Northern Light
The more I think about it, the more its like they were like "hey we're going to cut huge chunks of train service on Barrie and Stouffville, but here's a list of massive changes we'll make to other parts of the region that has nothing to do with the area that will severely affect you to compensate for this circumstance". Its still nice to see these changes be mostly positive, even if its mostly on the west end of the GTA that will see a bigger benefit to all this however. But then we have to be reminded that this is Metrolinx and with every win they have, there most always has to be a compromise.
My first thought on the reductions is that if these were to happen in order to advance construction speed on improvements, they ought to have been done at the height of the pandemic for six weeks or w/e and then finished (at least to the point of permitting substantial improvements in service thereafter.
My second thought if that if these reductions are to serve advancing construction Metrolinx ought to be explicit about that and identify:
1) What improvement will be achieved as a result of this inconvenience?
2) When will that improvement begin?
3) They really ought to keep that inconvenience as short as possible and again be clear on exactly why its needed (ie. to achieve 'x' km of new track, or a new tie-in or 2 new signal gantries or new platform at 'y' station etc.
Delivering the reductions in the way that they have seems like a sloppy after thought that disregards the difficulty they are imposing on many riders.