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Burroughes Bldg, The (645 Queen W @ Bathurst, Queen St Partners, 6s)



The former "King Sol" building on Queen at Bathurst has had its big sign removed and a couple printouts in the window declaring its conversion to office space. I've been eagerly awaiting news of conversion and hope they do a good job.

The website looks pretty cheap, tho.

Looks like a gallery is aleady lined up to move in.
oh, nice. So is anything going to happen to the Bank of Hobo across the street? Or is it just going to keep prices in check?
That's disappointing. It would have been perfect for a nightclub.
I think there may be a freeze on new nightclubs in the area.
There are no new nightclubs allowed west of Spadina, I believe. But if you're looking for nightclubs there are quite a few nearby already.
My fantasy - King Sol building goes up with those floor to ceiling windows it has now in it.


all the more perfect to keep ones eyes on above mentioned Bank of Hobos.
That's always been one of my favourite buildings. It has so much potential. I hope it retains charm in whatever it's turned into.
I've seen a couple of young guys inside cleaning up the place. Looks like the owners.

Office space? Humm... maybe a company in the creative field will locate there.

Nice about the gallery. This area needs cleaning up and introducing art galleries will help towards that goal.

Getting rid of all the homeless people on the North West corner would transform the area enormously for the better.
Remember: not only has the King Sol signage been removed, the original (century-old!) Burroughes Furniture lettering has been revealed in the process.

It's a borderline-Sohoesque sight to behold. And I'm sure (I hope) the owners are aware of that...
Adma - I saw that toothis weekend. Very nice...was like...woah, look at that font! Please keep it.
"Getting rid of all the homeless people on the North West corner would transform the area enormously for the better."

And how exactly is that to be done? Where would they be moved?
"Getting rid of all the homeless people on the North West corner would transform the area enormously for the better."

Sorry, off topic for a sec..... with respect, statements like this always make me a little uncomfortable. Listen, these folks are human beings just like you and I and deserve to be treated with whatever dignity and respect that each of us is able. There are many reasons why these folks are about (most often mental illness problems), but in almost all cases they are harmless. So hand them a smoke or a bit of change if your so inclined, or maybe just spend a moment thinking about what brought them to this point in their lives. Then be thankful that you have your "facilities" to look work, look after yourself, clean shelter over your head and food in your mouth.

We're "not getting rid of them", so please try to have a bit of compassion and tolerance :)
"So hand them a smoke or a bit of change if your so inclined, or maybe just spend a moment thinking about what brought them to this point in their lives."

And the employees of the local LCBO, Beer Store, or grocery store will think of you when they have call police or security to deal with intoxicated homeless guys who turn violent after they're refused that can of Crest or bottle of cheap mouthwash which they came to buy with the money you have given them.

If you truly have compassion and want the best for those individuals, give your money to charity. Good intentions are nice and all, but all you're doing is stroking your own ego and making life hard for those people whose daily interactions with the homeless consist of more than just "passing by".
Remember, folks, the homeless aren't there just by choice, *they're there by design*--literally, thanks to the St. Christopher House Meeting Place (which IIRC was reviewed positively when it opened up in the 90s). So, in effect, we're in a like-it-or-lump-it situation--and hey, why not.

And all things considered, the "blight" is quite surprisingly well contained within that corner--it isn't like the whole of the Queen & Bathurst environs are on a slippery slope to Vancouver Downtown Eastsidedom, even if that facility's the "Carnegie Centre" equivalent around here...
