It's always been allowed. But it does, of course, cost an extra fare under the current rules.
That would require a policy change - one that the board has cleary voted not to do. And of course $20 million. Where do we get that? We could raise all fares a nickel.
Metrolinx committed in the agreement with TTC that they could and would the current TTC transfer rules. If they can't meet their contractual requirements, then perhaps they should be coughing up the $20 million a year.
I think you are right, that they've implemented a time-based transfer. And I'm guessing, they don't want to say that very loudly. Do they think that users won't notice very quickly!?!
Not sure how you block transferring to same route - that's a short turn.
Sometimes I've even transferred to vehicle going in the opposite direction - perfectly legally. For example if taking westbound 506 from Coxwell to Dundas and Parliament, I often change at Broadview to a 505 if one is coming; but once I do so, I could just as easily jump on a 506 heading west, if it's short-turning at Broadview (as they often to), and then continue to Dundas and Parliament. A valid 506 west to 506 east transfer.