Substantial Completion is only required for the end of 2023 and this is mainly for the ROW with the balance done in 2024.They have made good progress in the past few months, but I don't think everything will be done by the end of the year there's a lot of little things left to do. I think by spring it'll be done for the most part, but I could be wrong.
That CP rail path will be interesting I would think they will have to demolish the existing sidewalks and retaining wall and then carve out a tunnel in the embankment under the tracks to fit everything in. It also seems that this work is starting quite late in this process.
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This means traffic is in their own lanes regardless of it been only a single, Same for sidewalks and cycles lanes been not completed.
As long as substantial completion is done for ML to get use of the ROW by year end to start full testing, the balance of the outstanding work can be completed in 2024 as far as I know,
I had by doute last and early this year that substantial completion wouldn't happen as planned and would be Q1 2024. They have made great process since spring and very clear on my last trip a few weeks ago the LRT will be running by summer, but a lot of roadwork, sidewalk and Cycles Path must have to be done.