You really have a problem with reality.
Someone who refuses to take a streetcar unless it has Presto, because they don't want to use token or cash is telling ME that I have a problem with reality?!? Despite knowing full well that Presto won't be implemented on most streetcars until the end of 2015.
Here's the facts:
*There were announcements that Presto would be enabled in all streetcars by the end of November. Here's the tweet again if you don't believe me.
I saw the comment. Not an announcement (it it's an announcement, point me to the press release, but an off-the-cuff casual comment by the PR guy that those already installed at the end of September would be active by the end of November. Nowhere does it say all streetcars. The commitment was always by the end of December.
That anyone would be so petty to complain that activation of the first cars has slipped a few days, despite the overall installation still being on schedule, is the very reason that many agencies simply learn not to say anything.
*now Presto won't be activated until Dec. 31.
I haven't seen that. The official line is "The PRESTO fare payment equipment will be put into revenue service and made available for customer use in December when the PRESTO installation work has been completed for the majority of streetcars. All legacy streetcars will be enabled for PRESTO prior to the end of 2015.". This indicates that some may be active before the end of December.
In what world do you live on where that is on schedule?
In what world do you want them to turn on the units early, if they are having some kind of issue? The last time they tried that in Ottawa, Metrolinx ended up firing the guy running Presto.
Surely, they are best to delay a few days, and make sure it's working properly.
I'm absolutely flabbergasted that anyone can be so utterly naive to take an off-the-cuff comment by the PR guy as a promise, and then to suggest that a minor change of plan is a lie. On the failure scale, the schedule slipping a few days is a 1, but your unethical lies about them lying is a 7.