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Megxit (Prince Harry & Meghan Markle)

Finally a lot of commotion to finally decide that the United States suits them better :rolleyes:
They're certainly not welcome in the UK now.

What a farce that was.
  1. No title for Archie? He is (or was) the future Duke of Sussex and Earl of Dumbarton. Archie had a title until his Dad tossed them on his behalf.
  2. No security? They quit the firm. Princess Ann's kids and grandkids don't get government funded security. Why should Harry and Meg?
  3. Questioning the potential skin colour of their yet to be born (or conceived?) baby? Without context this could either be an out of touch, yet innocent and conversational, passing question from a curious family member; or HM herself warning off the wedding because she doesn't want a "darkie" (British old timer term) grandkid in line of succession. Without context, they've basically called the entire Monarchy racists, when I can't see this in the Queen, who seems to celebrate the diversity of the Commonwealth. Oprah shouldn't have let that accusation go without demanding to know who and in what context made this question.
Presumably in the next 3-5 years, if this doesn't finish her off now, we'll have a state funeral for the Queen. It will be interesting to see what role Harry plays.
They're certainly not welcome in the UK now.

What a farce that was.
  1. No title for Archie? He is (or was) the future Duke of Sussex and Earl of Dumbarton. Archie had a title until his Dad tossed them on his behalf.
  2. No security? They quit the firm. Princess Ann's kids and grandkids don't get government funded security. Why should Harry and Meg?
  3. Questioning the potential skin colour of their yet to be born (or conceived?) baby? Without context this could either be an out of touch, yet innocent and conversational, passing question from a curious family member; or HM herself warning off the wedding because she doesn't want a "darkie" (British old timer term) grandkid in line of succession. Without context, they've basically called the entire Monarchy racists, when I can't see this in the Queen, who seems to celebrate the diversity of the Commonwealth. Oprah shouldn't have let that accusation go without demanding to know who and in what context made this question.
Presumably in the next 3-5 years, if this doesn't finish her off now, we'll have a state funeral for the Queen. It will be interesting to see what role Harry plays.

Oprah did ask who made that comment about Archie's skin colour. Both Meghan and Harry refused to answer, but Harry did confirm that it was neither of his grandparents (which is a bit surprising to me - I would have guessed Prince Philip).
Oprah did ask who made that comment about Archie's skin colour. Both Meghan and Harry refused to answer, but Harry did confirm that it was neither of his grandparents (which is a bit surprising to me - I would have guessed Prince Philip).
Which is why I think it was more a conversational thing, and I bet it was his brother William. Still rude, insensitive and racist, but that would normally be settled with a brotherly talk down, not a family-wide besmirching of the entire institution.

Oprah should have said I'm not going to air this without some context. Had she aired such an accusation against a well connected and financed USA family you can bet Oprah's lawyers would be warning her off. Imagine, some wife of a minor celebrity says on national TV that someone in the Kardashian family was a racist, but wouldn't give any context or identify who it was. There'd be libel and slander suits on Oprah's desk the next day.
I believe the "no security" concern was before they left the firm. But as you note, it's not uncommon for extended family to not receive security, nor titles.
I find this to be a bit of mismatched expectations and reality. Titles and entitlements were assumed, when it would be the exception.

I would guess it was Charles who made the comment off hand, as he does seem to have a bit of an issue saying whatever comes to mind.
I believe the "no security" concern was before they left the firm. But as you note, it's not uncommon for extended family to not receive security, nor titles.
I find this to be a bit of mismatched expectations and reality. Titles and entitlements were assumed, when it would be the exception.

I would guess it was Charles who made the comment off hand, as he does seem to have a bit of an issue saying whatever comes to mind.
I agree, likely Charles or someone of that generation who's close enough for Harry to GAC about.

I think Harry used Megan as an escape. He said as much during the interview, where Oprah asked if it wasn't for Megan would you have left, and Harry said no, I'd still be there. When it all goes sour, and it's rare for any of these marriages to stick, he can blame her.
I agree, likely Charles or someone of that generation who's close enough for Harry to GAC about.

I think Harry used Megan as an escape. He said as much during the interview, where Oprah asked if it wasn't for Megan would you have left, and Harry said no, I'd still be there. When it all goes sour, and it's rare for any of these marriages to stick, he can blame her.

Well, there were rumours going around that Meghan was verbally abusing royal staff, so maybe she's not as innocent as she's trying to appear. If in reality she's a drama queen or bitch then perhaps that's the reason she was treated cooly by people in the institution...
I have a really hard time getting worked up over this latest event. Harry and Megan apparently wanted out of the spotlight, then sat under it. Many celebrities and public office holders play the media; decrying it and running to it when it suits them. Publicly trashing your family, warts and all, strikes me as a rather low brow.

The way I understand it - and admittedly could be wrong since the whole awarding of titles and patronage is a little byzantine, is that son Archie would have been given a title once his uncle, William, ascended the throne, had they stayed. Harry, had he stayed, was #6 in line for the throne; I imagine Archie would have been in the double digits given that male primongeniture was abolished in 2011.

It seems if you don't want to be a 'working Royal'; i.e. on the payroll, you don't get the perqs. The Monarchy has, over the years, pared down the 'civil list' - those on the payroll - in the face of public pressure due to the costs. Imagine the outcry in the UK, who pay the bills, had they been given income, security, etc. while quietly residing in a foreign land. There was much controversy after Edward viii abdicated regarding title, income, etc. that is well within the Queen's memory.

It is a little sad that Harry had to give up his military affiliations, since he had a very real and active connection to it, but I suppose one follows one's heart.
It is a little sad that Harry had to give up his military affiliations, since he had a very real and active connection to it, but I suppose one follows one's heart.
It does seem like a step down from Apache attack helicopter pilot and two tours of Afghanistan including a two month stint in Helmand, to complaining, underemployed spouse.
It does seem like a step down from Apache attack helicopter pilot and two tours of Afghanistan including a two month stint in Helmand, to complaining, underemployed spouse.
Maybe if he had gone to the memorial for murdered Marines in Deal Kent instead of attending a Disney film premiere with Beyonce the military would want him. The last appearance they made at the Mountbatten Music Festival, he was in dress uniform, and she decided to ignore protocol and also wear red. The ladies are instructed not to wear red for formal occassions. The word from military sources is that they would rather have 70 year old Princess Royal as their patron - she has more dignity and stamina!
Maybe if he had gone to the memorial for murdered Marines in Deal Kent instead of attending a Disney film premiere with Beyonce the military would want him. The last appearance they made at the Mountbatten Music Festival, he was in dress uniform, and she decided to ignore protocol and also wear red. The ladies are instructed not to wear red for formal occassions. The word from military sources is that they would rather have 70 year old Princess Royal as their patron - she has more dignity and stamina!
That’s a lot of inside baseball to unpack. Does Harry have a record of disrespecting the military? This seems like a very specific example to support a preconceived POV.
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Let's see if the marriage lasts. Like many families, the Windsors have a bumpy record of hits and misses.
  • Charles, married 1981, divorced 1996
    • William, married 2011, still married.
    • Harry, married guess is Megxit2 before 2028
  • Anne, married 1973, divorced 1992 (to her credit, this is a longer run than most)
    • Peter, married 2008, divorced 2020
    • Zara, married 2001, still married (she seems to have the celebrity marriage thing worked out)
  • Andrew, married 1986, divorced 1996
    • Beatrice, newly married 2020. Best of luck.
    • Eugenie, married 2018, still married
  • Edward, married 1996, still married (perhaps being the least in the spotlight helped?)
They wanted privacy, now they want to talk publicly.
They wanted to leave but complain about lack of titles / financing / security

I'm not impressed with Oprah for not doing some basic fact checking, but that's Oprah, let's look all concerned while exploiting some celeb gossip for $$$
