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Ex-Ontario AG Bryant questioned in death of cyclist

After reading through the last few pages you seem more vitriolic in defense of the cyclist than Whoaccio does in suggesting the possibility that maybe Bryant isn't entirely at fault.

It all does seem quite murky right now, and at this point I'm uncertain if it's even worth speculating as to who was responsible for what. It does bother me a little that the due process Bryant seems to be receiving strikes me as a little more thorough than what the average citizen would likely receive in similar circumstances. I wonder if the police would be so thorough in investigating all these leads if it had been an everyman like myself driving that Saab.
It does bother me a little that the due process Bryant seems to be receiving strikes me as a little more thorough than what the average citizen would likely receive in similar circumstances.
In a hit-and-run or a accident with minor injuries perhaps. But in a potential murder investigation, they are normally very thorough.

It doesn't seem they are giving him special treatment ... they quickly charged him with some very serious career-ending charges ... that many here qre questioning. I've known of people who have been charged and released without a court appearance ... I'm not seeing any evidence of favourtism. I wonder if they'd have actually laid the charges they did, had they not been well aware that there would be huge media scrutiny.
After reading through the last few pages you seem more vitriolic in defense of the cyclist than Whoaccio does in suggesting the possibility that maybe Bryant isn't entirely at fault.

I disagree, but, as you would say...whatever.
It's even possible that Bryant was actually the victim, but I'm not putting much stock in this little theory.

"The" victim? No doubt we all agree who paid the ultimate price.

Are you positive Bryant could not also be a victim? If so, how?
How is Bryant eligble? He's alive, and that makes him ineligible.

Actually, you can get a Darwin award and be alive. It just means you're taken out of the reproductive pool.S

Lots of articles in the papers today. I like this one by Anthony Reinhart:

As the city provides roads for motorists, sidewalks for pedestrians and transit for commuters, many cyclists are frustrated with the lack of similar accommodation. This frustration, added to the sheer danger of sharing road space with cars and trucks, can make for an alienating mix.

“I think when you're vulnerable you tend to be a little bit more defensive,” said Matthew Blackett, a nine-months-a-year cyclist and publisher of Spacing, a magazine that fosters debate around the use of Toronto's public spaces.

That defensiveness, often taken for hot-headedness, can quickly surface in a cyclist who has just had a collision or near-collision with a car, as Mr. Blackett has learned from experience.

“It's not aggression, like coming at them, but it's just like, ‘Holy shit, did you just see what you did?' ” he said. “And I don't think that's a hothead cyclist; I think that's any person who's seen their life flash before their eyes as the rear wheel of a truck rolls by their head.

“That's going to happen, and that may be how the incident starts with Michael Bryant and the cyclist.”

And Christie Blatchford's, too:

...Thus, it is the motorist who has the greater responsibility – not just because he is the only party licensed by society to drive, by which I mean granted the privilege of driving – but because on some level, all of us understand the rules, one of which is that behind the wheel, we are driving a potential weapon. The burden of sucking up the insult, the raised finger, even the punch, and acting like a grown up is always and forever with us.
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Well went Downtown for some fun today and heard a ton of people talking about this and talked over with my friends.

Momentum has shifted in this case towards Bryant it appears, well it appears its Drivers support Bryant a lot while some cyclist think there should be blood. :D

Yesterday it appeared from the information that Bryant went crazy and the cyclist was run over and Bryant likely was going to get punished badly.

Now we here the cyclist was a complete idiot as well and was putting his life in danger and it appears Bryant has a good shot of winning his trial if he justify his reaction to the biker grabbing on to his car.

If the Biker grabbed the steering wheel I think Bryant will easily walk.

“That's going to happen, and that may be how the incident starts with Michael Bryant and the cyclist.â€

Its how the situation started between the cyclist and Bryant. The cyclist started the incident...

. But in a potential murder investigation, they are normally very thorough.

The crown is going to have a fun time proving criminal negligence against Bryant forget murder or manslaughter.

I'm starting to believe the "Second Saab" theory. If you look, when Bryant starts to pull away, Sheppard's head goes back and to the left.

Back, and to the left.

I say Sheppard had a suicide wish... ;)
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Too bad. I think he could have done some great things for Toronto through Invest Toronto.
Some have said that witnesses are quite unreliable...

So I am wondering what happens in court when each side has witnesses telling different stories, how do they resolve that. Does the Jury just believe who they think is the least wrong or is the evidence thrown out???

Thus the point is what other evidence apart from witnesses do you think will be used??
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Some have said that witnesses are quite unreliable...

So I am wondering what happens in court when each side has witnesses telling different stories, how do they resolve that. Does the Jury just believe who they think is the least wrong or is the evidence thrown out???

Thus the point is what other evidence apart from witnesses do you think will be used??

There should be a ton of physical evidence from the scene - tire marks will be particularly telling. As will blood and Sheppard's fingerprints. (if they're on the steering wheel, for example) Bryant's wife's testimony, plus the aggregate picture painted by probably dozens of witness statements PLUS the video footage (there's probably more than what's been released thus far) should be sufficient to figure out exactly what happened.

My pure guess at this point is a suspended license and probation. No jail time.
Why did the police not give Bryant a breathalyzer?

Why was Bryant's bail hearing waived?

The video shows the cyclist put his bike down in front of Bryant's car. Why did Bryant think he could just leave the scene? You get out. You call the cops. There's no way he was in mortal danger.
It doesn't seem they are giving him special treatment ... they quickly charged him with some very serious career-ending charges ... that many here qre questioning. I've known of people who have been charged and released without a court appearance ... I'm not seeing any evidence of favourtism. I wonder if they'd have actually laid the charges they did, had they not been well aware that there would be huge media scrutiny.

Bryant quickly hired a PR company after the incident, and was the AG of Ontario. Are you going to pretend that he doesn't have influence that Sheppard could never dream of?

If the driver was some black guy from Scarborough, you know things would be different...

Don't be naive.
Come on! Being the former AG he knows the Law inside out and how he can use it for himself.

Its not the fact he is special politician, its because he knows the law and how he can use it and this may seem he is getting special treatment.

The reason I think the bail hearing was waived is because he is so high profile, where the hell is he going to run off to?
