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Father Accused of Murdering "Disobedient" Mississauga Teen

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The whole Islamic religion is completely mysoginystic.
So are almost all religions, including Christianity. The precident is set with Adam and Eve. Not only was Adam the original human, but Eve's punishment for eating the forbidden fruit is that all women would suffer pain in childbirth and have to submit to their husbands (Genesis 3:16). It's a good thing for all of us that hardly anyone, religious or not, takes those kinds of archaic ideas seriously anymore.
There are reasonable criticisms here. Can religious extremism become a justifier for rash and/or irrational actions at a higher rate than normal? Cultural influences can also be a factor here too, as Zephyr alludes to in his articles.
There are reasonable criticisms here. Can religious extremism become a justifier for rash and/or irrational actions at a higher rate than normal?

Extremism of almost any kind can. Patriotism/nationalism, scientism (witness the eugenics movement, which, sadly, is still not completely gone), etc.
They should be deported after sentencing. Canada needs to be serious that although we give reasonable accomodation, religion < law. Religion is no excuse to deny basic freedoms. IMO while it is covered, abuse due to religion should not be tolerated and should be stressed (not just the "freedom of religion" part).

Too many zealots do not understand the Constitution and believe that "freedom of religion, creed, code" means they can do as they please because of said "religion, creed, code". Not all zealots may commit outward crimes but they do heap on abuse of a different kind.

I get tired of arguing with people (not just immigrants) who just don't get that the freedom they enjoy actually stops at they point where they impede anothers freedom. They think "freedom" = do whatever they want.

Just selfish thinking thining and using religion to justify to themselves that they are right sickens me. They think nobody can argue against them because "That is what I believe" somehow makes any valid argument suddenly invalid (good ole fallacy "appealing to a higher power").

To me "That is what I believe" holds the same argumental sway that "I do it because I'm in it for myself" holds.

Brilliant idea. Lets set up two class of citizenships: one, full of mostly whites, that can't be deported and the other, mostly visible minorities, that can. Why hasn't anyone else thought of this? What are our politicians doing? Its time to get the ball rolling and make this a reality!
Has anyone thought about the father? A taxi driver probably working 12+hour days, new to Canada, probably from a small rural town in Pakistan, alienated by and disenchanted with Canada, just doing what he believed to be right? Perhaps the man had thrown a temper tantrum (at 57 years of age that would make him a Tiger in Chinese Astrology--notorious for getting angry---how do I know? Because I'm a Tiger too....:) In his rage he got carried away.... It happens. Remember, his daughter was 16--a child really... behaving childishly. 16 is the age when kids rebel and run away from small towns to live on Toronto streets....

Does anyone know what happens to an Amish or Old Order Mennonite child when they rebel against their parents' strict dress codes demanded by their religion? (They get kicked out of the church, are not allowed to speak or see any family members, are essentially shunned as the Devil--yet how often does the media raise this issue for these "immigrants" who've been in Canada for centuries?)

Muslim's haven't been in Canada long enough to really assimilate--so incidents like this tragedy will occur until they grow comfortable with their dual identity.
Extremism of almost any kind can. Patriotism/nationalism, scientism (witness the eugenics movement, which, sadly, is still not completely gone), etc.

Right. In this case, according to the girls close friends, the root of the conflict did seem to be over religion.
You're surely talking about a very different case - Robert Latimer (not people, but one person in particular - get your facts straight). Big difference between him and the douche being discussed here.

How so? Mr. Latimer murdered his daughter, continues to assert that he did nothing wrong and that the criminal law doesn't apply to him. The Globe agrees and thinks he should not be punished for murdering his daughter. Logically, since they support Latimer, they will approve this new murder of a child by a father.
Brilliant idea. Lets set up two class of citizenships: one, full of mostly whites, that can't be deported and the other, mostly visible minorities, that can. Why hasn't anyone else thought of this? What are our politicians doing? Its time to get the ball rolling and make this a reality!

Your an idiot you know that? The laws already made. Any permanent resident that commits an indictable offence and is in the opinion of immigration to be a hazard to society can be deported regardless of court opinion / rulings. The father and brother are both immigrants probably under permanent residence status. For such a heinous crime it is very likely they will be deported if they do not serve a lifetime in prison. Why do you think they did not get bail?

Second, it has nothing to do with "predominantely white" that can't get deported. A Canadian citizen cannot be deported which means anyone born in Canada cannot be deported. "Whites" get deported all the time.. in fact after blacks, whites are the next most deported race (see mafia/mob activity) under serious criminality.
^ Wow, the anti-immigrant sentiments are already surfacing in this thread. What a surprise. :rolleyes:

I'm hardly being anti-immigrant. What part of my post was anti-immigrant? Please quote the relevant part.

If anything, I'm being anti-self excuse justification. As I said before, the laws are already in place, it's just not something people (Immigrant or not) understands or conviently ignores. One persons freedom only goes so far as the next persons freedom.

Yes, like it or not I have to know what I'm talking about, my test on immigration inadmissability (criminal and medical), skilled workers, investors and entrpreneurs is next week.

Canadian constitution for immigration was last semester and it's been drilled into my head how to recognize immigration cases which would probably result in failure.
No kidding. I've got my finger on the close thread button if this kind of thing continues. It's not a religion thing - merely a small part of this sad story.

For people who think like that, there's some nice towns in rural Quebec for ya. Real estate's cheap as well.

Well considering this isn't exactly a "Toronto issue" you could instead move it to politics or general discussion where it does belong because the reaction to this happening is predictable seeing the example of the British teacher a couple weeks back.
How so? Mr. Latimer murdered his daughter, continues to assert that he did nothing wrong and that the criminal law doesn't apply to him. The Globe agrees and thinks he should not be punished for murdering his daughter. Logically, since they support Latimer, they will approve this new murder of a child by a father.

Wow. I'm amazed by your line of thinking. I really am. We could debate the aims of imprisionment, or the unique and controversial Latimer case, or the the fact that public opinion is in favour of leinancy in this case, or motives. But every debate with you ends up being a waste of my time.

I don't see a split of public opinion happening here, except perhaps a few kooks.
how ironic she died on this day...

International Human Rights Day

they should really put this day on the calendar and really talk about it in the media, at school, etc. how boxing day gets on the calendar and this doesn't is disturbing.
how ironic she died on this day...

International Human Rights Day

they should really put this day on the calendar and really talk about it in the media, at school, etc. how boxing day gets on the calendar and this doesn't is disturbing.

Well in full honesty, it's always a day for something or other. In the end, no matter how much we try, most people tend to argue from feelings and not logical rationalizations.

It's why we need an impartial judacial system and why sometimes the cold hard letter of the law is important. It's also why when laws are made, they need to be thought out carefully to remove as much prejudice (both positive and negative) as possible.
Your an idiot you know that? The laws already made. Any permanent resident that commits an indictable offence and is in the opinion of immigration to be a hazard to society can be deported regardless of court opinion / rulings. The father and brother are both immigrants probably under permanent residence status. For such a heinous crime it is very likely they will be deported if they do not serve a lifetime in prison. Why do you think they did not get bail?

Canadian citizens cannot be deported. That includes immigrants. I'm not sure about the specifics of this case, but if the father is a citizen he will not be deported.

Second, it has nothing to do with "predominantely white" that can't get deported. A Canadian citizen cannot be deported which means anyone born in Canada cannot be deported. "Whites" get deported all the time.. in fact after blacks, whites are the next most deported race (see mafia/mob activity) under serious criminality.
Are you under the impression that only those who are born in Canada are able to become citizens of this country?

And no, I did not know I was an idiot.
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