A proposed class action settlement may affect all persons who lived at the King and John Festival Condominium over allegations glass paneling installed on the balconies fell into the street.
The proposed settlement includes all persons who owned, rented and/or ordinarily resided in one of the 381 condominium residential units in the condominium known as the King and John Festival Condominium located at the intersection of King Street and John Street, more specifically 326-358 King Street West (alternatively referred to as 80 John Street) between May 1, 2011, to November 30, 2012, (“Class Period”) and who have not already opted out of the class proceeding or signed a full and final release in favour of the defendants. Information about the settlement Class and defendants is available at
The court in charge of this case, the Ontario Superior Court of Justice, will hold a virtual settlement approval hearing on September 5, 2023 at 10:00 AM to consider whether the proposed settlement is fair, reasonable and in the best interests of the Class. Details on how to attend remotely will be posted to
Class Members may seek a share of the proposed $800,000 settlement. If the Court approves the settlement, Eligible Class Members will receive an award of about $1,200 per unit. Claims cannot be made until after the proposed settlement is approved. If the Settlement is approved, further notice of the Settlement will NOT be given.
Monitor the Claims Administrator’s Website and check it out regularly at
www.festivalsettlement.ca or email the Claims Administrator at
festivalsettlement@ricepoint.com for the latest information, including the status of the Settlements and the details and deadlines for making a claim.
RicePoint Administration Inc.
Settlement Administrator for Festival Tower Falling Glass Class Action