Developer: VHL Developments Inc.
Architect: Master Building Inc., TAES Architect Inc.
Address: 2229 Kingston Road, Toronto
Category: Residential (Condo)
Status: CompleteCompletion: 2018
Height: 127 ft / 38.71 mStoreys: 10 storeys
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Haven on the Bluffs (VHL Developments) - Real Estate -

December 2017

Thank you for clearing that up about the building not adding an extra floor. Our suite has moved up a floor so I assumed an additional floor was added to the building. Our view will be even better due to a higher floor.

I will call and see if we can make an appointment to pick our colours. I am looking forward to whatever change will occur on the strip due to the new building!

Totally true- the mortgage rates are really the unknown at this point. The only people who lost out in this situation are those who are renting- being that they will now have to pay an additional two years of rent.

Imagine Condos is a much smaller building, hence it probably sold to 70% faster. Weird that Kingston & Co is starting at only 50% sold, I got that email too. Bad for investors and unit owners in that building as there will be a flood of units for sale at the "occupancy date" by the builder. What I like about Haven is that the builder is trying to sell all the units themselves, hence- therefore we can dictate what prices we want to sell our units at project completion.

Just to clarify because the VHL communications weren't too clear: there were no additional units added to the building. The building has the same proportionate shares, number of units, and floors. The ground-floor suites couldn't sell- so VHL redesigned them into "townhouses". The "townhouses" are two storey, therefore VHL needed to add a "mezzanine" floor where the townhouses upper floor could walk out to. So technically the building still has the same amount of residential floors. What was changed- they added a large studio and a 1br unit to the Mezzanine level. The units must have been cut on another floor. Weird- because I don't know why anyone would want to live on a dead floor next to the bicycle lockers, with only 1 window in their unit. But people will buy anything these days...

One or two days ago I picked up an email from VHL which asked purchasers to set up a time to pick colours. It probably went to your junk mail!

Not much of an update, but here goes.

Nothing going on at all there these days on site. The diggers they had on site have been taken away. They have a bit of a pit there, but no shoring work has begun. They now also have a sign posted for clean fill available.

I would guess the next big signal they're starting is the closing of the sales office, since they still have to tear down that building.
I went by the sales site today, nothings changed, the large pit is still there, doesn't look like it grew much. But I was told the sales office may close down in August.
I went by the sales site today, nothings changed, the large pit is still there, doesn't look like it grew much. But I was told the sales office may close down in August.

Has anyone drove by lately? If so, is the sales office demolished? The permit was issued but I don't think that they have taken it down yet.
VHL has applied for a shoring permit- looks like it is yet to be approved.

The positive news is that they applied for and got the "Holding" symbol taken off the property, applied for and received the Minor Variance- so we are one step closer to the building going up.

Please let me know if you have heard anything else...

Drove by this evening. No construction on the actual site, but the city(?) is doing a boatload of work on the side streets to the west and south of it. It may be city prep work prior to them going forward? No clue. Old beer store still standing too.
Drove by this evening. No construction on the actual site, but the city(?) is doing a boatload of work on the side streets to the west and south of it. It may be city prep work prior to them going forward? No clue. Old beer store still standing too.

The demo should be starting soon, as I received an email this past week, informing that the site sales office is now closed and relocated. When I went by late August/Early sept, they (sales rep), mentioned that they had been preparing the various connections (eletrical, sewer, water, Bell). That's probably what you saw going on.
Still haven't seen any construction just yet. I did see a couple construction vehicles in the back and it looks like they are ready to mobilize....winter is also coming so I assume they should probably start with the foundation soon.....or in the spring?!

I saw the same thing. They closed the Sales Office almost one month ago, and there has been no progress in terms of demolition.

  1. VHL was issued a Demolition Permit on July 16th (Exactly 3 Months Ago)
  2. Shoring Permit (to dig), was approved on October 13th, 2015.
  3. Foundation Permit (to pour), was closed on October 14th, 2015- City is awaiting builder pickup to confirm issuance.
You can view it all here:

I was hoping that we would at least see the building start to pour by winter. VHL excavated and poured 2150 Condos in the Winter, so there is hope?

Please keep us updated if you see demolition.

Good news - sales office/old beer store has begun to be demolished. They have the front wall down and part of the back wall. Too dark for photos.

From here on in I'll post in the Building forum since it appears it's finally made it to the construction stage.
I wonder if the Dec 2017 date will get pushed back, since it was based primarily on the starting demo/construction in July (at least according to my conversations with the sales staff in person), and they have only started about 2 weeks ago.
What's the latest move in date? Their site doesn't give a date, or at least, I can't find it. It does say it's sold out though.

Yes- it is all spelled out in the Agreement of Purchase and Sale. Did you cap your levies? That is the big unknown- as they rise overtime, and VHL will charge you back for the city's going rate at time of closing (2018- $17,644 for a 1BR, $25,366 for a 2BR). VHL was capping development levies at $5000 for a 1BR and $8000 for a 2BR, at time of purchase.

In addition to the development levies, the following charges will also apply:
  • Deposit Administration Fee ($85 per deposit cheque - I made 4 deposits) $340
  • Common expenses until registration (usually $2000-$5000)
  • Estimated realty taxes until registration (0.005% of purchase price)
  • Tarion fee $500-1500
  • Status Certificate $250.00
  • Legal Fees Re Partial Discharge(s) (vendor mortgage discharge fees) $621.50
  • Builder's lawyer- $900
  • Charge-Improvement/Art $500- 1000
  • Hydro, Water Meter Hookup $400 each
  • Education Levies $600
  • Section 3 $9,000
  • Law Society Levy $73.45
  • Your Legal Fees $1500-2500)
