Very few places have the $$ to have stuff store inside and this will end up being outside like it has been from day one. The look of the buildings housing this type of equipment needs to fit the area, being fully accessibly and that increase the cost of protection. Need a good group of people spending time keeping the exposed equipment up to date and deal with rust before it becomes a major issue.Ref CN 6167 located just over the fence at the Guelph Station. I know that the City of Guelph has set aside $ to move the loco to another location in the city sometime later this year. Not sure if the new location is inside or out, but an inside location would certainly go further to preserving this historic piece. It has been resting outside in this location for at least 30 years.
Have seen far too many places where exposed equipment finally see the scrap yard, but lack of funds is the main cause. Even some store equipment have seen the same thing since no maintenance has been done on them.