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News   Oct 11, 2024
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GO Bus Shoulder Lanes - DVP

That article reads like a letter to the editor rant gone wrong. Nothing less from The Sun!
The annoying part is that so many people who could use those GO buses down the DVP won't.

That's why I think this is great. People will be sitting in traffic idling while a GO buses whizzes by in the shoulder lane and then they might think "gee, maybe I should take the GO bus"
I cant wait until the province introduces tolls on the highways during rush hours. A 3 dollar toll each way each day would really help build a fund to build some decent transit in this clogged city.
Single occupant vehicles clogging the streets and running red-lights, making slow left turns on advanced green lights, tailgating, weaving through traffic. It drives me insane and I too welcome tolls and projects like these GO Bus Shoulder Lanes to get some of these cars off our roadways
Sadly, the Sun is the only paper I have seen mention the fact that GO buses can now use the DVP shoulders between York Mills and Lawrence
There was a small article in today's Globe. Though according to the Globe, they aren't in use yet. I haven't scoured any of the other Toronto papers ...
That's why I think this is great. People will be sitting in traffic idling while a GO buses whizzes by in the shoulder lane and then they might think "gee, maybe I should take the GO bus"

One advantage to surface rapid transit is that you can see it passing you. When driving above subways, you don't get this advantage.

Juan_Lennon416 said:
More like maybe I should take the GO bus, however [insert excuse #1-50]

Well in fairness, buses using this route currently make no stops in Toronto. Obviously there are other options (subway, GO train), but it would be nice if there were GO buses from Oriole GO station and Scarborough Town Center which used these lanes to get downtown.
I just made the mistake of reading the comments on the Sun's link...... Geez society is truly doomed if these people are able to reproduce.

Fortunately, they've gotten better. One benefit of The Sun's comment section compared to The Star is that you don't need to register, and they don't close them shortly after opening. The result is that you get people with double-digit IQs coming in to educate posts from seniors suffering from dementia, and have nothing better to do but post the moment an article comes online.

Favourite comment by A Bunch Of Huhs? (page 8):

I'm still trying to make the connection between "bicycle-socialists," a bus lane on the DVP, jobs going overseas and the murder rate in Toronto. A column (and maybe a mind) that wanders all over the place without focus and is badly in need of an editor, no matter what you think of cars, buses, taxes, etc.
I suppose it should be pointed out that these bus lanes have not resulted in lanes have being taken away from cars? The whole article is laughable.

But pointing that out would completely deflate the ignorant narrative that has been set up... Facts have no place in ignorance, didn't you know that? :p
But pointing that out would completely deflate the ignorant narrative that has been set up... Facts have no place in ignorance, didn't you know that? :p

He even says himself that the lanes are previously unused should lanes. It's like he doesn't even know what he's writing.
He even says himself that the lanes are previously unused should lanes. It's like he doesn't even know what he's writing.

He states the facts, but then completely ignores them because they go against what he's trying to prove. I don't know which is worse: stating your opinion when you're ignorant of the facts, or stating your opinion when you are aware of the facts, but choose to ignore them because they don't say what you want them to say.
some of later responses to joe's article are more of the vain "Joe, you have your head up your arse!"
