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McGuinty is worse than Harris


Urban Eyes

At least with Harris, you knew Toronto was going to get shafted. McGuinty promised a pro-urban agenda, but so far, he acts like he thinks his supporters all live in 905 and beyond. The same goes for Martin. I predict that at some point, Toronto voters will reject the Fiberals both at the provincial and federal level. The NDP will rise again.
Don't be so impatient. Nunziata gave his party two budgets before he raised a stink. We haven't had a Martin or a McGuinty budget, yet, and we're still reeling from the effects of being flat out LIED to by the outgoing Tories.

Trust me, the NDP couldn't have done any better with the situation we find ourselves in now. And you would be reacting bitterly to other Ontarians tripping over themselves to blame them.

Government takes time. It will be at least a couple of years before I fully render my verdict.

McGuinty is proof that it takes it a Liberal to do the job of a neo-conservative; Milton Friedman could hardly adhere to a stauncher neo-con programme if the prophet of vulgar free-marketism himself was running this province.
