W. K. Lis
You sure it is not raccoon or coyote poo? I found some raccoon poo on my home's backyard deck. We don't have a dog.
Is there a city website where concerned city residents can upload photos of irresponsible pet owners caught-in-the-act?
I wonder if anyone caught that utterly Divine reference on the first page, to say nothing of the killer joke on the second?
There's a wonderful community garden near my condo, a strip of previously derelict land that was converted through the hard work of volunteers into a really nice garden of flowers, plants, trees, rocks, etc. The nearby grocery store lets them use a hose connection to water it in the summer.
Interspersed throughout the garden are very clear "no dogs" signs. I can't count how many times I've walked past people waiting while their dogs shit in the garden immediately underneath the signs. I almost never see them pick up the evidence. When the snow melted, the piles of fresh dog shit are proof of this. It disgusts me. I guess it will be up to those volunteers (mostly elderly neighbourhood people) to dig through the piles of feces in a month or so when they start to prepare the garden for another season. Wonderful.
Permanantly - as opposed to temporarily?All dogs should be seized and immediately put to sleep. Permanently.
Since so many pet owners refuse to clean up after their dogs, I just think dogs should be banned. All dogs should be seized and immediately put to sleep. Permanently.
Although such things do happen, I really don't think that outside of spitting, that they are anywhere near as frequent as dogs - at least in most neighbourhoods. As the snow has receded I have seen many, many, piles of dog shit; and not a single puddle of vomit.People who spit, throw up on the sidewalk from too much alcohol and who urinate in public should also be banned ...