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George W Bush meets Pope amid claims he might convert to Catholicism

Prometheus The Supremo

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a strange reality, bizarro toronto
if he does convert, i wonder what his evangelist buddies will say about him joining the "apostate church"? it would be a great way to give the finger to those that brought him into the whitehouse.

George W Bush meets Pope amid claims he might convert to Catholicism

By Malcolm Moore in Rome
Last updated: 9:20 PM BST 13/06/2008

George W Bush and Pope Benedict XVI have held an intimate meeting in Rome as rumours mounted in Italy that the president may follow in Tony Blair's footsteps and convert to Catholicism.

The two men spoke for half an hour in the 12th century Tower of St John, a private area in the Vatican gardens which is used by the pope for private reflection.

The usual protocol for heads-of-state is a meeting in the pope's library in the Apostolic Palace, but a spokesman for the Vatican said Benedict wanted to reward Mr Bush for the "warmth" of his reception at the White House earlier this year.

The two men have grown increasingly close in the past two years, and Mr Bush was overheard whispering: "What an honour, what an honour, what an honour!" as he ascended the steps to the tower.

After a stroll through the Vatican gardens, the men listened to a recital by the choir of the Sistine Chapel. However, Mr Bush did not, as expected, kneel in prayer before the Grotto of the Madonna of Lourdes. It was thought that he may have prayed with the pope in private. Mr Bush prayed with Benedict in the Oval Office during the Papal visit to the US in April.

Several Italian newspapers cited Vatican sources suggesting that Mr Bush may be prepared to convert. One source told Il Foglio, an authoritative newspaper, that "Anything is possible, especially for a born-again Christian such as Bush."

He added that while the Holy See deplored the war in Iraq, "on ethical matters he has always had a line that is practically identical to that of the Vatican." Mr Bush has spoken out against gay marriage, abortion and stem cell research. He proposed amending the US constitution to "fully protect marriage" as the "union of man and woman as husband and wife".

He has repeatedly made clear his admiration for Benedict and has even claimed to have read some of the pope's theological books.

A source close to the Vatican said that Mr Bush was the most "Catholic-minded" president since John F Kennedy, who famously played down his Catholicism. Mr Bush belongs to a Methodist church in Texas and prays at an Episcopal church in Washington.

However, George William Rutler, a New York-based priest who is close to the president, was quoted by the Washington Post earlier this year saying that Mr Bush "is not unaware of how evangelism, by comparison with Catholicism, may seem more limited both theologically and historically".

Mr Bush has filled the White House with Catholic speech-writers and consultants and is also thought to have asked a Catholic priest to bless the West Wing.

Before he became president, Karl Rove, his former political adviser, invited Catholic intellectuals to Texas to lecture the candidate on the church's teachings. Mr Bush appointed the Catholic judges Samuel Alito and John Roberts to the Supreme Court.

However, it is thought unlikely that Mr Bush would convert until after he has left office. Jeb Bush, the president's brother, has already converted to Catholicism.

Catholics have noted that during the contested election in 2000, Jeb Bush travelled to Mexico and prayed to the icon of Our Lady of Guadelupe. His victory was announced by the Supreme Court on December 12, the feast day of the Lady of Guadelupe.
In December 2007, Tony Blair converted to Catholicism, after stepping down as Prime Minister of Great Britain. His wife was already Roman Catholic, and his children attended Catholic schools.
i don't see bush going catholic but things would get interesting if he did.
Bush doesn't seem very Catholic to me. But I don't really like Benedict or any pope for that matter on certain issues, e.g. gays and women. It's sad that for those reasons Bush and Benedict would become close.
Being a __________ (fill in the religion) is more than just a title. You must live your life according to its teachings. Not only are they not living it, they are making a mockery of it.
(get the hint?)

Big deal, anyway. Bush's first question to Pope Benedict probably had something to do with eggs or something
Someone seems to have dropped a stink bomb in the proverbial 'Religious-Right-Republican' boat. With Colin Powell endorsing Obama and a possible Bush conversion, it seems everyone is abandoning ship with this whole movement that has sadly taken over the U.S. for the past 10 years. And those lucky enough to get a seat on the few lifeboats available, are trying to soften their eventual historical portrayals.

But, Mr. Bush, there aren't enough Glade Plug-ins that will mask this stink.
George W. Bush used religion as a tool to get elected, so its hard to pinpoint where he really stands.
Someone seems to have dropped a stink bomb in the proverbial 'Religious-Right-Republican' boat. With Colin Powell endorsing Obama and a possible Bush conversion, it seems everyone is abandoning ship with this whole movement that has sadly taken over the U.S. for the past 10 years. And those lucky enough to get a seat on the few lifeboats available, are trying to soften their eventual historical portrayals.

But, Mr. Bush, there aren't enough Glade Plug-ins that will mask this stink.

America is also going from hyper-capitalism and jumping ship to become a relatively socialist nation.

They seem to skip right past a balanced, liberal approach. LOL We now have the largest amount of nationalized banks and companies in the western world. At least based on power of these companies relative to the economy...

America appears to do things in extremes. Maybe when no one has access to health care anymore we'll jerk our knees and go to government salaried doctors and totally skip over the best option, single payer health insurance with private delivery....

Oh America, how bizzaire you are.
The US Christian Right seems to have forgotten Christ's maxim, "Give to Caesar what is Caesar's and to God what is God's." If ever there was a defence of the separation between church and state, it is there. Yet they insist on imposing their values on anyone and everyone through the government.

It is quite ironic that all these folks who belong to churches that found the Catholic Church to be imposing are now in churches that make the Catholic Church look like the paragon of moderation and modernity. And now they are paying for it. I am a regular church goer and I would never want the most religious guy in my parish running the country, or setting the political agenda for the next half decade. Nor would I want my religious values being the sole compass of morality or what decides good or bad policy. Yet, that seems to be the running practice in the US. I understand that the Church has to preach absolutes on morality. That is their function as an institution. But it should be left upto their followers to determine how best they can live up to that bar.....

After all, as the Koran says 'There can be no compulsion in faith."
