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Greatest Toronto Moment in the last 50 years?


TO Tower Fan

In your opinion, what do you think is the greatest moment in the last 50 years? Don't make a list...just narrow it down to one.

In my opinion, there is no moment that stands out more than the night that Carter hit the home run to bring Toronto it's second world series championship.

This really came to mind today when I decided to pop in my old videos from 1993 which had all the post game celebrations on yonge st with City TV's coverage...and it brought back all the memories of how I have never seen the citizens of Toronto in such an exubriant and prideful state like they were on that evening. The amount of people (over one million) at 12:00am on that October morning is something that I will probably never see again until another one of our big 3 teams wins a championship. To see shoulder-to-shoulder people jamming yonge..from the foot of yonge and lakeshore, to yonge and st clair is absolutely mind-blowing. And the amazing thing about it is that people were just so happy and cheerful to each other...strangers were hugging each other, singing with each other, high-fiving, dancing on top of streetcars(which for some reason was trying to cut through the masses on yonge & dundas), no fighting or was a state of absolute euphoria.

I was trying long and hard to find pictures of the celebrations on the internet, but they were non-existant. I wish I can scan in the footage from the videos that I have, but I do not have the equipment.

So that's my favorite moment....what is yours?
Terry Fox running down University to Nathan Phillips Square. Greatest Canadian moment too.
Perhaps Viljo Revell winning the competition to design Toronto's new city hall. It just seems to be a perfect moment in time where Toronto entered some league much bigger than it was in before.
Yonge subway opening! Though that was technically 52 years ago. I've only been to a Yonge St. post game party once, and it was for the World Cup of Hockey 2 years ago. It was crazy fun.
Whimsically speaking...
Hard to say. Blue Jays winning was a great sporting moment and a fantastic celebration, but perhaps something like the subway opening or new City Hall would have to take the cake.
Dunno if topless girls with tall cans of beer running down Yonge st. chased by frat boys in hockey jersey's chanting "canada canada" counts as "toronto's greatest moment"....but hey...
Well, from that same era was the post-Rodney King Yonge Street riots...
Gold Medal 2002 Celebrations (They were far far far larger than the 2004 World Cup).

It was by far the most watch televised event in Canadian history. I beleive CBC stated that it as close to 10 million Canadians watching which blew away any historical records by a few million people.

It would think that is a hell of a lot more people than Shawnmicallef's comments of frat boys etc... Toronto Police estimated the Yonge Street crowd to be in excess of 1.2 million people.
Oh, certainly there was more good than bad....but they were spread out throughout the crowd well, so it seemed like they were eveywhere.

Hmmm now i wonder if the fratboys and their big cans were hanging around the periphery of Nathan Philips when Terry Fox was there....
From my own memory: winning the first World Series in '92.
It would think that is a hell of a lot more people than Shawnmicallef's comments of frat boys etc... Toronto Police estimated the Yonge Street crowd to be in excess of 1.2 million people.

Are you referring to the Yonge Street crowd after the Jays celebration in 1993? That I could believe. But there probably a crowd of 100,000 on Yonge St after we won the gold medal in Salt Lake City.
