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Canada's obesity crisis widens: study

"One day, when you're a figure of legend lost in the mists of time, maybe it will be signposted like the Via Dolorosa and your disciples will peregrinate its length like pilgrims on the Camino to Santiago de Compostella - pausing when they see a discarded coffee cup and asking themselves, "What Would Fiendish Have Done?"."

:lol babel brightens up a gloomy afternoon, demonstrating yet again why he remains the Queen of Poetic Yuks. Rule on, my Queen! Rule on...
Harper has bigger tits than most girls I've been with.


No need to edit this.
When they get that big, they stop being just fun and become and two hand, full time job.
no more crazy drugs for the kids.

It's interesting that you're against the legitimate use of drugs to help people with a medical condition (morphine for pain is another example), yet you fully endorse the recreational use of mild-altering hallucigenic drugs.
That picture is truly gross; she needs an anti-obesity program. Get out that treadmill, dan e!
It's interesting that you're against the legitimate use of drugs to help people with a medical condition (morphine for pain is another example), yet you fully endorse the recreational use of mild-altering hallucigenic drugs.

because more kids have probably commited suicide on drugs like ritalin and prozac than they would on drugs like LSD. i'm not advocating the use of LSD for kids but i don't support the current drugs that turn their brains to mush either.

my stance on mind-altering hallucigenic drugs is that they be used by those that take them for spiritual purposes rather than to have fun. there are also some health benifits under study.
That picture is truly gross

Yes, and I think the admins should get that photo out of here, unless they put a pop-up age-checking bile-checking message before anybody gets into this thread.
I have to agree with Dan on this issue for the most part. There are far too many kids who are being pushed all these quick fix, socially acceptable drugs without many of them having the slightest understanding that they are under the permanent influence of a drug that is affecting the chemical composition of some part of your brain.

If someone takes LSD, they know that there are going to be affects, they know it is going to alter their state. When a 13 year old takes Prozzac, how many actually have a full understanding what this drug is doing to them? And possibley even worse, how many parents even think twice about feeding their kids all these drugs without thinking about the same thing themselves?

In some cases, yes, Ritalin and Prozzac and other such drugs do have benefits. But they have in many cases become a quick, easy, lazy way to deal with kids problems instead of trying to actually examine and correct in other ways what may be causing some of these issues. Not only that, but as Dan said, Prozzac in many cases has been linked to increased levels of suicide and suicide attempts. Maybe if kids were not so pumped full of sugar, caffine, chemicals from processed foods, spending so much time in non engaging activities like television and video games, then we wouldnt see these 'problems' in such levels.
Canada's obesity crisis "widens."

Someone had their tongue burried in their cheek in the headline department.

Yes, and I think the admins should get that photo out of here, unless they put a pop-up age-checking bile-checking message before anybody gets into this thread

Oh please, it's just the human body for crying out loud. Why are you so worried or so offended?
when i was a week old, my mom tried to breast feed me. i am still offended to this day.

I don't see what's so gross about the photo. She isn't fat either...just has big breasts.
I have to agree with Dan on this issue for the most part. There are far too many kids who are being pushed all these quick fix, socially acceptable drugs without many of them having the slightest understanding that they are under the permanent influence of a drug that is affecting the chemical composition of some part of your brain.

That may be true but it doesn't change the fact that Ritalin and Prozac have done a lot of good for a lot of people.

If someone takes LSD, they know that there are going to be affects, they know it is going to alter their state. When a 13 year old takes Prozzac, how many actually have a full understanding what this drug is doing to them?

I doubt many people who use LSD do a literature review on the long-term sequelae of its use.

And possibley even worse, how many parents even think twice about feeding their kids all these drugs without thinking about the same thing themselves?

Lots of parents are concerned about drugs being given to their children. Many of them refuse.

In some cases, yes, Ritalin and Prozzac and other such drugs do have benefits.

Actually, in many cases.

But they have in many cases become a quick, easy, lazy way to deal with kids problems instead of trying to actually examine and correct in other ways what may be causing some of these issues.

That's true but it doesn't change the fact these drugs are very useful. The logic that these drugs are no good because they're used too much doesn't make much sense. It's like saying let's ban insulin for diabetics because too many of them are using it.

Not only that, but as Dan said, Prozzac in many cases has been linked to increased levels of suicide and suicide attempts.

That's true, and it's a controversial subject, but overall studies indicate that the benefits of Prozac outweigh the risks. If a kid or teen is depressed, the risk of suicide is already there. There is a theory that Prozac, which energises and motivates you, actually gives the suicidal person enough motivation to actually go and do it. The highest risk is within the first few weeks of treatment when the patient needs to be monitored closely.

I'll be the first one to admit that medications tend to be overused because they are a quick fix... much quicker than a 2 hour psychotherapy session. Also, many childhood psychiatric issues (and adult issues for that matter) are linked with parenting, there's no question about that. This is why I find child psychiatry to be very frustrating. Nevertheless, to make blanket statements that these drugs and good and these drugs are bad is just plain irresponsible.
Yes, and I think the admins should get that photo out of here, unless they put a pop-up age-checking bile-checking message before anybody gets into this thread.

If Women can legally go topless on the streets of toronto, they should be welcome to go topless on a Toronto Forum...It's a human rights issue, think of the children!
