Glad Day, above all.
There are two development proposals rumoured (the one between Dundonald & Gloucester Sts. is never going to happen), a few restaurants pull out (we are in a recession), a bar closes and people think the death of the Village is at hand? Come on! The Church-Wellesley Village has been evolving and changing pretty rapidly for 25 years already, and will continue to do so. Further, it's a good thing that gay things happen outside of the Village and around the city, do people really want everything to happen on one street in a five block radius in 2009?
As for "condofication" of the Village, this threat was used back when the Alexus condos were built over a decade ago. Although there appear to be two proposals in the works, no other condos have been built on Church Street since. Further, the Alexus condo tidied up a pretty run-down corner and not only provides great street life on both it's Church and Alexander Street sides but fits into the neighbourhood very respectfully.
The Church-Wellesley Village is alive and well.
This article was published in Xtra! about 1999
Click on the thumbnail to enlarge, then click again on the image for full size.
EDIT: From the box in the middle of the article:
Number of Restaurants on Church between Alexander and Wellesley: 26
Number of retail Stores: 27
Number of bars and clubs on the Church Street strip: 19
Anyone care to do a tally of the numbers today?
10 years later:
Number of Restaurants on Church between Alexander and Wellesley: 16 (didn't count donut shops, ice cream shop, coffee places etc.)
Number of retail stores: 36
Bars & Clubs on the Church Street strip*: 14
Empty retail/restaurant/bar spaces between Alexander & Wellesley: 5
This may not be exact, but it's pretty close based on walking the area today and trying to think of clubs in the Village area (Fly, Buddies in Bad Times etc.)
* does the "Church Street strip" run from Bloor to Esplanade? Could it mean in the Village "area"? It's a little ambiguous. I included all bars & clubs in the Village area (not including bath houses)
In terms of bars & clubs, (change of name or ownership at the same address excluded), I can only think of three bars on Church Street that have been lost in the past ten or so years, Crews & Tango, The Red Spot & Bar 501/Church Street Bar. The only gain that comes to mind is George's Place. Statlers and The Black Eagle merely switched locations. I'm not sure what goes on in the space next to Fuzion (Dundonald & Church) but walking by at night it seems to be a bar. So if I'm correct, we're only down one club.
Well, chalk up another?
Statlers was "unable to open tonight" and even included a "Thank you for your patronage" at the end of the sign. There is cardboard on the windows.
That really hurts! It was my first choice hangout ever since they moved to that location. I hope it's some temporary problem like a renovation or utilities issue. They were packed a lot of nights and some of the music and singers were fantastic.
We're going to be hosting World Pride in just a few years. I wonder if it could be used as leverage to get the city to unlock the dance club ban in the area. It would sure be embarassing to host it with the village in it's current state and with only small venues developed elsewhere. How many people are expected to come and for how long? We can't pack everyone into Fly and Buddies.
I was just in there yesterday evening and it was fine. Perhaps it's something more mundane, like staffing issues? Bartenders hate the management and decided to quit en masse?
Well it wouldn't be the first time for that!