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Crime rate continues to drop

What? Blasphemy! I read on this forum that Toronto was in "decline"...

Surely there is some vast left-wing conspiracy controlling all the media and statistics agencies to further their social engineering schemes.
Um, hello? If the crime rate's going down it is only because of an ever-vigilant and quickly-responsive police task force there to enforce the laws and keep the peace. It acts as an deterrent to criminality. Oh sure let's handle juvenile deliquents with kid gloves then wonder why in a decade of now the crime rate shoots back through the roof. And of course, let's choose now during times of record-setting debt and unemployment - which directly correlates into proverty, desperation and idle time on one's hands to cause mischeif - to repeal laws that finally are making it safe to walk along Toronto streets at night without fear.
Um, hello? If the crime rate's going down it is only because of an ever-vigilant and quickly-responsive police task force there to enforce the laws and keep the peace. It acts as an deterrent to criminality. Oh sure let's handle juvenile deliquents with kid gloves then wonder why in a decade of now the crime rate shoots back through the roof. And of course, let's choose now during times of record-setting debt and unemployment - which directly correlates into proverty, desperation and idle time on one's hands to cause mischeif - to repeal laws that finally are making it safe to walk along Toronto streets at night without fear.

When did we ever have to fear to walk the streets of Toronto at night?
Um, hello? If the crime rate's going down it is only because of an ever-vigilant and quickly-responsive police task force there to enforce the laws and keep the peace. It acts as an deterrent to criminality. Oh sure let's handle juvenile deliquents with kid gloves then wonder why in a decade of now the crime rate shoots back through the roof. And of course, let's choose now during times of record-setting debt and unemployment - which directly correlates into proverty, desperation and idle time on one's hands to cause mischeif - to repeal laws that finally are making it safe to walk along Toronto streets at night without fear.

I love you. You're either the most brilliant, persistent troll I have ever encountered, or you are a sincere caricature of idiocy.
^^ Take away the routine police patrols and you'll soon find out. There's lots of sketchy neighbourhoods in Toronto that I while I have walked through at night coming home from work, I typically get the feeling that I'll be pounced on at any moment so my guard's always up. I'd imagine this feeling of insecurity is even worse for women and the elderly.
I love you. You're either the most brilliant, persistent troll I have ever encountered, or you are a sincere caricature of idiocy, and I honestly can't tell which.

Only you'd confuse rational analytical thought for idiocy and/or trolling. What you're essentially suggesting (less crime laws) is comparable to the U.S. sending out an SOS to Al-Qaeda declaring: "We're unarmed, come bomb us!"
In the first sentence, you point out the great effectiveness of our justice system in lowering crime. In the second sentence, you say the justice system is ineffective because it treats juveniles too lightly. So which one is it?
^^ Take away the routine police patrols and you'll soon find out. There's lots of sketchy neighbourhoods in Toronto that I while I have walked through at night coming home from work, I typically get the feeling that I'll be pounced on at any moment so my guard's always up. I'd imagine this feeling of insecurity is even worse for women and the elderly.

I imagine that that is a degree of paranoia. Did you ever face any credible threats?
Um, hello? If the crime rate's going down it is only because of an ever-vigilant and quickly-responsive police task force there to enforce the laws and keep the peace. It acts as an deterrent to criminality. Oh sure let's handle juvenile deliquents with kid gloves then wonder why in a decade of now the crime rate shoots back through the roof. And of course, let's choose now during times of record-setting debt and unemployment - which directly correlates into proverty, desperation and idle time on one's hands to cause mischeif - to repeal laws that finally are making it safe to walk along Toronto streets at night without fear.

Toronto was not mentioned once in this article, except for the file photo of the police cruiser. This is about all of Canada.
At this rate, instead of collecting and analyzing data on crime and other aspects of the Canadian population, Statscan will be responsible for tracking how many complaints there are about the census to the MPs.

Will you people stop spreading rumors of Toronto's crime rate going down. It's all just left-wing propaganda. How are we going to hire a bunch of new police officers, if you keep reporting that crap? This city is like a war zone, we need more police on every corner. We can never have enough police protecting the good people of this city, no matter what the expense is. And anybody who says any different, is just a cop hater and should be arrested.
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Yes, as Rob Ford says, you are either for the police, or against the police. Shades of grey have no place in a mature and constructive debate. ;)

The truth of the matter has more to do with demographics than anything else. Crime is usually commited by young men between the ages of 18 and 35. Given our aging population, crime will go down. I dont have the stats in front of me, but i believe that the late 70's was the peak of crime in Toronto. Which is when we had lots of young baby boomers running around causing trouble.
The truth of the matter has more to do with demographics than anything else. Crime is usually commited by young men between the ages of 18 and 35. Given our aging population, crime will go down.
Shouldn't then we be planning to reduce our police force accordingly for the next few years?

Will you people stop spreading rumors of Toronto's crime rate going down. It's all just left-wing propaganda. How are we going to hire a bunch of new police officers, if you keep reporting that crap?
Ah ... I understand the G20 arrests now. This will spike the 2010 police-reported crime rate significantly, thus justifying their incessent demands for more officers.
Shouldn't then we be planning to reduce our police force accordingly for the next few years?

I would support that. The Police budget is by far the biggest slice of the pie. If you want to bring the budget under control, the Police have to do their share too.
However, the older you get, the more you fear the world outside your white picket fence, and the more you vote. So dont expect the Police budget to be reduced anytime soon.

Allow me to borrow Paleo's image to illustrate my point;

