iLoft Condos (Camrost-Felcorp) - Real Estate -

Didnt get my notice yet since Im on the higher floors,might just phone and make appointment since I have to drop by anyways.NO ONE has a clue when is closing date at Camrost,one person say April (no way) first floor and another says Sept for mid floors.
Sisi, I am on a higher floor as well, so I didn't get a call yet. But since I was leaving the country on vacation, I called them and had my date pushed up. I know that they are starting to call people - I confirmed that when I called to push up my date. As for the frosted glass issue, I hadn't noticed, but are you sure that is where the windows are or is it just the exterior panelling? I can't imagine that they would put frosted glass in for the regular windows.

Ducatti, judging by the way things are going, I'd say that we're all in by July next year. Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but as I understand it, they will provide a firm closing date within a month of the roof cap being done. I think April for the first floors is actually within reach. They already have the exterior done for the first few floors. They can finish the interior within the next 6 months.
I'm on the 11th floor. My tentative date is still Feb.. I think that's pushing it, but April is easily within reach.. there is so much labour on that site..

Yes, within 30 days of the roof being done, we have to be given a firm occupancy date.. we'll all know within weeks..
I'm on the 11th floor. My tentative date is still Feb.. I think that's pushing it, but April is easily within reach.. there is so much labour on that site..

Yes, within 30 days of the roof being done, we have to be given a firm occupancy date.. we'll all know within weeks..

Hi Neighbor :)
I think Feb was the "lets just throw a date out there" date. I'm on 27th and I got a letter for a Feb tentative date, so I don't think that one means too much. I'm still thinking I'll be in by June/July. (Fingers crossed)
I still have the old letter of tentative date of May 2009...:D..soooo the paper for tentative date from CF is somewhat "misleading"...sorry to bust your bubble but April is not reachable,I never seen a condo that went from cap to move in 5 months.
I still have the old letter of tentative date of May 2009...:D..soooo the paper for tentative date from CF is somewhat "misleading"...sorry to bust your bubble but April is not reachable,I never seen a condo that went from cap to move in 5 months.

My contract says May 2008 :).
Yes, April is pushing it, but I've been on site.. there are crazy amounts of people working there.. and it's not a large building (floor area).. I really think that to have people moving in in April is not out of the question..
damn must have been at the VIP grand opening...the saving grace is you made some profit on the unit..the condo does look small doesnt,like a Paris Hilton on a south beach diet without the "shankiness"
I was at the colour selection a couple of weeks ago, as I have a low floor.
I was prepared to buy some upgrades, but did not think I would need to pay for them at the time of selection. If you are considering upgrades be prepared to hand over a check on that day. The total number of options are simplified, but costs can add up.
Did they have any good upgrades and how expensive?

Also i have a question for everyone.. Since we are heading for an HST tax on July 1st- I understand we will be affected, since the the bulding usually registeres a few months after everyone moves in.. So are we going to have to pay another 8% of the total purchase price?? I'm not really looking forward to that.... But does anyone know for sure??
Some examples for my smaller 700 foor unit were, granite counters 2400, built in microwave 1700, upraded laminate 1200.

Details for HST are not fully finalized, but for units under 400G the tax will be neutral. Over 400 G it will only be on a portion. It will likely have no significant effect on most of the owners in iloft.
$1,700 for a built in microwave????????? Oh wow.... I know other buildoing don't charge more than $700.. This is insane.. i should'v eincluded that in my agreement.. Thats insane.

Are you sure about taxes? I was reading my purchase agreement and what I was able to gather from there is that GST is included in the price but we will be responsible for the HST portion.. I might be wrong, but that's what i was able to gather.
damn must have been at the VIP grand opening...the saving grace is you made some profit on the unit..the condo does look small doesnt,like a Paris Hilton on a south beach diet without the "shankiness"

I was at the grand opening in January of 2006. However, I know that a handful of units were sold either earlier that month or in December 2005 to a few lucky select people. You're right, I've made some money for sure.. but it's all on paper.. I plan on living here well into the forseeable future..
Some examples for my smaller 700 foor unit were, granite counters 2400, built in microwave 1700, upraded laminate 1200.

Details for HST are not fully finalized, but for units under 400G the tax will be neutral. Over 400 G it will only be on a portion. It will likely have no significant effect on most of the owners in iloft.

If you got granite, did it include the island?
How much better is the upgraded laminate?

$1700 for a built in microwave is obscene.. even on the upper scale, it should not be any more than $1000

I'd have to check to be 100% sure, but I believe the HST does not any impact on units purchased before a certain date.
I did not pay attention to the laminate.
The granite quote on my unit included the island. I will did up some HST literature later, but am confident that anyone who bought for less than 400G has no impact.
But not all bad news....
If you bought early in 2006 like me, you are eligible for a portion of both of the two GST cuts that we had since then. For me it will be a couple thousand. Plus no Toronto Land Transfer Tax if you bought before the implementation date last year. woo hoo!
I did not pay attention to the laminate.
The granite quote on my unit included the island. I will did up some HST literature later, but am confident that anyone who bought for less than 400G has no impact.
But not all bad news....
If you bought early in 2006 like me, you are eligible for a portion of both of the two GST cuts that we had since then. For me it will be a couple thousand. Plus no Toronto Land Transfer Tax if you bought before the implementation date last year. woo hoo!

It's not just a portion, it's the entire 2%. I'm going to bet getting back more than $4k.. woohoo!
