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News   Sep 06, 2024
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Next Mayor of Toronto?

I think it is apparent to everyone except you that Transit City will operate through mixed traffic
How can you have been here for so many years, and not even understand how Transit City is supposed to work?

Ford has stated that he wants to eliminate streetcars in Toronto. The guy is completely and totally deranged. Anyone who supports him, clearly doesn't support transit in Toronto.

I fail to understand why you pretent to support transit (or perhaps you only pretend to support Ford). Though I also don't understand why you continue to post here, after being banned using your other identities.
Ford has stated that he wants to eliminate streetcars in Toronto. The guy is completely and totally deranged. Anyone who supports him, clearly doesn't support transit in Toronto.

Are you serious? Do you really believe that TC is the only viable option (or even a good one) for Toronto? If it was up to me I would scrap it and only consider a DRL. The rest of the city could be better served by buses.

Disagreeing with TC (or street cars) does not equal not supporting PT.
At tonight's CP24 mayoral debate, Rob Ford said that his Toronto would be a "no refugee zone" and that he does not support plans to expand the city's population.

Thoughts and reactions?

I guess RF doesn't know that the world's largest Tamil diaspora is in Toronto. If this is a group that was able to mobilize to shut down the Gardiner, I guess now they can be mobilized into doing something useful - such as shutting down RF???

Seriously, if none of the candidates use RF's recent comments to mobilize immigrant groups to their cause, they're all complete and total idiots who deserve to lose.
Nothing. It's well known that Rob Ford is an anti-immigrant bigot, and I guess he thinks that attacking refugees might get him votes from other white supremacists.

Yup, you've hit the nail on the head with that one... you're logic and insight, as usual, is flawless. Why don't you run for Mayor? You seem to have your finger on the pulse of reality.
Yup, you've hit the nail on the head with that one... you're logic and insight, as usual, is flawless. Why don't you run for Mayor? You seem to have your finger on the pulse of reality.

Without knowing anything about nfitz, I'd take him in a second over RF or any of RF's nut-brained followers (one of which you presumably are).
Ford's remarks hint that his campaign machine isn't as finely oiled as originally thought. The push to portray Ford as mushy, warm-hearted conservative looking out for the interests of all Torontonians, especially in his diverse Rexdale ward, is going to come under increasing scrutiny as he continues to run his mouth.

Sure he can hold a few Aboriginal youth pow wows and Flemingdom Park barbeques, but in the midst of reporters and cell phones, Ford will continue to show traces of his usual abrasive, "tells it like I sees it" style of politics, which will most certainly lead to his demise over the next few months.
Leave NA to the natives.

they too immigrated. :)

did anyone else find it a bit condescending when fnord starting mentioning his family? almost as if it had something to do with george being gay? as if he was trying to draw a distinction? again, what does one's family and stating that they love their kids and beautiful wife have to do with municipal politics? how does this effect the affairs of the city?

"my fellow people, i know i said i was going to do this and that and i didn't, but i love my kids and my beautiful wife. that's gonna count for something, right? at least your mayor isn't gay! remember aids?" journalist yells out from crowd "you fat fuck" then gino boy comes to defend.
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Zero immigration, usually results in negative population growth, which would lead to a reduced tax base and the eventual decline of the city. Is that too complicated an idea for Ford to comprehend?. I think Ford is confused and doesn't understands the difference between refugees and immigrants. I think what he really meant, is that he doesn't want a certain type of person to move into Toronto. I watch the debate last night and Ford is a bit more than confused on many of the issues. Scary to think people are buying into this kind of stupidity.
What's really interesting is most of RF's supporters I've met at various job sites are immigrants themselves. RF means supporting the independent business man to them. They've worked hard to buy a house in Toronto, and are angry at the high taxes etc. Simple issues really. Simple people, or folks without a real interest in politics, want simple solutions. RF fits the bill for them.
What's really interesting is most of RF's supporters I've met at various job sites are immigrants themselves. RF means supporting the independent business man to them. They've worked hard to buy a house in Toronto, and are angry at the high taxes etc. Simple issues really. Simple people, or folks without a real interest in politics, want simple solutions. RF fits the bill for them.

...he is 'simple' I suppose
I guess RF doesn't know that the world's largest Tamil diaspora is in Toronto.

While Toronto is home to the largest Sri Lankan Tamil community outside of Sri Lanka, the Tamil diaspora is much much larger than that. There are well established and much larger Tamil communities in Singapore, Malaysia, etc. than there are here - they are not, however, Sri Lankans.

What's really interesting is most of RF's supporters I've met at various job sites are immigrants themselves. RF means supporting the independent business man to them. They've worked hard to buy a house in Toronto, and are angry at the high taxes etc. Simple issues really. Simple people, or folks without a real interest in politics, want simple solutions. RF fits the bill for them.

We shouldn't be grouping all immigrants together here. Ford targetted refugees specifically in his latest remarks. This is obviously in reaction to the boat that just arrived in Victoria. I can understand how some immigrants, many of whom waited many years to get here, might think these refugees are simply trying to cut the queue. I mean, hypothetically speaking, you might be a little resentful too if your brother was trying to come here but denied entry because he does not meet the requirements (though he's, let's say, well educated and fluent in English), and meanwhile a bunch of uneducated peasants sneak in and, in your eyes, cheat the system. It' not a point of view I agree with at all, but it exists out there, and it's probably one of the reasons why these remarks will not alienate his base in various immigrant communities.
