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Harper - I'm Different from Cons in the US.



From CBC News:

Harper says he has 'many differences' with U.S. conservatives
Last Updated Mon, 12 Dec 2005 21:18:37 EST
CBC News

Conservative Leader Stephen Harper appeared to distance himself from the U.S. administration Monday, pointing out that his positions on many issues differ from those of American conservatives.

Harper sent a letter to the editor of the Washington Times in response to a Dec. 2 column by Patrick Basham of the Cato Institute titled "Gift from Canada?"

Basham wrote: "Free-market economist Stephen Harper, leader of the opposition Conservative party, is pro-free trade, pro-Iraq war, anti-Kyoto and socially conservative."

"Move over Tony Blair," he continued. "If elected, Mr. Harper will quickly become Mr. Bush's new best friend internationally and the poster boy for his ideal foreign leader."

But Harper's letter said the "pro-free trade, pro-Iraq war, anti-Kyoto and socially conservative" characterization of his policy was an oversimplification of his positions.

He said that while he supports free trade, Canada would expand its trade relationships with Asian countries if the United States didn't pay the $5 billion in softwood lumber penalties.

On Iraq, Harper said he supported the removal of Saddam Hussein and applauded the "efforts to establish democracy and freedom."

But he said he would not commit Canadian troops to the country and added his "great disappointment" at not substantiating pre-war intelligence regarding weapons of mass destruction.

Regarding same-sex unions, he reiterated his position that he would vote to bring back the traditional definition of marriage. But he said those who already are married would continue to be recognized as legally wed.

Harper also pledged he would not initiate or support any effort to pass legislation restricting abortion in Canada.

"Despite my differences on many issues with some American conservative politicians, I look forward to a co-operative, constructive relationship with the United States as our principal trading partner and ally under a new Conservative government."

So just exactly how is he different, other than not having the guts to say exactly how he felt?

The American conservatives say "jump" while I say "how high?". Not the same thing! See, we're different!


"Harper - I'm Different from Cons in the US"

well that's because our legal system treats cons differently.
I really hope that last pic is photoshopped. He looks so unbelievably unhappy in that cowboy getup. Despite myself, I can't help but feel sympathy for the man. He's an intellectual, and continually having to dumb himself down and jump through the circus hoops for politics. So sad, really.
AFAIK that pic is legit, but I wonder how many minutes passed before his handlers were fired.
I really hope that last pic is photoshopped. He looks so unbelievably unhappy in that cowboy getup. Despite myself, I can't help but feel sympathy for the man. He's an intellectual, and continually having to dumb himself down and jump through the circus hoops for politics. So sad, really

Alas, it ain't photoshopped. Why any western politician feels compelled to don a bollo and a cowboy hat is beyond me. I don't think too many western Canadians would feel any less for that individual if they avoided doing so.

I particularly agree with your last point on dumbing down; it isn't just Harper who is "dumbed down." There are actually a fair number of intelligent people in government who do a poor job setting themselves up for the inevitable media coverage that attempts to pack complex policy issue and ideas into a two minute story. Talk with some of the people running and you often find individuals with strong interests and concerns for the country, people who really want to make a contribution to the well-being of their constituents and the nation.
