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Canada's obesity crisis widens: study




Canada's obesity crisis widens: study


Monday, January 16, 2006 Posted at 5:33 PM EST

Canada's obesity crisis appears to be deepening, with the number of people classified at the most extreme end of the spectrum exploding in recent years, new research suggested Monday.

The findings were part of a study conducted by researchers at Queen's University, who were looking at changes in the prevalence of three classes of obesity in this country.

They found that between 1990 and 2003, the prevalence of those falling into the class III category of obesity – those with a body mass index of 40 or greater – rose to 1.3 per cent, from 0.4 per cent, an increase of 225 per cent.

That trend, they said, mirrored a similar move south of the border, where the prevalence of class III obesity soared 175 per cent.

They also noted, however, that, while moves in the two countries were similar over that time frame, the absolute prevalence of class III obesity in this country remained lower than that seen in the United States.

Still, the Canadian figures are also likely conservative because most people tend to underestimate their own weight, the researchers said.

Calculating body mass index – based on an individual's height and weight – is a popular way to gauge whether a person is overweight.

Key in future studies will be the use of directly measured data, they said. The current study was based on data from seven national surveys conducted between 1985 and 2003 in which people reported their own height and weight.

“The increases in prevalence of overweight and all levels of obesity in Canada between 1985 and 2003 are cause for concern given the markedly increased risk of premature death and of metabolic and musculoskeletal complications arising from morbid obesity,†the study said.

“The rapid increase in the prevalence of class II and class III obesity will undoubtedly have a significant impact on our health care system.â€

Combined, the proportion of Canadians who fall into either the class II or class III category of obesity has risen to 4.3 per cent, from 1 per cent in 1985, according to the Queen's study. That's an increase of 400 per cent in 10 years.

The findings were published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal.
The solution is definetely more physical exercise. That being said, I think the elementary schools Phys Ed cirriculum has to set some sort of a standard. I remember back when I was a kid we would play soccer for gym and only us athletic kids would actually try as the fat nerdy kids would just sit on the grass and yet they weren't penalised mark wise. I honestly think some of these teachers have to stop emphasising academics exclusively and teach that being physically fit and healthy is just as important.
Excellent idea. It fixes the unemployment problem too. If you don't have a job you can become a human battery. Job requirements: ability to eat, and push pedals. I am being sarcastic of course but I wonder how much energy a person could create?

even if it's enough juice for one person to power one bulb, factor that by thousands and it helps a bit.

energy is never destroyed, it only changes form. convert fat to volts.

they are helping themselves and the environment at the same time.
you know, they can put tread mills in the schools that generate electricity and we can kill 2 birds with one stone.
Solution is simple; more excercise and less junk. Unfortuantely it's not that easy to implement for a lot of people.
maybe after harper gets elected, we wont have enough money to indulge in food. :\
Harper has bigger tits than most girls I've been with.
Exercise is important, but I imagine more of the problem stems from poor diet than a sedentary lifestyle.
dan e:

you know, they can put tread mills in the schools that generate electricity and we can kill 2 birds with one stone.

LOL! Who needs Ritalin!

Easier said than done for most people, but if you restrict calorie intake by eating smaller portions, and eat healthier foods, and combine that with moderate exercise on a regular basis, you will reduce health risks ... and feel better.

Most people can get away with doing none of those things for several decades though.

Babel, 180 lbs and as tall as a fiendishlibrarian.
^ Babel, you've met me and you won't say when or where? Not good cricket!
fiendish: I don't think I've ever had the pleasure of meeting you, but once upon a time you posted how tall you are ... or claim to be.

If I really wanted to meet you I suppose I could stake out your daily garbage-collecting route. One day, when you're a figure of legend lost in the mists of time, maybe it will be signposted like the Via Dolorosa and your disciples will peregrinate its length like pilgrims on the Camino to Santiago de Compostella - pausing when they see a discarded coffee cup and asking themselves, "What Would Fiendish Have Done?".
I see, well, I won't deny that I am 6'2. Now, as to my stature, that's for others to decide...I plan on having no followers as I will depart that area by the summer and so my work will not be emulated. Incidentally, the melting snow has revealed truly jaw-dropping amounts of trash everywhere. I'm not even going to bother given this weather.
LOL! Who needs Ritalin!


no more crazy drugs for the kids. all that energy comes from the food they eat. let them burn it off.
