resolution to the unfinished topic discussions I was apart of before the constant barage of verbal and mental abuse against and my ideologies by Steve_D (who as the links proved is a troll that has several identities going on this website, I-Z1 and bjl as well), forced me to go off the grid for about a week.

It's all well-documented how he's done this entrapment before to other posters (Desi Doubkle and investor) both of whom he tricked into saying remarks that ultimately led to their bans. It's a systematic agenda on his part to destroy other poster's credibility and likeability on this forum. Even without me here he's highly likely to re-offend on another unsuspecting forum member. I couldn't just sit down defeated and allow him to continuously paint me in a bad light unprovoked and without merit. That's the only reason why I've returned here, to put a stop to his self-righteous hatred of me and the others he's ruined. If nothing else, now UT knows Steve_D is the epitomy of a bigot, who lies as easily as he breathes!

I sincerely would like to thank all those who are coming to my defense. My tenure and relationship with UT is too long and means too much to me to have a cybertroll like Steve_D, prematurely put it to an end. I don't have to always agreee with concensus, but even when I don't, it creates more dialogue and better understanding of the full scope of an issue, perspective that otherwise would never have been explored by the forum if I didn't take that stance. To miscontrue my motives to make them appear like I'm racist or bigoted, is an injustice against free-thinking minds everywhere.

I know the majority of the forum isn't black, which might be why my perspectives sometimes sound so unfamiliar, but I value the majority of feedback I get from it. This explains why I devoted so much of my time replying to Enviro's, Prometheus' and other posters in the race issues threads. It wasn't out of hate, it was out of love, me being enamoured with the diversity of opinions my posts engendered. Again thank you for valuing my presence here so much as to entertain my thoughts, and extra gratitude to those who dispite our differences never resorted to using suggestive and derrogatory slander and innuendo against me or my beliefs. I just want to get to the business of being apart of an online community of open-mindness and positive criticism again :)!
