M5V Life Condos (TAS DesignBuild, Lifetime Developments) - Real Estate -

Renting Parking Spot - Facebook Page

Hi all,

I'm renting my parking spot if anyone is interested email me at Mirage.Imani@gmail.com
Also, can someone please post the link to the FB group for M5V? I was away from fb and am not sure whether I can't find it or the group was closed.
wow, this is suppose to be a new condo. How can they make it seem like 10 years old with all the cracks and holes on the wall.

Very bad finishing, heck did they hire 10 year old boys to do their work.

You should def bring this up with CBC or something as this is unacceptable for builders to screw over owners. All you owners used your hard earned cash and this is the kind of final product they are giving you. Shame on them.
