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Fox News Insults Canada and the Canadian Forces

p.s, these pink eye guys are beginning to feel the consequences. a canadian comedy club already told one of them not to bother coming to an upcoming gig and there's alot of pissed off people out there making all kinds of threats like throwing beers at them, etc.

There's a fair amount of US veterans of Afghanistan starting to write in too. Certainly, the US colleagues in my office were probably more offended than I was. I actually found the regurgitation of Canadian stereotypes funny. The red coats after all are asking to be poked fun at. It was the rest of the comments that were callous, particularly those of Benson.

I actually hope the show gets put back on. I would love to have him meet the fine soldiers from the PPCLI who would have no problem filling him in on Canada's fine military traditions.

On a separate but related note, what has really made Canada's outrage at the issue look bad is all the anti-american comments and Fox News bashing. Those don't help. I don't like Fox. But if we are to make comments about this Red Eye segment, you can win the debate simply by trashing the network and the country. That simply plays into the hands of the right wing nutjobs who see some leftist conspiracy to get Red Eye off the air.
I don't see what's the big obsession over a pathetic TV show on a pathetic TV network is all about. Like honestly, there is more to standing up for Canadian interests than complaining about some third rate moron on the tube. Which of course, we have failed again and again to do, from softwood lumber to GWB's snub of Canada. What did we do, demand that they apologize? Please.

And another thing - personally, I think insulting Canada as a nation is far more worthy of our interest than some unsavory comments about our military. Where did our foreign affairs minister go with the former issue, which happened time and again (Coulter, etc) on Fox? Nowhere. Sounds like trying to score cheap political points to me.


I felt the same way. Who really cares what they think? It was all the usual stereotypical nonsense anyways.
Re: Carolyn Parrish

I think most of us would agree that it was tasteless at the time. I was certainly horrified when I saw that skit on TV at the time. I am always critical of how we in Canada routinely define ourselves by what we are not: American. I would never tolerate someone calling the US soldiers pansies. That's why I guess I find this episode offensive.

That said my rage is starting to subside. I am fairly sure that after this episode, the guys career won't advance much beyond the 3am time slot.
I am fairly sure that after this episode, the guys career won't advance much beyond the 3am time slot.

I highly doubt his success is dependent on us - it is on a popular (though irrevelant and intellectually bankrupt) network. If anything, he probably "energized" the imbeciles watching the show.

I would never tolerate someone calling the US soldiers pansies.

It's not a matter of tolerance. They have every right to say whatever they want - it doesn't make what they've said true.


It's a terrible middle-of-the-night show on one of the worst networks out there. Don't legitimize them.
I certainly hope we wont let silly comments like those of Digi sidetrack the real issues...

keep defending your american friends, it looks good on you.

do we remember the likes of Carolyn Parrish stomping on the US flag?

No, because it never happened. i do remember fred Phelps burning the Canadian flag in front of parliament in ottawa you?

On a separate but related note, what has really made Canada's outrage at the issue look bad is all the anti-american comments and Fox News bashing.

hey, it's just a joke, free speech etc...get over it.
It's about as tasteless as saying that this guy couldn't take the heat:


You sure as hell know they wouldn't dare make that comment.
I saw his apology on the show. It's so half-hearted and pathetic. You know he's laughing on the inside. Sadly, that's all we'll get out of him. Guess, that's it, tell the next Fox talking head rants on Canada again.

What do you want us to do, cause a diplomatic row over something so trival (if not fundamentally associated with what's considered a sacred cow in US values - i.e. free speech) that it's frankly already gotten more attention than necessary. Like, the Minister of Foreign Affairs has nothing better to do, on taxpayers time, than talking about this patently stupid issue? Get over it.


PS: Quite frankly, the title should be changed to "Fox Insults - What's News?"

I am sad he gave such a half-hearted apology. But I have accepted it. I ain't asking for more.
