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News   Jul 19, 2024
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Greenbelt developments

How convenient that after all the negative attention over this Greenbelt deal, they suddenly announce an overall Greenbelt review, 2 years ahead of schedule.

What a coincidence.

This is clearly damage control. If they were going to do this early, they would have done it instead of the backroom dealing they did. But also it will probably be designed to support their end goal - releasing greenbelt land for development.

There is so much money tied to this land, and you know these developers have the ear of his office and party leadership. They have never had so much influence, and they will try to capitalize on it. These types of people are not ones to stand down from opportunities like that.

Seriously, it's so hamfisted. Who actually bought his nonsense? We can just about use that enema at Queen's Park right now.

With each week that passes we're discovering more and more about this whole corrupt scheme. We now know who many of the big players are who are benefiting and as I alluded to earlier, the connections are starting to be linked together.

Just think about what Ford said today “We need a war-time effort to build more homes,”

If this process is what he thinks is a war time effort, then he, and the party leadership, are nothing but complete morons and waste of time.

A war time effort wouldn't depend on the graciousness of the free market to decide when and where to build homes. It would not simply hope that the market will voluntarily reduce prices to increase affordability, and housing starts. It wouldn't depend on some staffer making secret deals to affect changes to legislation. It wouldn't assume that housing starts dependent on financing from buyers would continue to accelerate in a rising interest rate environment. True war time efforts are not won by the free market. They are won by command economy, and the government monopoly on violence to ensure compliance to that.

But the leadership knows this, they just don't believe it in at all. They believe in getting rich. To them "solving the housing crisis" is allowing developers to do whatever they like, so they all get rich, and we the plebs should be happy with million dollar mortgages.
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I'll bring forward a couple of my quotes earlier when the corruption was under wraps and this whole thing was flying relatively low under the radar.

With each week that passes we're discovering more and more about this whole corrupt scheme. We now know who many of the big players are who are benefiting and as I alluded to earlier, the connections are starting to be linked together. As I mentioned before, i'm extremely confident there are some Members of Parliament along with their families/friends who are directly benefiting from this and it has gone beyond vote buying and election contribution dollars. The ex-Clarington mayor being involved is just a drip in the bucket here.

Before I was skeptical that the police would get involved since this was under the OPPs jurisdiction (and Doug Ford obviously would've meddled in that), but now that they rightly handed this to the RCMP i'm getting the sense that it's only a matter of time before they start looking into this. Especially once the next integrity commissioner reports are completed.

I want to note Marit Stiles doing her best Amare impression today when she dropped the 'C' word outside the legislature.

The relevance of the location being that anything said in your official capacity in the legislature is not subject to liable litigation under 'Parliamentary privilege'

But this was put out, in print, outside the legislature.

I don't take issue w/that. But to use an expression that might have misogynist implications to some.........ballsy.
I want to note Marit Stiles doing her best Amare impression today when she dropped the 'C' word outside the legislature.

The relevance of the location being that anything said in your official capacity in the legislature is not subject to liable litigation under 'Parliamentary privilege'

But this was put out, in print, outside the legislature.

I don't take issue w/that. But to use an expression that might have misogynist implications to some.........ballsy.
Well I mean hey, we might as well call a spade a spade here.

Generally in the Western world we like to act as if there's no corruption that goes on because it's disguised under various forms of "governance" (ie: look at the SNC-Lavalin "affair"), but in this case this is just outright misuse of government power to benefit private individuals/companies and government officials. Pure and simple.

I suspect the government wont be litigating anyone on this (if they were smart), because if and when the RCMP investigate this and it comes out that there was criminal activity involved, those same people who are litigating will be directly in line to be implicated even further.

This is no e-Health or Gas Plant scandal (as big and serious as those were), this is on another level of misuse of government power.
Honestly, this kind of dealing is the exact kind of corruption we all should have and likely did expect from the Ford family. Doug and his brother did not have a scrupulous bone in their bodies. They never seemed all that concerned about doing what was right and cared much more about taking care of their 'friends' or people friendly to them.
Honestly, this kind of dealing is the exact kind of corruption we all should have and likely did expect from the Ford family. Doug and his brother did not have a scrupulous bone in their bodies. They never seemed all that concerned about doing what was right and cared much more about taking care of their 'friends' or people friendly to them.

Well, people were warned - he was even recorded on video promising the very thing that is happening - why should anyone be surprised when they act the way they did? In fact, it is arguable that his second majority merely emboldened him, where corruption just became a banal matter of issue management.

The RCMP has decided to launch a criminal investigation into the Greenbelt sell-off, and IMO i'm sure they'll find quite a bit of criminal activity here as i've been alluding to since the early days of this whole fiasco:

Already discussing it in the Doug Ford thread:

