Let me put this way, if the Presto system was fully implemented on all TTC buses, streetcars, and subways, then we wouldn't have to worry about fraud issues; fake tokens, tickets, and what not. This has been a big problem over the past few years, and the way the TTC is going to solve this problem is to waste money on a project of making new fare boxes to catch cheaters? Tell me, what is the point of that? Why not just save that money and use it towards Presto?
We are only asking to get rid of the tokens and tickets, not the entire fare system. Like I mentioned before, should Presto be used, then I think it's better to charge fares by distance and not by a flat fare of $3. For example:
Distance Traveled
≤5 km: $1.00
6 -10 km: $1.50
11 - 15 km: $2.00
16 - 20 km: $2.50
>21 km: $3.00
How the tap on-off works:
Tap on at Finch Station, no fare is deducted. Tap off at Eglinton Station (~18 km trip), so $2.50 would be deducted.
For buses and streetcars:
Tap on when getting on buses and streetcars, and tap off when getting off (once again, fare is being charged by distance. For transferring (I am still working on this part), either charge nothing or charge half of the first leg of the trip. This way, transfer paper will become obsolete which SAVES money and keeps the system clean.
With regards to revamping the fare system, I am still working on that as well, but here is a reference of how they did it in Taiwan.
Source: Wikipedia