Thanks gweed. I think it is time. And not just for Toronto either.
I think that it should be multi-layered, with different revenues going to different things:
-Tolls on all 400 series highways, but beginning with the 401 Express
-1% GTHA Sales Tax
-These funds would be divided up, 70% transit, 30% road infrastructure
-Vehicle Registration Fees
-Parking Levees
What I'd like to see is transit projects broken down into 1 of 2 categories: Regional, or Local. Regional would include things like GO expansion, and other projects that make up the primary transit network (subways, and certain LRTs and BRTs). Local projects would be things like all of Transit City except for Eglinton, the Dundas BRT/LRT, etc.
To make it fair, I think that every region should be able to designate 1 non-GO project as "Regional". Durham would have the Durham BRT, Toronto would have the ESLRT (or the DRL since the ESLRT is already funded), Peel would have the Hurontario LRT, York Region would have the Highway 7 BRT or the Yonge Extension, Halton would have the Dundas BRT. All other projects would be deemed as "local" projects.
Regional projects would be funded entirely from the Provincial/Metrolinx revenue stream. So theoretically a region could do nothing extra and still get at least 1 transit project in addition to GO.
Local projects would be funded 50% by Municipal revenue streams, and a combination of Metrolinx and federal funds for the remaining 50%. This allows some municipalities, if they so choose, to be more aggressive in their transit expansion, while others can just take what Metrolinx gives them.
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