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Durham Region Transit / Pulse

Bus rerouting due to NIMBY complaint...

Everyone: I found this topic yesterday by accident-thru the Blue 22 Airport topic and noted Weston NIMBY opposition. I did not take notice to this topic even though it was right out in the open!

This has to be one of the most pathetic NIMBY opposition reports that I have ever read-this woman comes off as a total snob bragging(even though she was playing it down somewhat) about her local connections.

This bus route only runs limited service during peak commuting hours to the Ajax GO Station I presume? What is the DRT Bus Route number? I could understand if these buses were constantly using that street but this? How will DRT react to this-by perhaps using a smaller bus or jitney-type vehicle to serve this route? How is the ridership on this route? If it is substantial as noted the regular users have every reason to get mad at this-because of just one "connected"
person not wanting buses to use what is a public street? This is NOT a gated community I presume?

In the end I hope that something is worked out here and this so-called "Problem" can be solved. LI MIKE
Everyone: I found this topic yesterday by accident-thru the Blue 22 Airport topic and noted Weston NIMBY opposition. I did not take notice to this topic even though it was right out in the open!

This has to be one of the most pathetic NIMBY opposition reports that I have ever read-this woman comes off as a total snob bragging(even though she was playing it down somewhat) about her local connections.

This bus route only runs limited service during peak commuting hours to the Ajax GO Station I presume? What is the DRT Bus Route number? I could understand if these buses were constantly using that street but this? How will DRT react to this-by perhaps using a smaller bus or jitney-type vehicle to serve this route? How is the ridership on this route? If it is substantial as noted the regular users have every reason to get mad at this-because of just one "connected"
person not wanting buses to use what is a public street? This is NOT a gated community I presume?

In the end I hope that something is worked out here and this so-called "Problem" can be solved. LI MIKE

I just had a not so earth shattering thought: that woman wants the bus rerouted because of the noise. As long as someone else puts up with it that's ok.:confused:

LIMike: We haven't any gated communities here in the GTA that I know of. I saw some gated communities in the Las Vegas area. The homes there were being sold with this feature being touted as a benefit.
LIMike: We haven't any gated communities here in the GTA that I know of. I saw some gated communities in the Las Vegas area. The homes there were being sold with this feature being touted as a benefit.
There a few in the GTA. The Massey Estate townhouses on Jarvis are, IIRC, a gated community. Here's an article on the topic

I have to say, I'd love to see a gate like that across the entrances to Cabbagetown.
I wouldn't count Massey Estate type clusters, necessarily. But as gated subdivisions go, there's at least a couple up Aurora way, perhaps including Stronach domain amongst them...
Is a storefront in Cabbagetown with two floors of apartments above it a gated community?
If there are restricted acess communal areas shared by the private units, then I would consider that a mini "gated community". I imagine that the idea of the suburban gated community came out of the condo idea, where people liked the fact that there is secure, private access to the communal shared property areas.

I would consider most residences where there is a shared, private and secure perimeter as a gated community. Basically it's the Jehovah Witness test. If those guys can get to your front door then you're not in a gated community, unless they live there too. If they can't get to your front door because there is a communal gate, doorman, lobby, fence, etc. stopping them from reaching you or your neighbour's door, then that's a gated community.
This is in response to ESCH who, I suspect is a professional writer hired by the Cassidy’s for a handsome fee to spin this situation with lies and half truths to try and do some damage control. ESCH has posted this exact same post (August 14, 2008 @ 11:05 pm) in more than a dozen forums around the GTA. Notice how ESCH registered on this forum the day after the Sandra Cassidy story broke in the Toronto Star?
Dear Bus Hating B___h,

Before all else, I believe I should thank you for your compliment. That is, for assuming that I am a professional writer. I am not. But of course it does not matter, since you have already passed judgment on this.

How much do you think I should have charged for my services of telling what I think is right? In the world I am from this is usually done without payment.

As for the investigative skills employed in determining that I have registered in "more than a dozen forums around the GTA", you may want to ask for some serious refund. I have registered on precisely 3 forums that dealt with this topic. I decided not to pursue such futile effort. I am not in the business of transforming the bulletin-board community. I do not have the skills or ambition for such enterprise. (Should you be interested which are the other 2 forums, please send me a PM and I will gladly respond. I doubt most of the people here would be very excited about such information.)

Here are the facts...
For my response on the other "facts" you list here, please refer to the answer in [one of] the other forums you have posted your commentary. Maybe the hired sleuth can help you in locating it. I do not care to repeat myself over and over again.
So cogent, so articulate, so wordy, and such a waste of my time to read your self-interested reasoning.
Now this puzzles me...Writing a response to such a comment is clearly not a waste of time then? Anyway...

At the end of the day; this bus service is for the teenagers and workers marooned in Ajax without a car. Enjoy your bit of blue collar lakeside paradise.
I wonder if you ever walked around the neighbourhood you describe here with such compassion for the "workers marooned"...

Yes, you are right, the bus is also for teenagers... It makes this fancy detour for 2 healthy teenagers. OK. Make it 3. All of them perfectly capable of walking 4-5 minutes to the bus stop at the Ashbury/Audley intersection, and none of them are stranded with no car at all.

If there were any "workers marooned" involved in this, we would not be having this conversation, because not one of us would have complained about noise, pollution, dangerous driving or waste of public money while there are people who cannot get to work unless a bus comes around to pick them up. This is hardly the case here, though.
I just had a not so earth shattering thought: that woman wants the bus rerouted because of the noise. As long as someone else puts up with it that's ok.:confused:
Please do not be confused Mustapha. The rerouting being proposed does not involve directing the bus somewhere where it does not run already. It actually is about not running to somewhere where resident do not want it.

Other than the 2 teenagers and 2-3 adults who actually do use the service, everybody else would gain.
Now this puzzles me...Writing a response to such a comment is clearly not a waste of time then? Anyway...

It's so awesome that in a world - not even a world - in our country where there's children growing up in poverty and thousands of workers getting the boot you can somehow rationalize fighting a bus route as the most just cause. Responding to you isn't a waste of time, it's a form of entertainment. Something to get our minds off the real world where people have real problems.

Other than the 2 teenagers and 2-3 adults who actually do use the service, everybody else would gain.

Pardon me, but the 4-5 people who do use the service are of much more importance than everyone else who apparently have way too much time on their hands. I grew up in the suburbs and was one of the 4-5 people who took the bus everyday. I wonder if you've ever tried living without a car - maybe you should try for a week. Maybe then you'll realize that public transit is about getting people around and not about making your life a living hell.

Honestly...raise money to fight AIDS or volunteer to keep your parks clean or something that would actually improve life for everyone.
It's so awesome that in a world - not even a world - in our country where there's children growing up in poverty and thousands of workers getting the boot you can somehow rationalize fighting a bus route as the most just cause. Responding to you isn't a waste of time, it's a form of entertainment. Something to get our minds off the real world where people have real problems.
You are absolutely right, there are children growing up in poverty and there are workers getting the boot every day. No argument here on that. These are way more important than any all of our comments from this bizarre conversation put together. But what does this have to do with whether to reroute a bus or not? And you are also right, this has entertainment value as well. Except for the threats and derogatory comments. Those the whole world be richer without.

...I grew up in the suburbs and was one of the 4-5 people who took the bus everyday. I wonder if you've ever tried living without a car - maybe you should try for a week.
I believe you are not really interested in where I grew up or how many buses I have taken in my life. That would a boring everyday topic for any worker growing up anywhere in the world. I do a lot of commuting using public transit: TTC, GO, DRT. Those people in this community using the bus regularly should indeed have an easy way to get to where they need to get to. But does this mean the bus has to stop right in front of their house? I do not not think so. Does it mean that the others in the community who do not wish to have the bus should have it anyway? Twisted democracy. What I am looking for, as I have already explained, is a smaller, environmentally more friendly and quieter bus. To serve 10 riders on average, you do not need a 10-ton bus that fits 75 or more. I am looking for a reasonable compromise. Not one in which only the 4-5 have their way and the rest can go ... ...

...raise money to fight AIDS or volunteer to keep your parks clean or something that would actually improve life for everyone.
I already do that. I hope more would...maybe from this forum as well...
