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Muslim fanatics terrorize a nation

Also, about one year ago now, both mosques, islamic schools and churches were burning weekly after the murder of Theo van Gogh sparked conflicts between moslims and non-muslims.
Fortunately, this unrest didn't last for too long.
You appear to use the term quite freely. Perhaps you definition of radicalized means anyone who follows the doctrine of their religion, and in doing so shares little with your political, philosophical, or social views.

Could somebody please tell me why this forum attracts so much politically correct garbage?
I agree to a point, but don't go to a country if you don't share it's core values.

Why would I go to a predominently dominant muslim country a swirl head on into controversy espousing all that is christian, or god help me judaism.

I think I would go where I fit.
Why would I go to a predominently dominant muslim country a swirl head on into controversy espousing all that is christian, or god help me judaism.

I need translation.

Mislav, why is "politically correct garbage" when somebody is trying to define something?
I think I would go where I fit.

The reason muslim immigrants came to the Netherlands is pretty much the same reason why they go to Canada, the US, France, Britain, Germany and other 'rich' countries.
They come from poorer countries, and they are looking for better paid jobs, wich they expect to find in more developped countries.
What I don't understand is why they don't go to Dubai, Kuwait, Qatar, and other rich oil-states. Those are all rich islamic countries where they probably would fit in much better.
Those are all rich islamic countries where they probably would fit in much better.

It's not a matter of where they fit in, or we would be saying they should all stay in the Middle East instead of emigrating to Canada, because they would fit in better. It's a matter of respecting the basic norms and values of the new society you live in. If you cannot deal with it, then maybe you should reconsider your move.
What I don't understand is why they don't go to Dubai, Kuwait, Qatar, and other rich oil-states.

No they won't:

1) They won't let them in, only wealthy immigrants or hard working labour are allowed.

2) They are not welfare state, no free health care, free education, free government payments etc.

They might be "muslim" countries, but are based on neo-liberal values that both western world and north africans dislike. I will be happy to keep these type of people in western countries than Dubai. Lets have one place when laziness is not valued.
That is a good point. All those countries depend on foreign labour that interestingly enough doesn't come from fellow Arab countries.
This is an issue that must be dealt with or we are going to see more problems.

The Muslim immigrants really are the first immigrants to the western world countries, that hold a totally different view on life, compared to immigrants before them. And it is going to take alot to merge them into our society.

There are little things between the two cultures that cause many problems. For example. My Muslim friend(who was born in Canada) has to sneak on the phone to talk to me, because "I am a boy", and her parents don't think it is right she talks to boys as friends, because back home proper Muslims don't mix men and women as friends.
Actually my friends parents such stupid rules and also their view that white Canadians are dirty people with no morals, has made her denounce her Muslim religion.
Now that is a simple thing, as friendship. But it causes problems, because the cultures are so different, that it will take atleast one or two generations before I think everyone will be in harmony.

But I agree that if you move to this country and don't like the values we have, then you should go back to where you came from, no matter what religion, or ethnic group you come from.

Someone said many of the Muslim immigrants move to Europe and Canada to get better jobs. I don't know about the Muslims you know, but almost all the Muslims I know who immgrated to Canada, had very good jobs and where loaded with money. It was only after coming to Canada they became "middle class" or "poor".
To be honest I don't know why they are even here, since life in Canada or Europe sucks compared to their lives in the Muslim countries.
^ you shouldn't generalise an entire religion to a group of people you know... imagine if you referred to every single catholic person living in Canada in the same manner, no matter where they come from, their history, socio-economic status... just because they are muslim you can't clump them all together and say things like

"The Muslim immigrants really are the first immigrants to the western world countries, that hold a totally different view on life, compared to immigrants before them. And it is going to take alot to merge them into our society".

Religion is religion.. people are different and every individual case is different. Its not "every muslim" you know, its those specific people you know how were all rich when they came to Canada and became middle class; it really has nothing to do with the fact that they are mulsim..
Exactly Danny, in addition, you can find a lot of the stated examples amongs the uber-conservative elements of quite a few cultures.

In Canada extreme uber-conservative elements seem to be more prevalent in the muslim community.
The Muslim immigrants really are the first immigrants to the western world countries, that hold a totally different view on life, compared to immigrants before them.

Could you explain what you mean by this?

Maybe one reason "uber-conservative" muslims might seem so prevalent is that so much focus is being put on them - and much it for questionable reasons.
In Canada extreme uber-conservative elements seem to be more prevalent in the muslim community.

Personally, I think the real threat to Canada comes from these uber-conservatives:




