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News   Oct 18, 2024
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Danforth Line 2 Scarborough Subway Extension

What Scarborough needs is not "respect" or "fairness", but a transit solution that actually meets its needs with a reasonable cost. Let's put aside notions of "respect", and actually look at what the ridership is and and what funds are reasonably available. If a subway fits that, fine, but when the talk turns to "respect", it sounds more like people are advocating subways because it is a status symbol instead of practical, appropriately-scaled mass transit.
"Indeed, it is time the rest of Toronto “gets” Scarborough — and maybe starts to treat it with the respect and fairness it deserves."

I get Scarborough. I get that they are far from the core. I get that they are more car oriented. I get that they need transit. I get that they need more than one stop. I get that its fair that they get LRT which would serve more people for less money which means they could build more routes.

Btw when I lived in Scarborough we called ourselves scarberia, and scarlet. Perhaps others called us that but we weren't offended.
Subway proponents have done a great job of shifting the debate and making it like Scarborough is being persecuted by racist, classist downtown transit overlords.
What Scarborough needs is not "respect" or "fairness", but a transit solution that actually meets its needs with a reasonable cost. Let's put aside notions of "respect", and actually look at what the ridership is and and what funds are reasonably available. If a subway fits that, fine, but when the talk turns to "respect", it sounds more like people are advocating subways because it is a status symbol instead of practical, appropriately-scaled mass transit.


OMG THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Why can't the Scarborough Defender coffey1 think this way?????????

Why is this so hard to do??? It boggles the mind!
This place needs a change of tone regarding Scarborough and its residents.

This article isn't about the subway, it's about the subway being the lightning rod for all the frustration that this part of the city had to endure over the years. Everyone take a breather, read this Toronto Star article and resume debating in a different tone. The arrogance and condescending tone does a disservice to this great community. for tone, have you read your fellow subway proponents posts?

As for spending: do you have anything that shows spending per capita in Scarborough vs the old city of Toronto?
Wonder if cut and cover has been looked at to save costs and perhaps get a compromise. If there's any subway in Toronto, given that it follows 2 roads closely, the roads being pretty wide with a lot of grass and parking lots on the side, without any stations... in the inner suburbs. Seems like the right candidate for it. Live with a couple of years of traffic and scarbororough get their subway!
I wonder how many armchair critics that post here even commute through Scarborough on a regular basis to realize how excruciatingly long the bus ride to the nearest subway can be?

Easy to judge posters like Coffey1 without actual lived experience. Another thing entirely to see the long-term, long-game wisdom in expanding the subway network now as opposed to when capacity far, far exceeds what LRT alone could ever accomplish.
I wonder how many armchair critics that post here even commute through Scarborough on a regular basis to realize how excruciatingly long the bus ride to the nearest subway can be?

Easy to judge posters like Coffey1 without actual lived experience. Another thing entirely to see the long-term, long-game wisdom in expanding the subway network now as opposed to when capacity far, far exceeds what LRT alone could ever accomplish.
i did for many years and finally moved. the thing is my father took the go train from agincourt station it was a half hour one wants an hour commute and most want 30or less. this is why many here believe a go train, smart track or whatever to stc would be the best solution. the lrt is meant not to be rapid transit. it is meant to help people get to rapid transit. this i agree with. because my father used to need to drive to agincourt station. or when i go see my in laws its a huve walk from their go train stop to their house. oits great to have rapid transit or a go, smart track, rer network but you need a way to get to it . petheir is a lot of local de,and in scarborough whkch these lrt routes wpuld help. but too many people here are just focused on gettting to the core.
I'll be honest, if the subway really must go forward, I'd honestly rather them spend the extra money and put those lost stations back in.

The 1 stop "extras subway" plan is garbage. I hate it. It reeks of political desperation. It skips over the hospital, and screws over the Sheppard LRT whenever that gets built. It's the definition of "Let's be cheap."

And frankly, I don't know why Scarborough residents are okay with that. Are they really so desperate for a token, charity subway stop? As if that would solve all of their problems? Frankly, I would be insulted.

I support the LRT. I think the subway is a bad idea (in spite of my love of subways). But I think cheapening out on the subway is a worse idea. I will never, ever support half-assing such important, long lasting infrastructure.

EDIT: And frankly, I want this conversation over. You skip out on those stations, and down the line the entire conversation is going to be derailed again by Scarborough wanting those stations put back in.
I wonder how many armchair critics that post here even commute through Scarborough on a regular basis to realize how excruciatingly long the bus ride to the nearest subway can be?

Easy to judge posters like Coffey1 without actual lived experience. Another thing entirely to see the long-term, long-game wisdom in expanding the subway network now as opposed to when capacity far, far exceeds what LRT alone could ever accomplish.
This is not, and has never been a valid pro-subway argument. Do you think these planners just pull the numbers out of a hat? They don't just look at transit numbers now, but forecast into the future.

Your logic is what go the shepherd subway built - and we know how that turned out.

EDIT: Whoops double post, sorry.
I wonder how many armchair critics that post here even commute through Scarborough on a regular basis to realize how excruciatingly long the bus ride to the nearest subway can be?

Easy to judge posters like Coffey1 without actual lived experience. Another thing entirely to see the long-term, long-game wisdom in expanding the subway network now as opposed to when capacity far, far exceeds what LRT alone could ever accomplish.

If you actually commuted in Scarborough, you'd realize the 1 stop subway extension will shorten the commutes of relatively few people in Scarbrough. A trip from UTSC to downtown would be a whopping 1 minute faster on the Scarbrough Subeay.
I wonder how many armchair critics that post here even commute through Scarborough on a regular basis to realise how excruciatingly long the bus ride to the nearest subway can be?

Easy to judge posters like Coffey1 without actual lived experience. Another thing entirely to see the long-term, long-game wisdom in expanding the subway network now as opposed to when capacity far, far exceeds what LRT alone could ever accomplish.

I often commute downtown from the far end of Scarborough on transit, I know how long the bus ride is, I also know how much shorter that bus ride would be if these LRT lines were built instead of that one stop Subway.

Also, why is Tory going on about the Subway being needed to get riders downtown fast, I thought that was what his Smarttrack plan was for, which he has still been going on about, but conveniently ignoring.

And there is absolutely no concern about sufficient future capacity with the SLRT, and the cost of putting in a subway now is that we will have to spent the next century maintaining and operating it before its capacity is needed, and we won't be able to build all this other transit because of all the funding getting berried underground to pay for it.
I wonder how many armchair critics that post here even commute through Scarborough on a regular basis to realize how excruciatingly long the bus ride to the nearest subway can be?

I do every day, and nothing in my commute would change with the extension of the subway to Scarborough Town Centre. It would still be a very long bus ride.

Toronto, Ont.
