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New TPA parking lot Danforth Avenue & Playter Blvd (between Broadview, Chester Stns)


Senior Member
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May 7, 2007
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Seriously? Property fronting the heart of Danforth is going to be a frickin' parking lot? Fragedakis is going to hear from me -- hopefully she can do something about this travesty.
On my phone so I haven't clicked the link, but could the subway underneath create difficulty for development?
The subway isn't underneath that property. It's underneath Hurndale Avenue, not Danforth. There is 3 other buildings north of this property and south of the subway.
From what I read on twitter, that site used to be a gas station, which would explain a general reluctance to develop, given likely soil contamination.
Yes, it used to be a gas station, but leaving a hole like this on the streetscape is inexcusable.
