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Fight on MUNI bus in SF Chinatown (Youtube video)

Racial tensions? Not really a good example. The other Chinese people actually shielded the black woman and tried to stop the fight, else she would have gotten her ass kicked aven more. And quite frankly, she was asking for it.
What were they arguing about really? Did the Chinese woman jump ahead and take the seat and the black lady protested?

While I think the punch from the black lady was unnecessary, the Chinese woman's shouting and insults were escalating a petty argument into one that could turn into a fight. Indeed it did and the one to throw the first punch got her ass owned. Both lost in my opinion.
Apparently, the black woman was occupying two seats with her bags. The Chinese woman asked her to remove them but she refused, and the argument ensued.
In that case, the right person got a can of whoop-ass. :)

I once witnessed a guy throwing McDonalds trash under his seat. He appeared bigger than me but I couldn't contain my contempt for the asshole. I asked him firmly but within the confines of politeness if he thought that throwing his trash under the seat wasn't an affront to every user of the streetcar, including myself who had to deal with his garbage.

He quickly escalated the situation by shouting obscenities at me and left the trash on the floor. During the rest of the trip, every now and then, he would turn around and shout more obscenities at me. I got up, picked him up by the back of his shirt and threw him and most of his trash out the streetcar at the next stop.

Another guy got up when he realized there was going to be a fight but luckily no blood was drawn, only the loser's ego broken. The guy sat back down without having to intervene and told me he was itching to give the other guy a knuckle sandwich.

Transit etiquette is pretty bad in Toronto, hence the new higher fines. Shouting a conversation into phones, leaving trash behind, putting feet on seats, taking up more space than needed, standing in pairs on escalators.... grrrr.... it goes on.

I ended my subscription to the Metropass and mostly walk now, sometimes take a streetcar, hardly ever the subway and joined ZipCar. Problem solved.
I recall another situation where this guy was listening to annoying rap music on his cell phone's loudspeakers. A girl got up and tapped him on the shoulder. She said something like: "Not everybody here wants to listen to your crap music. Please turn it off". He proceeded to call her every degrading word in the book. She outwitted him in wording but he left his music on. A guy got up and threw his phone across the streetcar's floor. lol The offender quietly got up, found his phone and got off the streetcar.

Sometimes citizen enforcement is good. Unfortunately it's necessary. I omitted from my story above that I first walked up to the driver when I noticed the guy littering. The driver told me it wasn't his job to enforce the littering by-law.
Racial tensions? Not really a good example. The other Chinese people actually shielded the black woman and tried to stop the fight, else she would have gotten her ass kicked aven more.

Only the Chinese passengers who spoke English tried to stop. I could hear some of the Cantonese-speaking passengers encouraging the woman to fight on.
Only the Chinese passengers who spoke English tried to stop. I could hear some of the Cantonese-speaking passengers encouraging the woman to fight on.

Still I don't see this is a conflict based on race, but I could be wrong (I don't speak Chinese).

But I think it is possible the Chinese woman acted more harshly than she would otherwise have just because the woman is black. All this just because of one seat? C'mon.

In MetroMan's examples, maybe I can understand the anger, but not in this case. Sure, it is rude but not worth fighting over.

Personally, I find the majority of bus passengers to be extremely polite, so I am not going let the occasional douche bag to get under my skin.
A weird guy was on the bus talking to kids, trying to tell them to buy some product. When the kids were about to get off of the bus, he tried to convince the kids to come with him.
I informed the bus driver that the guy is trying to lure kids.
He told me he didn't hear any such thing and the guy wasn't doing anything wrong. He clearly heard him, but didn't want to get involved.

As for this video, it didn't seem too bad to me. I mean compared to the shootings that have happened on buses in Toronto over the past couple of years.
Still I don't see this is a conflict based on race, but I could be wrong (I don't speak Chinese).

I'm not going to bother watching the video. But for non-Westernized Chinese, every conflict with a non-Chinese person is a conflict based on race.

Shouting a conversation into phones, leaving trash behind, putting feet on seats, taking up more space than needed, standing in pairs on escalators.... grrrr.... it goes on.

I've never seen any of this happen.
Shouting a conversation into phones, leaving trash behind, putting feet on seats, taking up more space than needed, standing in pairs on escalators.... grrrr.... it goes on.

I've never seen any of this happen.

You've never seen or heard anybody speaking too loudly on their cellphone? You've never seen people leave trash behind? You've never seen people put their feet on seats (specially on the subway with seats facing eachother)? You've never seen anybody sprawling on their seats, taking up 2 or more? You've never seen people blocking escalators by standing in pairs -- even in a non-TTC context?

You clearly either don't use the TTC very often or you're legally blind. Maybe you're living in a different Toronto? These are common occurrences unfortunately.

Even after having given up my Metropass and now in my reduced travel on the TTC, I still see each of these happen quite often.
You've never seen people leave trash behind? You've never seen people put their feet on seats (specially on the subway with seats facing eachother)? You've never seen anybody sprawling on their seats, taking up 2 or more?


You've never seen people blocking escalators by standing in pairs -- even in a non-TTC context? You've never seen or heard anybody speaking too loudly on their cellphone?

I'll concede these ones.
I don't mean to sound derogatory but you don't seem to get out much. These are very frequent occurrences on the TTC with the littering and people yapping on out loud into their cell phones being the most common.

You can go on the 501 Queen car right now or at any time of day and I'd bet you a handful of cash that you would find leftover trash from fast food, newspapers and other litter on the floor of the vehicle. You may not catch the person in the act, but the litter wasn't left behind by elves. It's very common and I've personally seen the perpetrators many times.

Go on during rush hour and odds are, you'll be listening to somebody's story about their dinner plans, or how they just caught their boyfriend cheating on them, or even details of last night's intimate encounter. I've heard them all.

Listening to a phone conversation where you only hear one party speaking is extremely annoying, especially if the speaker is talking loudly. Our brains are wired to pay attention when somebody speaks. When it's a conversation between two people, you can block it out because you know they're not talking to you. If you hear only one side, you get silence and then bursts of chatter. It's almost impossible to not pay attention.
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