Toronto Nathan Phillips Square + Spirit Garden | City of Toronto

I wish I had a photo to go along with this comment...

Those who said that the elevated walkways were of no purpose and should be torn down: Boy were you wrong.

(Mental image: they're packed with multi layers of crowds watching the PANAMANIA concerts. It's amazing).
But when we do need them to get an elevated perspective then they are already in place vs. being torn down for no reason. I'd hate to lose them!


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The blue is the skirt of the raised accessible seating area. The whole area is pretty jammed with stages, etc., to the point that Nathan Phillips Square seems much smaller than usual, so who knows if there could have been another place for the raised seating that wouldn't have placed it where it conflicted with the sign… but standing clear is something to hope for with future placements, yes.

Other cities have iconic name signs. The font is good, the lights even better, and the idea of it appearing in different locations is a lot more fun than it being stationary in its placement. I think this was a good way to spend money (as well as the luminous veil)

What other cities other than Amsterdam have signs like this? The only one I can think of is Las Vegas and it's nothing like this one. Toronto's is very similiar to Amsterdam's but is one level higher because of the lighting. Very pleased with the sign and the luminous veil like you said. Two great things to come out of the games for someone not interested in the actual games at all. The fireworks off the CN Tower were terrific too. I hope they do the same thing for the closing ceremonies because I want to capture them/see them in person.

It'd be so great if the sign was permanent, it's fantastic

It is permanent but it's future home hasn't been decided yet. I love the idea of moving it around. Craig is right, the possibilities are endless.
I didn't know San Fran had a famous sign. Are you referring to this one?


City News just posted to facebook that the Toronto sign will be at NPS until the end of the year then move to other locations.
kotsy: I think thats what I was thinking of but in my head it was red and yellow ... also I feel like palm springs has a sign, reno I am also envisioning a chicago sign, but maybe I'm actually thinking of the musical.
This is far nicer than the I Amsterdam sign. But I've yet to see that one light up at night as we've only seen it in the day. But looking forward to all the comments about other cities having better signs. Why aren't the usual anti-Toronto members commenting?!?!
