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Danforth Line 2 Scarborough Subway Extension

Maybe Stinz should just cut her losses and go back to the MOU that Ford signed with the Province. Bring back the merged Scarborough-Eglinton Crosstown. It's a win win...

-100% grade separated (35 minutes from Sheppard East to Mt.Dennis
-SRT gets LRV vehicule
-The SRT keeps it's original route
-Fully funded

As For Sheppard and Finch, they aren't going to start building the lines before 2015-2017 anyways. Let both provincial and city next elections show us what the next public transit priorities will be for the next decade

Sheppard still have 330 Millions in the bank. Subway, LRT? Far from being a priority. Metrolinx did say that Sheppard wouldn't qualify for subways until at least 2031 anyways. After the Eglinton-Scarborough project, the focus should be redirected where it should always have been for the past decade...the DRL

While we work hard to have senior government fund the DRL as the next project, Finch and Sheppard should have BRT in the meantime and the choice of technology can be determined at a later time. An express branch to the Finch bus with reserved lanes would drastically improve the service in the meantime along with the new Articulated buses the TTC are buying.

Too bad that humans will always be humans since her pride will never let her see the light

When the MOU was signed, I assumed that TTC and Metrolinx would continue to find savings for that option - and apply them to Sheppard. Metrolinx even hinted that were studying they were studying the option of elevating the line through Scarborough to save even more money ( This could have freed up about (over) $1.5B, which could have resulted in a complete grade-separated SRT/ECLRT and a Sheppard line to Agincourt (and no FWLRT).

By not exploring this elevated option, the MOU plan became a grade-separated SRT/ECLRT and $300M from the feds for Sheppard, which could not be used until other funding is secured.

I think the elevated plan was not pursued since it would have given Ford his Sheppard Subway. Maybe if we use the money for FWLRT, or to extend the SRT to Malvern and towards Pearson (not quite enough money to go all the way there), then we could get a better transit system and not give Ford his beloved Sheppard Subway line.
Actually, the scenarios you have are as such:

BD extended to STC:
take Bus to BD to YUS (primary mode, Y+B transfer)
take Bus to BD to ECLRT to YUS.

ECLRT extended to STC:
take Bus to ECLRT to YUS (primary mode, Y+E transfer)
take Bus to ECLRT to BD to YUS.

You are basically just shifting the location of the transfer, which is beneficial to Y+B - but that would have no impact on the overall capacity of the YUS line - and doing so might actually create dwelltime issues at two stations (Y+B, Y+E) if not handled correctly. Let's not forget the not so minor capacity bonus provided by HRT to STC either, which is absent in the ECLRT to STC scenario even if the line is fully grade separated (though in some ways you can balance it against the additional stations eliminated by the BD to STC extension)

I think grade separation of ECLRT should be discussed on its' own merit at this point.

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Maybe Stinz should just cut her losses and go back to the MOU that Ford signed with the Province. Bring back the merged Scarborough-Eglinton Crosstown. It's a win win...

-100% grade separated (35 minutes from Sheppard East to Mt.Dennis
-SRT gets LRV vehicule
-The SRT keeps it's original route
-Fully funded

As For Sheppard and Finch, they aren't going to start building the lines before 2015-2017 anyways. Let both provincial and city next elections show us what the next public transit priorities will be for the next decade

Sheppard still have 330 Millions in the bank. Subway, LRT? Far from being a priority. Metrolinx did say that Sheppard wouldn't qualify for subways until at least 2031 anyways. After the Eglinton-Scarborough project, the focus should be redirected where it should always have been for the past decade...the DRL

While we work hard to have senior government fund the DRL as the next project, Finch and Sheppard should have BRT in the meantime and the choice of technology can be determined at a later time. An express branch to the Finch bus with reserved lanes would drastically improve the service in the meantime along with the new Articulated buses the TTC are buying.

Too bad that humans will always be humans since her pride will never let her see the light

This. The original Ford-McGuinty plan would have brought the city the most grade-seperated rapid transit than any of the other plans proposed since.

Actually, the original MOU would have prioritized Sheppard subway from Downsview to STC (unfunded), and seen Eglinton fully underground (not simply "grade separated") with nothing left for anything else. Personally I don't consider burying a line through what is predominantly an industrial/industrial related area a good use of money.


Actually, the original MOU would have prioritized Sheppard subway from Downsview to STC (unfunded), and seen Eglinton fully underground (not simply "grade separated") with nothing left for anything else. Personally I don't consider burying a line through what is predominantly an industrial/industrial related area a good use of money.


Still a better deal than the mess we're in now. The SRT part remaining elevated merged with Eglinton being buried (elevated would have saved money) is the superior option which even Metrolinx used to want to pursue in the first place.

Cancelling Sheppard and Finch LRT won't make me lose a minute of sleep if it gets the focus back on the DRL. I'm confident that the largest consensus in the entire city is that the DRL must happen.

So why not focus there after Scarborough and Eglinton Rapid Transit are done the right way right from the beginning and then move on to the DRL after?

Sheppard and Finch can wait because we all know that the debate (Subways vs LRT) for those avenues will be back...again at both the provincial and municipal elections. Those lines are so divisive that it makes this city look like a fool to the province, the Feds and its own citizens.

It's a damn shame because if Councillors could get over themselves, they would realize that the Scarborough-Eglinton Crosstown is as close as they'll get to unanimously agree on a transit plan if they could just let go of Transit City for a second and look at the bigger picture.

I agree, burying Eglinton East is unnecessary but elevating it like Metrolinx had proposed to Rob Ford in the first place is the better choice along with the DRL.

This city needs the Crosstown to be fast and unify the city (Airport-Etobicoke-York-Toronto-Scarborough). We need the DRL along with it. Finch and Sheppard can definitely wait since they are the root of the infighting at city hall because ex-mayor, ex-TTC Chair and some councillors insist to drag their pet project LRT for whatever reason (pro-green, finding streetcars sexy, electoral reasons, whatever) ahead of completing a true Rapid Transit acting as a backbone to the whole grid.

I'm so sick of people bringing up Paris, London and other cities around the world as a model for LRT. Let me tell you something about those cities. First of all, WE ARE a world class city. Most Torontonians might not accept it in their head or hearts but the world think that of us.

So having people like councillor Shelley Carroll saying:
Since Minneapolis and Denver have LRT's we should too!"

Everyone knows that Paris, Berlin and London have extensive rapid transit lines and built LRT to complement their network. That's not what we're talking about here. We're going on the cheap and substituting Rapid transit for LRT's. I've read from people here that LRT on Don Mills and Jane should act as a DRL...Really?

Let's do this right. Let's built it right. The only positive thing about this council is that they just started to get vocal on how the Feds have abandoned Toronto in the transit files while they invest in other cities across the country. And you know what? We got their attention...

I remember when Baird told us to F*** off. Now, Flaherty was open to additional funds and when the province blindsided the Feds, they were quick on the defensive and remind us that they had a deadline. I honestly think that it's unlikely that they will let the Wynne Government make a fool out of them. We need to keep the pressure on the Feds.

My councillor is Mihevc...I don't agree with the man but hey, I met him, wrote to him and he doesn't agree with my position but at least we share the same view on the Federal government absence on the matter. I did the same with my MPP and MP. What are you doing?
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1) The Council will not revert to the original Ford's MOU. That MOU included Sheppard subway extension built largely with private investment money, and many councilors expected that to work. Now it is obvious that Ford cannot attract sufficient private funding to get Sheppard subway going. In this situation, the Council will not vote to scrap Sheppard and Finch LRTs and replace them with nothing.

When Metrolinx proposed to cut the cost of Eglinton - Scarborough line by going elevated instead of underground between Don Mills and Kennedy, that idea was quickly shut down by Ford.

2) Even if the Eglinton - Scarborough line was revived, it would create capacity issues both for Eglinton approaching Yonge, and for Yonge south of Eglinton. Such network configuration mandates DRL going to Eglinton right away to intercept riders from Scarborough, at the time when there is no funding for DRL.

Danforth subway extension is a more realistic proposal at this time.
1) The Council will not revert to the original Ford's MOU. That MOU included Sheppard subway extension built largely with private investment money, and many councilors expected that to work. Now it is obvious that Ford cannot attract sufficient private funding to get Sheppard subway going. In this situation, the Council will not vote to scrap Sheppard and Finch LRTs and replace them with nothing.

Never assume the competent decision will be made :p. At this point, I wouldn't put it past council to cancel the Sheppard and Finch LRTs for a bag of magic subway-burrowing beans.

When Metrolinx proposed to cut the cost of Eglinton - Scarborough line by going elevated instead of underground between Don Mills and Kennedy, that idea was quickly shut down by Ford.

His position may have changed by now. And even if it hasn't, hopefully there would be enough members of council that would see this as a good enough "escape" plan.

2) Even if the Eglinton - Scarborough line was revived, it would create capacity issues both for Eglinton approaching Yonge, and for Yonge south of Eglinton. Such network configuration mandates DRL going to Eglinton right away to intercept riders from Scarborough, at the time when there is no funding for DRL.

Danforth subway extension is a more realistic proposal at this time.

We need all the cases for building the DRL up to Eglinton that we can get. If it means knowingly creating a situation that overwhelms Eglinton-Yonge, so be it.
Never assume the competent decision will be made :p. At this point, I wouldn't put it past council to cancel the Sheppard and Finch LRTs for a bag of magic subway-burrowing beans.

Competent is one thing, but just the optics of shifting all funding to one line and leaving nothing tangible for the north-east and north-west is not good. Councilors of the affected wards can hardly be persuaded to vote for such proposal.

We need all the cases for building the DRL up to Eglinton that we can get. If it means knowingly creating a situation that overwhelms Eglinton-Yonge, so be it.

That's an interesting view :) But I would say that it is too risky ...
When Metrolinx proposed to cut the cost of Eglinton - Scarborough line by going elevated instead of underground between Don Mills and Kennedy, that idea was quickly shut down by Ford.

Never assume the competent decision will be made :p. At this point, I wouldn't put it past council to cancel the Sheppard and Finch LRTs for a bag of magic subway-burrowing beans.

His position may have changed by now. And even if it hasn't, hopefully there would be enough members of council that would see this as a good enough "escape" plan.

I do not recall Ford opposing the elevated plan. In fact, I do not recall any politician or transit expert opposing the plan. The only one who did was Richard Soberman. Maybe he made decision single handedly on our behalf.

If someone could find a link to Ford, or anyone else for that matter, opposing an Elevated LRT on Eglinton, I would be willing to be convinced. After all, Doug support an elevated line (which is synonymous to "monorail" in Ford lingo) along the waterfront and the Ford's biggest concern was to not have anything that "takes away car lanes from city streets".
Going through the "Feasibility Study Subway in Scarborough RT Corridor", I noticed in the "Implementation Schedule" that they are allowing twelve (12) months for "Testing / Commissioning" after construction is finished. Wonder if they allowed a year for testing on the original Yonge subway?
Going through the "Feasibility Study Subway in Scarborough RT Corridor", I noticed in the "Implementation Schedule" that they are allowing twelve (12) months for "Testing / Commissioning" after construction is finished. Wonder if they allowed a year for testing on the original Yonge subway?
Looks like the first Gloucester car ran on the Yonge line in September 1953, a bit over 6 months before service started on March 30, 1954. So that's 6 month. I'm not sure how long the testing/commissioning phase ran before the first subway train moved.

A “friendly†debate with “supporters of each proposal†as speakers has been scheduled for the West Scarborough Neighbourhood Community Centre on Saturday, Sept. 14.

I wonder if this event even went on. I doubt this was the most organized group in the city. If anyone went it would be nice to get an update. Did anyone raise the elevated Eglinton option?
