as you know, on February 8, Minister Sarkaria wrote to the feds asking for their contribution in delivering "frequent two way all day service on the Milton corridor through construction of a fully separated passenger railway. This will allow for parallel operation for both freight and passenger rail service, which would enable CPKC to preserve their freight capacity and Metrolinx to enhance passenger rail service for this growing community".
The Minister also cited that he had received an IBC which estimated capital costs to be "
upward of $6.2B".
I spent some time trying to reconcile this cost with the costs in the 2015 IBC for GO RER, kindly provided by Chris. Here are my observations:
- The Sarkaria case seems very close to Scenario 4 (Full Build) in the 2015 IBC:
- 4 trains/hr Milton-Union all day contrapeak, off peak
- 4 trains/hr Milton - Union weekends
- 4 trains/hr Milton- Union in the 3 hour peak period. (Larger trains used than off-peak)
- The infrastructure listed for Scenario 4 was:
- two additional tracks full length West Toronto to Milton
- Reinstall track West Toronto - Union
- Fly under East Humber river
- 3 road-rail grade separations (Stanfield, Wolfsdale, Erindale Stn Rds)
- Station modifications at all 9 stations
- Electrification to allow use of EMUs and Electric locos
- The capital cost, excluding fleet and system-wide costs, but including 50% contingency and 25% "acceleration" was $1.84B
- Table C-7 gives a different total, including fleet, at $2.2B
- I read some speculation that CPKC was asking for road-rail separation at every level crossing. There are about 9 additional crossings not slated for separation in the IBC (Haines, Queen St, Thomas, Tannery. Ontario , 10 th Line,9th line. 6th line, 5th line). Assuming unit costs similar to the 3 in the IBC, this would add about $400M to the capital cost
Therefore total 2015 capital cost per IBC, adjusted for 9 extra crossings, is about
$2.6B, including fleet.
This is a long way from upwards of $6.2B. Could prices have escalated that much? Is there additional scope not cited in the 2015 IBC?
Your thoughts would be welcomed.