I agree 100%, Metrolinx is a very expensive and unnecessary puppet. I just don't want it to be the excuse for cancelling/delaying projects in the pipeline.
Excellent, that has been your prior position, but brace yourself, there's going to be (got to be depending on interpretation) some massive cuts.
As I have stated prior a few times, a lot of that announcement can be mollified (whether BS or not) by stating: "We've decided to continue with incremental improvements, but are looking at stopping many of the major proposed route improvements until the Bypass is built, and we're moving on that immediately".
I'm completely with you, Metrolinx is moving at a glacial pace, but perhaps where we differ is in my seeing a whole new approach being necessary, and dare I say it...approaching the private sector in a P3 arrangement, with the Feds (perhaps the Infrastructure Bank) to build the Bypass as a common carrier. This alone, politics with CN besides, would allow spending and massive improvement for all concerned mostly off of QP's books.
Of course, as ever, the devil is in the details.
If I were Dougie's do-boys, it would jump out to me as being highly opportune for political purposes. The awful truth is that what's already promised by the former regime is decades away anyway in terms of massive investment. Electrification immediately comes to mind, and a host of other absolutely necessary investments.
For electrification, btw...and this is long shot, but consistent with how the Dougsters will be thinking, is to privatize Hydro Xmssn completely, but on the understanding that *they* invest in electrification of GO routes, and have a contract to own and or operate and maintain the catenary and supply.