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H1N1 Info You Should Know

It is prudent to be careful of any medical procedure one goes through, but the post above is so full of misinformation that it verges on being dangerous.

"I hope they have a safer vaccine made instead that only consists of non-toxic ingredients" - this is a statement that is a clear indication of a complete lack of understanding of medicine and toxicology. All substances are toxins, it is the dosage that makes the difference. You can never make anything - food, drug, etc - that's completely "safe" and "non-toxic", there is only the possibility of having the least uncertainty, using available evidence from rigorous scientific studies, that something is safe within a certain upper and lower bound, for given individuals without such-and-such genetic or physiological conditions.

The 1976 incident, an ill-conceived plan to vaccinate the entire US population, was an important lesson for public health policy, but it wasn't a result of some shady, ill-intentioned "propaganda". Paralysis caused by vaccines is predominantly attributed to Guillain-Barré syndrome, an autoimmune disorder that attacks the nervous system, is linked to immune stimulation caused, for example, by infections - i.e., all vaccines, which all act on stimulating the immune system, have such a potential for eliciting GBS regardless of its ingredients, another reason why having a "non-toxic" vaccine is unrealistic. Evidence for a link between vaccines and GBS is weak, mostly based on correlation and the only case with the strongest likelihood for a causal link being the 1976 swine flu incident. However, only about 500 cases, not 4000, of paralysis could be linked to the vaccine, and that was out of more than 40 million people vaccinated. All subsequent flu vaccines for the next 3 decades have not shown a similar degree of association with GBS.

So everyone, do go ahead to research about the disease and the vaccine before you proceed, as you should before any medical decision. Consult useful sites such as those from WHO, Health Canada, CDC, and the academic publisher EBSCO. But never, ever, base your decision on the site of an anti-intellectual, anti-science, conspiracy-theorist right-wing pundit of the likes of Alex Jones.
Thank you golodhendil! Rational, sane thinking is always welcome. As opposed to ill-conceived fear mongering.
It is prudent to be careful of any medical procedure one goes through, but the post above is so full of misinformation that it verges on being dangerous.

"I hope they have a safer vaccine made instead that only consists of non-toxic ingredients" - this is a statement that is a clear indication of a complete lack of understanding of medicine and toxicology. All substances are toxins, it is the dosage that makes the difference. You can never make anything - food, drug, etc - that's completely "safe" and "non-toxic", there is only the possibility of having the least uncertainty, using available evidence from rigorous scientific studies, that something is safe within a certain upper and lower bound, for given individuals without such-and-such genetic or physiological conditions.

The 1976 incident, an ill-conceived plan to vaccinate the entire US population, was an important lesson for public health policy, but it wasn't a result of some shady, ill-intentioned "propaganda". Paralysis caused by vaccines is predominantly attributed to Guillain-Barré syndrome, an autoimmune disorder that attacks the nervous system, is linked to immune stimulation caused, for example, by infections - i.e., all vaccines, which all act on stimulating the immune system, have such a potential for eliciting GBS regardless of its ingredients, another reason why having a "non-toxic" vaccine is unrealistic. Evidence for a link between vaccines and GBS is weak, mostly based on correlation and the only case with the strongest likelihood for a causal link being the 1976 swine flu incident. However, only about 500 cases, not 4000, of paralysis could be linked to the vaccine, and that was out of more than 40 million people vaccinated. All subsequent flu vaccines for the next 3 decades have not shown a similar degree of association with GBS.

So everyone, do go ahead to research about the disease and the vaccine before you proceed, as you should before any medical decision. Consult useful sites such as those from WHO, Health Canada, CDC, and the academic publisher EBSCO. But never, ever, base your decision on the site of an anti-intellectual, anti-science, conspiracy-theorist right-wing pundit of the likes of Alex Jones.

Well put and good links. Disregard the fear mongering, read and learn. As I always say, knowledge is power.

By the way, only about 1 or 2 in 100,000 people develop GBS whether or not they have received a vaccination. Most people recover completely after weeks, perhaps months however some may have permanent nerve damage. Very few die as a result of GBS although it does happen.
Also, it's easy to label someone opposing the system as a stupid-crazy person, but you can't if all they are doing are providing facts. Alex Jones claims that he does not ever provide anyone with false information, only 100% facts. If he didn't wouldn't he have been arrested by now?

facts, when not interpreted correctly are not helpful. alex jones claimed that the US government was fascist because there were fascist symbols in the US capitol building and many other places. it's true that there are symbols that represent fascism in those places mentioned but those symbols were not invented by fascists, they were adopted by fascists. those symbols were also around on US architecture well before fascism came to power in italy. it's an ancient roman symbol. it symbolizes strength through unity. a stick alone is weak, many sticks bundled together are strong. but for alex, this is proof that the american government is facist. i don't know? maybe the americans invented a time machine, went back to facist italy, stole some symbols and then went further back in time to around the 1800's and placed symbols on their buildings in that era.

is charlie chaplin a nazi because of his mustache? are buddhists nazis for their use of the swastika in their temples? maybe, according to some of the logic i've seen from that dude.
Since Alex Jones is not a doctor I decided to delete his information that he provided me and ti instead insert a link to the side effects of the H1N1 vaccine. I don't think he is stupid and all those things you said. I have never noticed him to use any false information and he is entitled to his opinion.

I do want Canada to only approve a safe vaccine that uses natural ingredients. I consider things like Vitamin C safe and natural, but not things like mercury.
Since Alex Jones is not a doctor I decided to delete his information that he provided me and ti instead insert a link to the side effects of the H1N1 vaccine. I don't think he is stupid and all those things you said. I have never noticed him to use any false information and he is entitled to his opinion.

I do want Canada to only approve a safe vaccine that uses natural ingredients. I consider things like Vitamin C safe and natural, but not things like mercury.

mercury is completely natural. it doesn't get more natural than an element. p.s, you will intake more mercury from a fish than you will from a single dose of a vaccine. single dose vials apparently don't contain any mercury at all. one of the big things they (people) suspected with mercury in vaccines was that is caused autism. they (manufacturers) removed it from vaccines (europe i think?) for a good while and new cases of autism were still being diagnosed at the same rate or higher.
mercury is completely natural. it doesn't get more natural than an element. p.s, you will intake more mercury from a fish than you will from a single dose of a vaccine. single dose vials apparently don't contain any mercury at all. one of the big things they (people) suspected with mercury in vaccines was that is caused autism. they (manufacturers) removed it from vaccines (europe i think?) for a good while and new cases of autism were still being diagnosed at the same rate or higher.

Mercury is said to be a poison so I don't consider that to be a part of a safe vaccine, even though it is natural. Same thing goes with things like fluoride. Like I said I want the Canadian government to approve a safe vaccine. My intentions are to make sure that each and every human being is valued, respected and safe, because I care. :)
the only problem i have with vaccines is that just like any other medicine, it is not specific to my genome. i can't wait for the day that i can have my genome mapped and can have medicine tailored for my genetic makeup. i think that will be the day when there are no negative side effects from medicine. but until that day comes, what we have now is the best so far. maybe some people will have serious side effects from the vaccine but certainly, many, many more would die without the vaccine.
Mercury is said to be a poison so I don't consider that to be a part of a safe vaccine, even though it is natural. Same thing goes with things like fluoride. Like I said I want the Canadian government to approve a safe vaccine. My intentions are to make sure that each and every human being is valued, respected and safe, because I care. :)

but you said you "want Canada to only approve a safe vaccine that uses natural ingredients". mercury is natural. do you see the point i'm trying to get across to you? natural does not equal good. natural is bad in lots of cases. but, at very low doses, some bad things don't really have a negative effect on you.
the only problem i have with vaccines is that just like any other medicine, it is not specific to my genome.

That is a very good point. Maybe if it was more people wouldn't end up suffering from side effects. I guess it's less of a hassle and less expensive to just have one kind of vaccine.

maybe some people will have serious side effects from the vaccine but certainly, many, many more would die without the vaccine.

I was thinking that too, but at this point it's still too early for me to take it and risk a serious side effect. I hope I don't regret that if I wait too long :confused:
but you said you "want Canada to only approve a safe vaccine that uses natural ingredients". mercury is natural. do you see the point i'm trying to get across to you? natural does not equal good. natural is bad in lots of cases. but, at very low doses, some bad things don't really have a negative effect on you.

Sorry if I was unclear, I meant to say that I want a safe and natural vaccine.
There is no such thing as a natural vaccine, and there never will be. And even if there were, being natural does not make it safe.

There are risks to taking the vaccine, and they are small and generally rare. The risk of not taking the vaccine is increased likelihood of contracting a particularly harmful strain of the influenza, one that has seen healthy, young adults in intensive care with supported breathing for up to two weeks. Not only do you increase your chances of contracting it, you increase the chances you will give it to someone you know, such as family, friends or coworkers. It might even kill them.

Now, balancing those risks, I am very willing to take the vaccine, even if it is not perfect.
That is a very good point. Maybe if it was more people wouldn't end up suffering from side effects. I guess it's less of a hassle and less expensive to just have one kind of vaccine.

i'm not thinking in that way. the people who have serious side effects have some sort of genetic problem that predisposes them to those side effects. when it becomes feasible to genetically screen everybody, those at risk could abstain from the vaccine and everyone else can get the vaccine with a zero chance of serious side effects. in a few years, i think this might be possible.

Sorry if I was unclear, I meant to say that I want a safe and natural vaccine.

what's wrong with a unnatural but safe vaccine?
i'm not thinking in that way. the people who have serious side effects have some sort of genetic problem that predisposes them to those side effects. when it becomes feasible to genetically screen everybody, those at risk could abstain from the vaccine and everyone else can get the vaccine with a zero chance of serious side effects. in a few years, i think this might be possible.

what's wrong with a unnatural but safe vaccine?

I prefer a safe and natural vaccine to an unnatural one because I believe it's better for our body. I also believe that vaccines should only be taken when they are required and when taken they will only benefit the people for taking it.
