Donald J. Trump is the first President to support gay marriage from his first day in office.
A true man of the people. Americans are looking forward to 8 years of Trump. Look what he's accomplished in only two weeks.
I love it when right-wingers temporarily put aside the usual hostility or indifference to gays in order to use the LGBT community as a prop for whatever political axe they suddenly want to grind. In the past few weeks, I've never seen more right-wingers suddenly gush about the protection of the gay community, mainly so that they have an excuse to bash BLM, Muslims or make silly claims about Trump.
The article you cite says nothing about same-sex marriage. Trump has been all over the map on the marriage issue, saying both that he thinks the matter is settled, and also that he is opposed and would appoint justices to the SCOTUS that would overturn Obergefell. One big test will be to see who he nominates (supposedly this evening) to SCOTUS. The proof will be in the pudding, so to speak, and the jury is most definitely still out on this one. If he nominates from among those whom he has said he would nominate, he is no supporter of same-sex marriage and no friend of the LGBT community. The gay community in the U.S. will either be relieved or terrified tomorrow morning.
As for what the Trump administration announced today, that it would not overturn Obama's execution order on LGBT workplace protections, I can only say this: big f*cking deal. All Obama could achieve through the powers of his office was an executive order preventing companies with federal contracts from discriminating against gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender employees. So Trump isn't going to let some of the gays at companies working for the feds be fired - a momentous step in the U.S. if this were 1995. If Trump wants to actually be a supporter of the LGBT community, he would, as Obama did, support Congress enacting amendments to the Civil Rights Act to include protections that ban discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity. In other words, protect
all members of the community in respect of job protection and other rights, not just those working for federal contractors. Rights which we take for granted in Canada, and have for decades. But Trump is not a supporter of such legislation, and the Republicans in Congress are mostly virulently opposed.
Most importantly, Trump backs the First Amendment Defense Act, a license to discriminate against LGBT Americans, when Cruz and Lee intend to reintroduce in the Senate. Trump has nominated Sessions, one of the original sponsors of FADA, as Attorney General. FADA would be devastating to the LGBT community. Until such time as Trump states that he will veto FADA, he is no friend of the LGBT community.
Trump has been patting himself on the back for mentioning the LGBT community in his nomination speech ("“The President is proud to have been the first ever GOP nominee to mention the LGBTQ community in his nomination acceptance speech"). The speech where, after mentioning the Orlando attack, he promised to protect LGBT Americans from "violence and oppression of a hateful foreign ideology". So he's onside with protecting gays from being murdered by terrorists. That is a shockingly low bar in terms of support for gay rights. He doesn't believe gays should be murdered or oppressed by ISIS, but is pretty quiet about what many Republicans in Congress want to do to American gays.
I can only imagine your last three sentences were in jest, as they are completely ridiculous, with the popular vote and opinion shows showing them to be incorrect. Most of what he has accomplished in two weeks is chaos.