London on the Esplanade Condos (Cityzen) - Real Estate -

From what I've read about LOTE on UT, Damien's got his facts straight! Sounds like he owns a unit there.

I would stay away from LOTE's developer in the future....

Yes because UT is a reliable source of information on London on the Esplanade and Cityzen, right?
Do the points I made sound far fetched?
The point about the builder out voting the owners and deciding the board of members? There is a topic created by someone else last month about this.
The building still being under construction? The building was registered Dec 15 2009, and from floors 15 and up the hallways aren't done, higher floors suites are not done, and all amenities are not done.
Which brings me to my last point about paying condo fees for no amenities.

So what else would you like dcc008? Would you like to come over?
Do the points I made sound far fetched?
The point about the builder out voting the owners and deciding the board of members? There is a topic created by someone else last month about this.
The building still being under construction? The building was registered Dec 15 2009, and from floors 15 and up the hallways aren't done, higher floors suites are not done, and all amenities are not done.
Which brings me to my last point about paying condo fees for no amenities.

So what else would you like dcc008? Would you like to come over?

You know what Damien? I'm really sick and tired of my fellow neighbours, fellow neighbours like you. You all talk about things you know nothing about. You complain but you're not involved. Were you at the meeting? If you were, you would know that not enough residents were present in order to make the vote count. Essentially, if it weren't for the developer's votes that night, there wouldn't have been a condo board.

Aaaahhh, you first-time condo buyers are cute and innocent. You really don't know how this works. In other buildings, you could be living in a construction zone for years, this really isn't bad at all, the majority of the corridors are finished and from what I hear, the gym will be ready in a few weeks. Well would you look at that! Gym equipment is being delivered as we speak! But really Damien, do the unfinished suites on the other floors bother you? I think you're just being a stickler now...

And as for coming over, I live on the 4th floor, so I'll see you in a jiffy.
You are right about one thing; those first-time condo buyers are cute and innocent.
This is the 3rd condo I’ve bought pre-construction and the other 2 were completely done when the building was registered. So, I’m not sure where you’re getting this “living in a construction zone for years” statement from.

I was at the condo meeting, and it was a big waste of time. If we didn’t have enough owners present then like at my old condo, you cancel the meeting. People volunteer to go door to door to make sure enough people show up for the next meeting. It was great how the builder votes for a person who doesn’t show up and another who gave a generalized speech (“I’m so and so, and I want to run cause I like living in a condo, tee he he”).

Also, unlike you, I wanted a unit with a view. Which building wall are you staring at?
From what I've read about LOTE on UT, Damien's got his facts straight! Sounds like he owns a unit there.

I would stay away from LOTE's developer in the future....

Love your posts! Always keep me chuckling.

Actually, from reading your posts, I think it would be safe to say you would stay away from ALL developers.

.. So..oh wise Oracle.. Why not finally enlighten us all.
Aside from living in Mom and Dad's basement, where is this magical 'recession proof' place that we should all dwell in these days?

While you are at it, why not throw in a couple of predictions of the next upcoming financial cataclysms that will befall us. I only mention that because I notice your usual signature prediction of doom and disaster has oddly vanished.;)

Both my financial advisor and I eagerly await your response.
Do any residents have an idea on when the amenities will be finished? I'm getting fat and need to hit the gym!


You seem to hate the place...if you bought pre-construction, why dont you just sell for the massive gain on what you paid and buy something built by a better builder?

If you have a problem with the quality of the building, maybe your suggestion for people to 'stay away' is justified...from the sounds of it, your beef is with Cityzen and their construction schedule. Maybe you should warn potential buyers of buying pre-con from this builder as opposed to a building that is almost finished and will be even closer to finished by the time a buyer today closes on their unit.
I do see Damien's frustration about paying maintenance fees for non-existent amenities. Luckily for me I just moved in a couple of weeks ago. Honestly if you are truly frustrated sell your unit because there are A LOT of people out there who really want to live here.

nx2, I joined wynn fitiness down the street, I couldn't wait any longer :p
I do see Damien's frustration about paying maintenance fees for non-existent amenities. Luckily for me I just moved in a couple of weeks ago. Honestly if you are truly frustrated sell your unit because there are A LOT of people out there who really want to live here.

nx2, I joined wynn fitiness down the street, I couldn't wait any longer :p

Gym opens tomorrow.
See if you can get a refund.
Gym opens tomorrow.
See if you can get a refund.

Woo hoo!! FINALLY. I have been going to the Good Life at Yonge/King since April. Did not enjoy walking there in the freezing cold at 6am! Do you know the hours of our gym Granny?
2nd floor, seemed small for a condo building of our size... Feel a bit shafted as the orginally agreement promised what I thought would be a much larger gym... But for those that lived in other buildings how does it compare... I could be way off base
