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Mississauga Heritage Conservation Record = CRAP

It'd be like Disney World - Tomorrow Land, Fantasy Land, Modernist Land, Victorian Land, Art Deco Land. Maybe Mel Lastman was on to something when he hung around with Mickey Mouse.
adma sees the loss of context as the ultimate sin in moving a structure. But if the context within which a building originally existed has been destroyed over time then there is nothing preventing the creation of a new one. And expanding on that, we see Egyptian obelisks moved to London and Paris; London Bridge moved to Arizona; and of course the ROM's Ming Tomb - which has been set up in more configurations in the 80 years it has been in Toronto than it ever was in the 250 years it sat in China - as fine examples of large, nomadic structures that lead successful and happy second lives outside of their original contexts.

George Robb's Shell Oil Tower might have been another example. If I'd had the means, and a big enough back yard, I'd have snapped it up myself if I'd had the chance.
I've been to both London Bridges - the unspectacular six-lane structure that passes over the Thames almost as if it were an MTO bridge passing over a creek, and the older, two lane version that was shipped to Arizona and now spans a man-made canal of the Colorado River.

Lake Havasu City is the ultimate in cheese - a settlement built in the desert, most known as a place for college students from LA and Vegas for spring break shenanigans, at a British themed resort with faux Tudor and all.

The latest bit of Britishmania is a shopping mall being built called "The Centre". Here in Canada, we'd be a bit confused. Centre? Which centre?
London Bridge is the classic example--a travesty of a "happy second life".

You might as well argue that relegating gay aesthetes to a Gay Aesthete District - where they can chatter and drink tea with other gay aesthetes of identical sensibility - makes far more sense than encouraging them to coexist with others neither so gay nor so aesthetic...
Lake Havasu City is the ultimate in cheese - a settlement built in the desert, most known as a place for college students from LA and Vegas for spring break shenanigans, at a British themed resort with faux Tutor and all.

The latest bit of Britishmania is a shopping mall being built called "The Centre". Here in Canada, we'd be a bit confused. Centre? Which centre?
Of course, if they wanted to cater more to the college-student sensibility, they'd change Lake Havasu City's name to "Fulchester"
London Bridge has been a popular tourist attraction for the past 35 years. Nothing wrong with that, unless you're a stunted archisnob. Cheese comes, cheese goes, but the bridge survives - thanks to the Americans and their deep pockets. Before that, it was just an old bridge that we used to walk across on our way from the station to the City ...

I think a Gay Aesthete District would be fun, though some might say it is a moveable feast that already exists, moving about town from one attraction to the next. Our community has any number of sub-communities, located in different parts of town, so why not?
spring break shenanigans, at a British themed resort with faux Tutor and all.

These kids today. In my day, when we decamped for spring break, we didn't want anything to do with tutors, vrai ou faux. That being the whole point of the holiday.
You can be quite annoying! You know that, right? You must have a lot of fun looking for typos. To each their own, I guess.

Though, looking at it now, I do see a bit of humour in my mistake.
Well, she'd be more likely to sweet-talk male Mississauga planners into heritage-friendliness than a wrinkly old bat like Hazel
