News   Oct 18, 2024
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News   Oct 18, 2024
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News   Oct 18, 2024
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Last night on The Daily Show I laughed as Jon Stewart did a piece on how a banana from Del Monte now comes wrapped in a plastic bag, one banana per bag. Packaging is out of control.

The graffiti on the left might be first to be removed because it is on the left. The one on the right is masquerading as the right, so should be removed as well. The one in the middle has to go to the city executive to have an executive decision made before it can be removed, likely in 4 years.

Please, street artists, take this as far as possible (after obtaining the owner's permission of course). Give him the old Our Dear Leader treatment if necessary. Make Ford-o really consider your appeal. Huge internet bonus points will be awarded for creativity.
If someone wrote his name on my garage with huge funky colorful letters I think jail would be a more than appropriate punishment. If graffiti is so visually appealing to so many people then street 'artists' shouldn't have much of a problem finding donated spaces for their creations.

Of course, the problem is that 1 out of 100 graffiti are 'art'. I'm happy the mayor is dealing with this issue. Hopefully the city will start handing out huge fines to those guilty of postering as well... I mean, let's face it... the names of the perpetrators ARE in the posters.
"If graffiti is so visually appealing to so many people then street 'artists' shouldn't have much of a problem finding donated spaces for their creations."

Alot of the spaces in the alley that runs from spadina to portland were "donated spaces" but that didn't stop the city from painting over it and the fining the building owner. If the owner wants it there how is up to the city to make that decision for him.
Listen, I actually spend thousands of dollars a year on graffiti removal so this issue is not irrelevent to me. I have real skin in the game as it were.

The real issue here is about taking responsibility. Everyone, including the city seems to want to blame other people. But really society can only function when people stand up and take responsibility for themselves, their actions, and the well being of everyone in the community. The City should not be forcing property owners to clean-up there properties, because property owners should be doing this themselves anyway. Property owners that do not keep their properties in good shape simply lack maturity and respect for themselves and their communities. Hitting people over the head with laws may be effective but I assure you people have a way of giving back what they get several times over.

I also have no interest in locking up the boys who generate this graffiti. I use the word boys because no one regardless of age who is a mature responsible indivdual would behave in such a disrespectful manner. The expression is intrinsically immature in nature. That's OK, we are not born mature and immature expressions and immature individuals will always exist. We cannot regulate growing individuals and their expressions out of existence just because we have grown out of that phase ourselves.
We cannot regulate growing individuals and their expressions out of existence just because we have grown out of that phase ourselves.

No, but we can incur a cost to individuals who behave in such manners. Locking them up is unproductive - asking them to clean up their own mess using their labour isn't, on the other hand.

I was out on the Boardwalk along Sunnyside this morning, walking my dog. I was disgusted by the graffiti that is all over the beautiful Sunnyside Pavilion (facing the water and the pool). Is that a city building? If so, why is it that Rob Ford is not having the city set an example of cleaning up the mess on its own buildings? I agree with the previous comment, in that the punishment needs to fit the crime....we should only lock up people who have severely harmed society in some is far too expensive to keep people incarcerated....i.e. we'd be paying for their crimes all over again. Maybe, as so many of the older "scrawlings" may be hard to trace to their "artists"....we should have culprits, when caught and convicted, be responsible for "adopting" an entire city block ....and spend their community service cleaning the entire block....I'll leave it up to someone on here to be creative as to what to do with them if they don't comply. I can't help but think how difficult it will be to find out who is doing it, though. I was thinking that this morning........I have NEVER seen anyone doing it, though it seems to be everywhere....and I am out at all hours.
It is a fact, however, that cleaner/nicer places are less likely to get vandalised than messy streets with graffiti all over. People who do it do so because they want to be able to see it there for a while - which is why they don't bother with buildings they know will get rid of it straight away.

If these kids realise their 'art' will be cleaned up in days, they are all the less likely to do it.
I don't care for graffiti and those who do it on public or private property should go to jail imo. A new city rule should be if anyone is caught in the act or be part of a graffiti act on public or private property without permission should be jailed for weeks and everyday go around the city using a toothbrush trying to clean off graffiti. I'd like to see if these punks would do it again in the future

Also some of these idiots think putting graffiti on "hard" places like restricted subway areas are cool but one day an accident is going to happen (electricuted, fall off bridge) and someone is going to get really hurt

Rob Ford stated he is going to tackle the graffiti mess in Toronto during election. Hopefully he comes through
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I was in Havana Cuba last week and was surprise to see they suffer the same graffiti issue too.


Most cities do. I've traveled all over the Americas and seen graffiti everywhere I've been. Toronto had A LOT LESS graffiti in 2005 than it does now.
Sorry folks but this is one epidemic that most definitely cannot be stopped. A fight against graff is as terribly futile as the "War on Drugs"....but yes, let's throw lots of money, time, and manpower at the issue and hope it goes away. Oooo, that sounds familiar!
I know many places that have virtually eradicated graffiti. Also, why is there so little graffiti in the financial district and so much on queen street? If the right measures are taken the problem will go away for the most part.
Sorry folks but this is one epidemic that most definitely cannot be stopped. A fight against graff is as terribly futile as the "War on Drugs"....but yes, let's throw lots of money, time, and manpower at the issue and hope it goes away. Oooo, that sounds familiar!

Should we stop arresting and prosecuting murders and rapists then, just because there will always be more murderers and rapists?

The problem with War on Drugs isn't the "futility" of it, it problem is that it is hypocritical, considering vast amount of drugs are legal, some even more harmful than the illegal ones.

Unlike drugs, damaging and vandalizing other people's property is always wrong, just like murdering, raping, stealing, etc. is always wrong.
