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Future of the York Memorial Collegiate building

From the Globe:

And the Star:




Those are very serious allegations; and if substantiated should cost at least 2 people (namely the Brothers Pegg) their jobs.

I would be interested to see what the Crown would think of this Civil action as some of what is described in the Statement of Claim strikes me as potentially criminal.


Key Points: (from The Star)


The article goes on to suggest (as per the Claim) why this was not a reasonable action.


Here's where it goes from bad to worse...........



Those are very serious allegations; and if substantiated should cost at least 2 people (namely the Brothers Pegg) their jobs.

I would be interested to see what the Crown would think of this Civil action as some of what is described in the Statement of Claim strikes me as potentially criminal.


Key Points: (from The Star)

View attachment 317376

The article goes on to suggest (as per the Claim) why this was not a reasonable action.

View attachment 317377

Here's where it goes from bad to worse...........

View attachment 317378

View attachment 317379

I would be very surprised if this isn't a CoI issue as well.

Sound like a pretty straightforward case of negligence to me. Surprised they didn't settle.
'Instead, police and fire left it to an untrained Toronto District School Board security guard, a decision the board alleges in the statement “was driven primarily by cost concerns of senior personnel, including a desire to reduce overtime costs, and purported lack of adequate resources.”'

Again, trying to "save" money results in the opposite, costing much, much more in money.
'Instead, police and fire left it to an untrained Toronto District School Board security guard, a decision the board alleges in the statement “was driven primarily by cost concerns of senior personnel, including a desire to reduce overtime costs, and purported lack of adequate resources.”'

Again, trying to "save" money results in the opposite, costing much, much more in money.
Penny wise, pound foolish as always
The City are clearly VERY pissed off (as they should be) with the TDSB. , The TDSB acted very strangely and accused Chief Pegg of covering up.) ):

Ms. Karen Falconer
Interim Director of Education
Toronto District School Board
5050 Yonge Street Toronto ON
M2N 5N8
Dear Ms. Falconer,

I am writing in relation to the Toronto District School Board’s lawsuit concerning the fires at the York Memorial Collegiate. I am compelled to express my extreme disappointment in the baseless and irresponsible allegations made against Fire Chief Matthew Pegg. I am also appalled at the calculated public release of the claim yesterday by the TDSB, which contained these allegations. In my view this could have only been intended to cause unwarranted harm for some undisclosed strategic benefit.

The City and Chief Pegg categorically repudiate the allegations contained in your statement of claim. We denounce the carelessness shown by the TDSB and its insurers in this matter. Most importantly, we reaffirm our confidence in Chief Pegg and his professionalism. The Toronto District School Board and the City of Toronto have a long history of collaboration, cooperation and common purpose. Our respective sense of joint mission and the importance of our close relationship has never been more evident than in the current civil emergency. All of which makes this baseless attack on the integrity and professionalism of Chief Pegg, who leads the City’s emergency response management, all the more disappointing. It is difficult not to view this spurious attack on Chief Pegg as a betrayal of our close relationship.

The City and its residents have much to thank Chief Pegg for. Beyond his devoted service as Fire Chief, Chief Pegg serves as the General Manager of Emergency Management; a position that has placed him at the forefront of the City’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Over the last year and more, few have committed more hours and effort to ensure the safety of our community - your schools included. His leadership, integrity and professionalism has been a steadying factor for our residents and staff. We all owe Chief Pegg a great debt for his service to date. Put plainly, he deserved better.

We ask you to consider the harm caused to Chief Pegg’s reputation by the false claims of misfeasance advanced in your lawsuit. We also ask that you reconsider maintaining those claims and consider whether a public apology is owing to Chief Pegg. To the extent you require any information to assure yourself and your insurer that those claims ought to be abandoned and a public correction of the record made, do not hesitate to have your legal counsel seek it from our counsel, who will oblige. Again, I want to stress the long history and common purpose of public service the City and TDSB share. A resetting of this relationship, in my view, is more important now than ever in our collective efforts to serve the people of Toronto.

Yours truly,

Chris Murray
City Manager
City of Toronto
Last edited:
May 6 and 7, 2019, fires started in the YMCI building, which reached six-alarm status.

The Notre-Dame de Paris fire broke out on 15 April 2019. The building's spire had collapsed and most of its roof had been destroyed and its upper walls were severely damaged. Extensive damage to the interior was prevented by its stone vaulted ceiling, which largely contained the burning roof as it collapsed.

Meanwhile... at the York Memorial Collegiate Institute building...

From link.
The lands next-door to the School are now nominated by the City as a HOUSING NOW site... need to determine the viability of a co-build with TDSB to create some meaningful Transit-Oriented Development as part of the school rebuild and the nearby LRT...

View attachment 357124


A couple of thoughts here:

I'm not opposed to working w/the school, but for a variety of reasons, I expect that might not the best opportunity here to think big.
The TDSB has tight budgets, approved through the ministry, faces a timeline crunch to get the building back up and running, and I would assume some pressure to retain the heritage facades as well.

None of that precludes some creativity.............but FWIW...........I might be more interested to look at the below:


From left to right:

1) The York Civic Centre (former York City Hall). To my understanding, the functions here are to consolidated w/those of the Etobicoke Civic Centre at the new facility at Six Points (Bloor/Dundas).
* that may have change, but was, at one point, the intent. If that is still the case, this site may be vacated as soon as 2025, its all City owned. *the building to rear may be part of the High School, and that
could be looked at in any reconstruction of the HS, the simple act of consolidating that to the main building, where surface parking is currently, could free up the land for affordable housing.

2) Another City owned site, this one directly contiguous to proposed Housing Now Site. It provides Eglinton frontage, and nominally moves any development closer to the Crosstown Station making it easier to argue for height.
This site includes an existing Community Recreation Centre which would have to be relocated. But as the facility is aging........and ther emight be an even larger, City-Owned site, literally across the street that might become available......

3) The new entrance for the Crosstown at Keelesdale Stn. I'm not sure if this site is development ready, and would obviously require participation from Mx. However with a ~6,000ft2 floorplate, right over a transit station.....its attention-worthy. Not City-owned.....but....what if the City acquired the 'rights' to develop affordable housing here, and purchased the store fronts next door. They're non-descript and would not be missed; and together w/the Mx site would make an excellent footprint.
I'm not opposed to working w/the school, but for a variety of reasons, I expect that might not the best opportunity here to think big.
The TDSB has tight budgets, approved through the ministry, faces a timeline crunch to get the building back up and running, and I would assume some pressure to retain the heritage facades as well.
Yeah, we're pretty sure the School-Building itself is "un-touchable" - but we are looking to see about ownership of some of the other chucks around the lands that CreateTO identifed...

Yeah, we're pretty sure the School-Building itself is "un-touchable" - but we are looking to see about ownership of some of the other chucks around the lands that CreateTO identifed...

View attachment 357126

Green Triangle...............and to my surprise, the Community Recreation Centre are entirely within the School's lot area. (looking at lot lines on TO Maps).



Green Rectangle is Municipal Drive which at first blush, looks like a public road.

However, the lot lines indicate it is part of the York Civic Centre Parcel.

You can see that here, where there is no pink line delineating a lot between the road and the City's York Civic Centre.


I would love to see that back area behind the civic centre completely redeveloped - I've always found it to be depressing.
Press Release:

11M to fund an addition as part of the reconstruction (other costs funded through TDSB's insurance).

368 additional pupil places for a total 1,300.
