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Muslim fanatics terrorize a nation



Muslim fanatics terrorise a nation

Islamist murders and threats have transformed the once-tolerant Netherlands into a place of armed bodyguards and fear, writes Anthony Browne

A FILM about gay rights should hardly raise an eyebrow in The Netherlands, which for centuries has prided itself as a beacon of freedom of expression and was the first country to legalise gay marriage.

But when Ayaan Hirsi Ali, a Somali refugee turned Dutch MP, started making a new film about the oppression of homosexuals under Islam, the threat to everyone taking part was deemed so great that she decided there would be no faces shown on screen and no end credits and that the entire production team would remain anonymous.
Ali, a "lapsed Muslim" who revealed this week that she had finished the script, lives in a safe house under 24-hour protection.

The precaution is as wise as the courage is extraordinary: Theo van Gogh, the director of Ali's previous film, about domestic violence under Islam, was killed -- repeatedly shot and almost decapitated in broad daylight in the streets of Amsterdam by an Islamic extremist.

Impaled on a knife in van Gogh's chest was a five-page note declaring holy war on The Netherlands and threatening death to other public figures deemed "enemies of Islam".

A year after his murder, The Netherlands is a country transformed. Previously, only the Queen and Prime Minister had police protection, and ministers cycled to their ministries.

Now, many politicians, writers and artists are considered to be in such danger that they have permanent armed guards and are driven around in bomb-proof armoured cars. The Interior Ministry has set up a special unit assessing death threats from Islamic extremists and providing protection squads.

"In a democracy, strong opinion-leaders must be able to say what they want to say. Therefore, the Government will take the responsibility to protect them," a spokesman from the ministry said, refusing to divulge the number of people receiving protection.

In the parliament in The Hague, inside the airport-style security, two besuited bodyguards stand erect outside the office of Geert Wilders, Ali's political rival, checking closely anyone who has permission to enter. "I have been deluged with death threats," said the maverick right-wing MP, who has called for the deportation of Islamic extremists.

Across town, police are investigating the shot fired at the window of Rita Verdonk, the Immigration Minister, who has become a hate figure among Muslim communities for introducing some of the strictest immigration laws in Europe, and insisting that Muslims should integrate.

Amsterdam councillor Ahmed Aboutaleb, a Dutch-Moroccan who has said that Moroccans who do not like The Netherlands should leave, is also under permanent protection. "He never gives interviews on that issue," a spokeswoman said.

Amsterdam Mayor Job Cohen has tried to build bridges with the Muslim community but, as the country's highest-profile Jew, he also needs 24-hour protection.

At Leiden University law school, professor Afshin Ellian, an Iranian refugee who has called for reform of Islam and even suggested that comedians should make jokes about it, is hustled through the electronically locked doors to his office by two bodyguards.

"In The Netherlands, terrorists want to threaten not only the public ... they also want to kill public figures, such as artists, academics and politicians," he said. "It is not special in terms of Islam -- in Iran, it is normal to kill people who criticise Islam, as in Egypt and Iraq. It is legitimised by Islamic political theology, which says it is all right to kill someone if they are an enemy of Allah. But this is happening in Europe."

Academics and authorities in The Netherlands are trying to understand why, in their country, Islamic extremism has gone down the path of assassination, while in Britain and Spain it has produced bombings.

The rise in the death threats started in 2002 when Pim Fortuyn, a flamboyant, gay, right-wing maverick, called for a halt to Islamic immigration. He complained that police did not take the death threats against him seriously. He was killed not by a Muslim, but by a left-wing activist who said he did it "for the Muslims".

It was the first political killing in The Netherlands for three centuries and was seen as a one-off. But the murder of van Gogh two years later convinced people that the threat of political killing had become permanent.

A study by Frank Bovenkerk of the University of Utrecht confirmed the rise in death threats across the country, and their seriousness.

"They are under real threat -- they would be killed without protection," he said.

"We have a type of provocateur which is unprecedented in The Netherlands. They claim it is about freedom of speech, but it is about freedom of cursing."

Even if the would-be assassins are foiled by the intelligence services and the protection squads, the death threats are already having some success in silencing criticism. "People are very afraid of saying things now," Professor Ellian said.

"There is self-censorship."

It's pretty disturbing to see this in 21st Europe. Freedom of expression is one of the most fundamental pillars of civilized society.

Do keep in mine Europe is a far more "classist" society than Canada is...under these conditions, is it any wonder one'd end up with an immigrant underclass where individuals with a penchant for violence comes to existence?

Still, murder and death threats can't be tolerated in a democracy where there is ample opportunity to air grievances in a reasoned manner.

Oh I am not saying we tolerate murder and death threats - just a call to think clearly about the problem first.

Anyone who theatens freedom of speech with violence should have their citizenship stripped and be deported... simple as that.
In the long term Europe is not in good shape with respect to demographics & its economy.
Anyone who theatens freedom of speech with violence should have their citizenship stripped and be deported... simple as that.
I would have them put into solitary confinement for life.

Holland's mistake is that they have tried to be too tolerant. They tried to integrate tolerance of homosexuality and Islamic Extremism into one but now they have a problem of Islamic Militants imposing their will on everybody. I find it disgusting that people who simply agree with gay marriage or have any non Islamic beliefs are threatned with violence in Europe of all places. No tolerance for the Jihad Joes I say. >:
Unfortunately, what this article describes is all true.
Holland has become a divided society, with the muslims on one side and the native Dutch on the other side, with the non-muslim immigrants 'cought in the middle'.
I supported Pim Fortuyn, Hirsi Ali and Geert Wilders. They have good ideas in my opinion. But hey, if those kind of brave, freely speaking politicians are being threatened so much that they have to be protected 24/7, where has our democracy gone? It seems to me that the radicals are gaining more and more influence in this country. Just tonight, I saw on the news that a lot of native Dutch have converted to radical islam and that radical islamists are marrying moderate muslims so that they can then radicalize them too.
Even the high-educated muslims are radicalizing.
Something has gone terribly wrong in the past here, and now we're stuck in such a nasty situation.
Man this stuff gets my blood boiling. Don't like the way things are in your adopted home land..... LEAVE, get the F*C! out.

Same for Canada. I welcome anyone with open arms of any race etc. But don't try to change my street. And leave your ethnic wars, Religious extremism at the door.
Don't like things in a land where there is freedom of speech? Speak, discuss, engage in debate, participate in rational argument, settle disputes in a reasoned manner, keep the lines of communication open. Suggesting that people just leave solves nothing. Being heard is crucial. You may not like what someone has to say, but sometimes the act of being able to say things and being heard serves as a safety valve. It ain't perfect, but it beats an extreme polarization.
Would you (ronald1987) mind clearing up what ‘radicalized’ means? You appear to use the term quite freely. Perhaps you definition of radicalized means anyone who follows the doctrine of their religion, and in doing so shares little with your political, philosophical, or social views. Here’s a suggestion, keep an open mind and do your best to think objectively from the hyperbole of the media. If you were to believe all the recent reports of crime in Toronto, for example, you would think we were living in 1920’s Chicago, if not Grozny.

Look at all the nonsense you’ve just posted, without any facts to back it up…

It seems to me that the radicals are gaining more and more influence in this country. Just tonight, I saw on the news that a lot of native Dutch have converted to radical islam and that radical islamists are marrying moderate muslims so that they can then radicalize them too. Even the high-educated muslims are radicalizing.
okay, I'll be glad to try clearing it up.
Moderate muslims = majority of muslims living here. Tolerant of other cultures, open to dialogue, and mostly well-integrated people.
Radical muslims = tiny minority among muslims living here, but gaining influence. These people follow the teachings of Jihad, or Holy war. Not at all like the open-minded moderate muslims.

You said you wondered where I based all this info on.
I live here and talk to muslims (as I know a lot of muslims).
I must say there really are open to dialogue, a friend of mine and I used to talk about subjects like the Iraq war, the Arab-Israeli conflict, the murder of Theo van Gogh, and other subjects on a daily basis.
But the news reported (a few months ago) that two muslims, from Eindhoven (NL) died in Chechnia (I don't know how to write that, you know, it's that province where Grozny is in), fighting for a terrorist movement. Just last week a belgian woman died in Iraq, also fighting for terrorist movements.
So even though the mass is well-integrated and open-minded, there's a few rotten apples too. But these 'rotten apples' get all the media attention.
