Distinction Condos (Lash Group) - Real Estate -

Thanks for sharing! Would you be able to share your experience? Any issues with the internet speed? If you work from home, any issues with video calls? Thanks again!
No issues. It's been fast and reliable and there are two of us working from home. It's Fibe internet that also has 1Gbs upload speed. I'm pretty sure it doesn't get any faster in Canada right now.
No issues. It's been fast and reliable and there are two of us working from home. It's Fibe internet that also has 1Gbs upload speed. I'm pretty sure it doesn't get any faster in Canada right now.
That's amazing to hear - thanks for sharing! Moving in in March, can't wait!
Would anyone living at Distinction Condos right now be able to share how the free internet is? Did you end up having to call a service provider to set up your own internet to supplement? Wondering if it's good enough for families working from home with frequent video conferencing on multiple devices.

So far the internet has been good. I work from home and have had no issues. There are instances where our TV or gaming console will say "no wi-fi" but nothing stops working. You have to book an appointment with Bell when you move in so they can do the installation and then you're good to go.
So far the internet has been good. I work from home and have had no issues. There are instances where our TV or gaming console will say "no wi-fi" but nothing stops working. You have to book an appointment with Bell when you move in so they can do the installation and then you're good to go.
Awesome thanks for sharing! Glad to hear it works well!
Wondering if anyone has been notified of what the expecting closing date for the building is?
